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War Damn Carolina Panthers!


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This has been a fun day and a half for Auburn.

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I'll check up on how they're doing, might look into a game or two..., but become a fan of Carolina ?

Not bloody likely.

Wish those guys the best. Truly, but that's as far as it goes w/ me.

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Man, sure seems like the Panthers had a plan in place. 2 out of four senior OL that helped Cam and his main target. Hope they didn't make Malzahn an offer he can't refuse.

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Any word on the players who haven't been signed yet? Such as Kodi?

I think he is going to be a GA with the team, would he still be a UDFA if that's what he wanted to do?

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Any word on the players who haven't been signed yet? Such as Kodi?

I think he is going to be a GA with the team, would he still be a UDFA if that's what he wanted to do?

Not sure bout that. Savage is the Defensive GA, and is it official Kodi is the Offensive GA?

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Have the preseason schedules been released yet letting us know when Carolina will be playing and whether televised or not? If anyone has seen please so I can set my iphone to remind me when to watch. Can't wait to see all of our Auburn guys play.

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Have the preseason schedules been released yet letting us know when Carolina will be playing and whether televised or not? If anyone has seen please so I can set my iphone to remind me when to watch. Can't wait to see all of our Auburn guys play.

The first one is against the Giants on the 13th @ 8 (Assuming Eastern Time). Can probably stream it form somewhere.

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I have to take a moment to complain. I'm in Atlanta, and am a Falcons fan. The other teams in the NFC South:

New Orleans- Heath Evans, and now Will Herring

Tampa Bay- Caddy

Carolina- How much time ya got?

Atlanta? JPW and Julio. Dirty Birds, indeed. (Don't actually have anything against either player, but JPW & Julio vs Cam & DA??? COME ON!)

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Try being a Jag fan. I was so hyped when we drafted my boy Quentin Groves, even got the jersey, and then we traded him to Oakland....

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