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To release, or not to release...


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Technically, Kerry is not saying to remove any oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, but he would stop any adding to it, which effectively is the same thing in terms of its effect on oil prices:

PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters) - With the retail price of gasoline topping $2 a gallon for the first time, Democratic White House hopeful John Kerry on Tuesday chided President Bush for failing to offer hard-hit consumers any help.

The Massachusetts senator's Democratic colleagues plan to pressure the Bush administration to lower gas costs by demanding that up to 60 million barrels of crude oil be released from the nation's emergency stockpile, but Kerry said last week he would not tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).


But in Feb. 2000, during the Clinton administration, when gas prices were escalating, Kerry said:

[A release] "is not relevant. It would take months for the oil to get to the market," (Cathy Landry, "US Energy Chief Warns Of Gasoline Crisis," Platt's Oilgram News, 2/17/00)

So manipulating the SPR is "relevant" now, but not then? The amounts being pumped into the SPR are a miniscule amount of the overall oil market and wouldn't affect prices one whit. Is this just another case of Kerry just looking for something to criticize Bush on that has no basis in fact, and contradicts his position when we were under a Democratic administration?

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Is this just another case of Kerry just looking for something to criticize Bush on

Oooo...let's hope so!!! Go get him, John!!!

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Well, I expect criticism...but could he at least do it in a way that doesn't further the image of him as a political opportunist that can't keep his positions on the issues straight?

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Is this just another case of Kerry just looking for something to criticize Bush on

It appears that is all Kerry & the dems have and their followers almost bust a nut with glee when he does. :rolleyes:

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