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Hey how's that foreign policy going?


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,,,,,,how about another beer beer summit?


Obama & Hillary picking winners!


Obama & Hillary they have their finger on the pulse of,,,,,,,,,,

Oh hell it's 3a.m.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced the U.S. administration's intention to officially renew dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. She said the move came as part of the administration's readiness to talk with any peaceful group wishing to participate in the Egyptian elections, and that this dialogue would be a continuation of limited and intermittent contact that had existed between the U.S. and the Muslim Brotherhood over the past six years.

Responding to Clinton's statements in an article published on the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood, its secretary general in Cairo, Dr. Muhammad Al-Biltagi, wrote that the movement had no personal interest in engaging in dialogue with the U.S., except as part of dialogue between the U.S. and Egypt as a whole. He added that the U.S.'s supportive stance toward Israel, its aggressive policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and its support of Mubarak's anti-Muslim Brotherhood policies could not be ignored.

Or, "once we take over we have no intention of having the close relationship with the U.S. that it had under Mubarak. Oh, and as long as you support Israel and are in other Muslim countries, we’re not particularly interested in "dialogue" either."


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