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Absolutely sick...just sickening to think us as americans are doing this. Seeing these photos, reading the stories....im embarrased to be an american right now. Americans dont torture people, they dont attach wires to peoples extremeties and laugh at them, this is not the American way. Just embarrasing and cruel....didnt we go into Irag to stop this?



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Didnt look...I apologize...

I just really wanted to post this here only because I think EVERY american needs to at least be aware of it. Not everyone goes to the political forum (obviously not me lol) but sometimes a certain item of discussion needs to be brought up with everyone. I think American soldiers torturing Iraqis in the most extreme ways needs to be seen by everyone, its important.

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Figured it'd be moved.....I understand its not football related but it is sure damn important to let every american know that a part of the armed forces is embarrasing Americans in the states and are commiting acts that would throw them in jail for years here. But if you want people to keep ignoring the obvious, and realize America's goal is imperialism and to spread "its way of living" everywhere there is a yellow skin colored guy with a gun then go for it.

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It has nothing to do with wanting people to ignore the obvious. In fact, unless you don't own a TV or radio, this story would be hard to avoid. But we have different forums for a reason. Try not to assume the worst and post things in the appropriate forums.

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A few bad apples. Deal with it and move on. There are worse things out there. And I really don't remember any captives they had of ours that were put up in a five star hotel. Doesn't make it right, but its not the worst thing happening over there.

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Figured it'd be moved.....I understand its not football related but it is sure damn important to let every american know that a part of the armed forces is embarrasing Americans in the states and are commiting acts that would throw them in jail for years here.  But if you want people to keep ignoring the obvious, and realize America's goal is imperialism and to spread "its way of living" everywhere there is a yellow skin colored guy with a gun then go for it.

Amen Brother. As soon as we kill'em all, we'll be better off.

Mod note: No name calling. Attack arguments, not people.

I was talking about the person saying to kill'em all just cause they are yellow skinned. Would you not call that person a moron?

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A few bad apples. Deal with it and move on. There are worse things out there. And I really don't remember any captives they had of ours that were put up in a five star hotel. Doesn't make it right, but its not the worst thing happening over there.

Actually, CCT, Thomas Hamill and Jessica Lynch both said they were treated very well Hammill was given antibiotics for an injury he sustained and Lynch had her wounds treated as well. It may or may not reflect the treatment all Americans have received, but their treatment of ours will most definitely decline in quality because of this.

I don't think they should be treated that way and certainly if pictures and videos are made, the soldiers shouldn't look as if they enjoyed doing it so much.

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Sure....All of the Americans that are captured are treated well.....RAPED..BEATEN...

I guess it depends on whether or not we use a "liberal" definition.......... :rolleyes:

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A few bad apples. Deal with it and move on. There are worse things out there. And I really don't remember any captives they had of ours that were put up in a five star hotel. Doesn't make it right, but its not the worst thing happening over there.

Actually, CCT, Thomas Hamill and Jessica Lynch both said they were treated very well Hammill was given antibiotics for an injury he sustained and Lynch had her wounds treated as well. It may or may not reflect the treatment all Americans have received, but their treatment of ours will most definitely decline in quality because of this.

I don't think they should be treated that way and certainly if pictures and videos are made, the soldiers shouldn't look as if they enjoyed doing it so much.

Yeah, I particularly liked the way the Americans were driven around town in a limo instead of having their lifeless bodies dragged through the streets. Oh, I guess that didn't really happen, huh?

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Sure....All of the Americans that are captured are treated well.....RAPED..BEATEN...

I guess it depends on whether or not we use a "liberal" definition.......... :rolleyes:

What American POW's/hostages have been raped and/or beaten? I haven't heard of any.

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Figures.... You all are so inhumane with your comments right now. I cant believe some of the replies to this post. Americans are not ******* barbarians that have to pee on prisoners, rape them, and do other acts of violence.

WAKE UP PEOPLE, THESE ARE WARCRIMES....nothing to ever be happy about, side with, or even make excuses for.

I hope these soldiers who commited these acts get sent home, and put in jail, to be embarrased with these acts for the rest of there lives.

Dont even say its a few bad apples....remember vietnam? Ya...alot of old people around some of your ages said the same thing.....but Hey, its ok right?

