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There is probably some land in Guyana available. :o

ChristianExodus.org has been established to coordinate the move of 50,000 or more Christians to a single conservative state in the U.S. for the express purpose of reestablishing constitutional governance.  It is evident that our Constitution has been abandoned under our current federal system.  The efforts of Christian activism have proven futile over the past five decades and, whereas desperate times require desperate measures, we are now in the most desperate of times.  The federal government is considering whether marriage, the foundation of civilization since Creation, should be reserved solely to a man and a woman.  Christians must now draw a line in the sand and unite in a sovereign state to dissolve our bond with the current union comprised as the United States of America.

The success of ChristianExodus.org will lead to an independent Christian nation where people may once again worship God under the protection of a friendly government.  In addition, such a nation will be free of burdensome taxation and federal meddling in local affairs.  Matter of factly, the liberties we have lost to liberalism over the past century will be restored in one fell swoop.

ChristianExodus.org is orchestrating the move of 50,000 or more Christians to one of three States for the express purpose of dissolving that State’s bond with the union.  The three States under consideration are Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina.  The exact destination will be chosen by vote of our membership.  Our move will commence when the federal government forces sodomite marriages on our local communities or once we reach the 50,000-member mark, whichever comes first.


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ChristianExodus.org is orchestrating the move of 50,000 or more Christians to one of three States for the express purpose of dissolving that State’s bond with the union.  The three States under consideration are Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. 

If Alabama is the state chosen, and it dissolves its bond with the union - what about our state universities? Would this mean that Auburn would be out of the SEC?


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