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Stark-raving mad legislator from California

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Old Editorial on Pete Starke

not sure anyone else has posted on this guy, but he's the one that responded so harshly to the soldier that just returned from iraq. this is not his first PR snafu, evidently....

THERE WAS a time when Democrats were in control of the House and Rep. Pete Stark, D-Fremont, was well regarded for his command of health and tax issues.

Today, the Republicans rule the House and Stark is mostly known as a back bencher who can't control his tongue.

Stark, 71, added to his legend of buffoonery last week when he called Rep. Scott McInnis, R-Colo., "a little wimp" and a "little fruitcake" -- and suggested the two should step outside. Capitol police were called to the hearing.

It was reminiscent of the 2001 debate when Stark made a reference to the children of Rep. J.C. Watts, R-Okla., all being "born out of wedlock." It was not only insulting, it was -- as Watts pointedly told Stark in a face-to-face confrontation -- not true.

And there was the time he accused Rep. Nancy Johnson, R-Conn., of being a "whore for the insurance industry." Stark once brought up President Bush's personal battles with alcohol during a debate on federal funding of faith- based programs.

Yes, this is the same Pete Stark who in 1990 suggested former Health and Human Services Director Louis Sullivan, an African American, was a "disgrace to his race."

Only a politician who assumes he has a job for life could behave so badly on a semi-regular basis by spewing personalized invective that might get him punched in certain East Bay taverns. Would-be challengers sometimes sense a whiff of opportunity, but the reality of taking on a 16-term Democrat in solidly liberal terrain is nothing short of daunting.

Surely there must be someone along the shoreline between Alameda and Fremont who could represent the good citizens of the district with class and dignity. It's not the case now.

why, again, hasn't this guy received the "lott" treatment?

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For the same reason that the Dems were apoplectic about Lott's comments, but virtually silent when Dodd said the same kind of thing about Byrd. Basically it works like this:

1. Only Republicans can be racist.

2. Only Republicans can be mean-spirited and inappropriate.

3. Only Republicans use character assasination as a defense.

4. If a Democrat makes a racist, mean-spirited, or inappropriate comment, or commits character assasination, see rules 1-3.

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For the same reason that the Dems were apoplectic about Lott's comments, but virtually silent when Dodd said the same kind of thing about Byrd. Basically it works like this:

1. Only Republicans can be racist.

2. Only Republicans can be mean-spirited and inappropriate.

3. Only Republicans use character assasination as a defense.

4. If a Democrat makes a racist, mean-spirited, or inappropriate comment, or commits character assasination, see rules 1-3.

You missed number 5, but, I think that's a secret one we're not allowed to discuss with outsiders! :D

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#5 liberals are socialist.

Glad to assist ! ! ! :D

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