Concieted americans....Im embarrased to be one. Making excuses to right this wrong doing. Terrible. I actually expected alot of intellectual replies...but frankly y'all seem just as messed up as the other dictator torturing people and making excuses.

Keep making excuses americans. Its ok for americans to do acts of violence like rape, pissing on prisoners, beating them, etc but its not ok for another country to do it. Yep....good ole America, were we protect the corrupt and beat the free.

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A few bad apples. Deal with it and move on. There are worse things out there. And I really don't remember any captives they had of ours that were put up in a five star hotel. Doesn't make it right, but its not the worst thing happening over there.

Funny...arent the ones who commited the 9/11 attacks a "few bad apples" ? Why couldnt we dealt with it, moved on? Oh ya thats right, because its not HUMANE idiot.

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Vatz, I too feel very strongly about this issue, but there is no reason to take other people's opinions so personally.

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Figures.... You all are so inhumane with your comments right now. I cant believe some of the replies to this post. Americans are not ******* barbarians that have to pee on prisoners, rape them, and do other acts of violence.

WAKE UP PEOPLE, THESE ARE WARCRIMES....nothing to ever be happy about, side with, or even make excuses for.

I hope these soldiers who commited these acts get sent home, and put in jail, to be embarrased with these acts for the rest of there lives.

Dont even say its a few bad apples....remember vietnam? Ya...alot of old people around some of your ages said the same thing.....but Hey, its ok right?

Concieted americans....Im embarrased to be one. Making excuses to right this wrong doing. Terrible. I actually expected alot of intellectual replies...but frankly y'all seem just as messed up as the other dictator torturing people and making excuses.

Keep making excuses americans. Its ok for americans to do acts of violence like rape, pissing on prisoners, beating them, etc but its not ok for another country to do it. Yep....good ole America, were we protect the corrupt and beat the free.

Keep generalizing vatz. A couple of people make comments you don't care for and you're ashamed to be an American. Please tell me you think on a deeper level than that.

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Figures....  You all are so inhumane with your comments right now.  I cant believe some of the replies to this post.  Americans are not ******* barbarians that have to pee on prisoners, rape them, and do other acts of violence.

WAKE UP PEOPLE, THESE ARE WARCRIMES....nothing to ever be happy about, side with, or even make excuses for.

I hope these soldiers who commited these acts get sent home, and put in jail, to be embarrased with these acts for the rest of there lives.

Dont even say its a few bad apples....remember vietnam?  Ya...alot of old people around some of your ages said the same thing.....but Hey, its ok right? 

Concieted americans....Im embarrased to be one.  Making excuses to right this wrong doing.  Terrible.  I actually expected alot of intellectual replies...but frankly y'all seem just as messed up as the other dictator torturing people and making excuses.

Keep making excuses americans.  Its ok for americans to do acts of violence like rape, pissing on prisoners, beating them, etc but its not ok for another country to do it.  Yep....good ole America, were we protect the corrupt and beat the free.

Keep generalizing vatz. A couple of people make comments you don't care for and you're ashamed to be an American. Please tell me you think on a deeper level than that.

Maybe, probably, it wasn't the comments, but the actions of the soldiers that makes him ashamed.

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Concieted americans....Im embarrased to be one. Making excuses to right this wrong doing. Terrible. I actually expected alot of intellectual replies...but frankly y'all seem just as messed up as the other dictator torturing people and making excuses.

Keep making excuses americans. Its ok for americans to do acts of violence like rape, pissing on prisoners, beating them, etc but its not ok for another country to do it. Yep....good ole America, were we protect the corrupt and beat the free.

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Figures....  You all are so inhumane with your comments right now.  I cant believe some of the replies to this post.  Americans are not ******* barbarians that have to pee on prisoners, rape them, and do other acts of violence.

WAKE UP PEOPLE, THESE ARE WARCRIMES....nothing to ever be happy about, side with, or even make excuses for.

I hope these soldiers who commited these acts get sent home, and put in jail, to be embarrased with these acts for the rest of there lives.

Dont even say its a few bad apples....remember vietnam?  Ya...alot of old people around some of your ages said the same thing.....but Hey, its ok right? 

Concieted americans....Im embarrased to be one.  Making excuses to right this wrong doing.  Terrible.  I actually expected alot of intellectual replies...but frankly y'all seem just as messed up as the other dictator torturing people and making excuses.

Keep making excuses americans.  Its ok for americans to do acts of violence like rape, pissing on prisoners, beating them, etc but its not ok for another country to do it.  Yep....good ole America, were we protect the corrupt and beat the free.

Keep generalizing vatz. A couple of people make comments you don't care for and you're ashamed to be an American. Please tell me you think on a deeper level than that.

Im ashamed because of the acts being commited here. I dont care if people hate the issue, love it or whatever. Im just trying to do what I think is right and get this issue out, and support the RIGHT way of doing things.

I could care less if some people here like the idea of what the army is doing. I was just very saddened by it.

So dont misread me, im not ashamed because of what fellow americans are saying...Im ashamed because we are hurting people like this when America is so much greater than this.

And titan....I was talking to America as a whole, saying," Concieted americans...I am embarrased to be one"....Im only ashamed because of what the armed forces are doing.

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That's still an overgeneralization. I'm not embarrassed to be an American at all. There are hundreds of thousands of troops over there. We have, what, less than 20 people or so involved in this activity? Even if it were 100 soldiers who participated in this terrible activity, that would only be .04 percent of the total number of soldiers over there (based on an estimate of 230,000 US soldiers).

What they did was shameful, no doubt. But you're painting with a very broad brush which I think is unfair to our soldiers and unfair to Americans in general.

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That's still an overgeneralization.  I'm not embarrassed to be an American at all.  There are hundreds of thousands of troops over there.  We have, what, less than 20 people or so involved in this activity?  Even if it were 100 soldiers who participated in this terrible activity, that would only be .04 percent of the total number of soldiers over there (based on an estimate of 230,000 US soldiers). 

What they did was shameful, no doubt.  But you're painting with a very broad brush which I think is unfair to our soldiers and unfair to Americans in general.

I dont care if one american did it....its a representation of ALL OF US.....us as american people...and you damn right better believe im ashamed of it.

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Concieted americans....Im embarrased to be one. Making excuses to right this wrong doing. Terrible. I actually expected alot of intellectual replies...but frankly y'all seem just as messed up as the other dictator torturing people and making excuses.

Keep making excuses americans. Its ok for americans to do acts of violence like rape, pissing on prisoners, beating them, etc but its not ok for another country to do it. Yep....good ole America, were we protect the corrupt and beat the free.

All those ashamed to be an American please leave the country!

What do you know about Viet Nam except what your daddy sKerry told you?

We did not go after all muslims, Mr. Confused, we went after all terrorists. I can assure you there is no such thing as a GOOD (speaking in apple terms) terrorist!

These types of things happen in every war. But they are truly exceptions and not the rule. They will get what's coming to them. But for you to pee yourself over the situation is a little absurd. And nobody condoned it, we just pointed out that our nation does not have amonopoly on bad things happening to our opponents. It's called war little boy, it happens. But it does not define our country. Just as murder, rape, and all forms of violent acts do not define americans as a whole. Bad apples occur in every society. That's why we have processes set up to eliminate these types of people. Is it horrible, yes. Is it to define the whole war, hell no!

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Whatever. I know some people will see that and take it as how Americans are in general. But I choose to evaluate the situation on a deeper and more considered level than that. These guys by their actions have betrayed America's ideals and I accept no kinship with them.

Yep....good ole America, were we protect the corrupt and beat the free.

Oh for heaven's sake grow up and expand your understanding beyond empty sloganeering. :roll:

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Guest AuNuma1
I dont care if one american did it....its a representation of ALL OF US.....us as american people...and you damn right better believe im ashamed of it.

Make up your mind dude. Didn't you just say that we shouldn't generalize middle easterners because of the few "bad apples" that caused the 9/11 tragedy? But now you're saying that the 20 American "bad apples" that did this represents "ALL OF US"?

I smell BS and it stinks!

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As someone who's been overseas in the military I understand what vatz is saying. It only takes a few 'bad apples' to make people in a host country have a negative opinion of Americans. I was in Germany and am only talking about general rudeness. What we have here in Iraq is much more serious.

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As someone who's been overseas in the military I understand what vatz is saying. It only takes a few 'bad apples' to make people in a host country have a negative opinion of Americans. I was in Germany and am only talking about general rudeness. What we have here in Iraq is much more serious.

Once again, what has changed?


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