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From the administration that promises you


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LEAHY: Has there been any order directed from the president with respect to interrogation of detainees, prisoners or combatants, yes or no?

ASHCROFT: I'm not in a position to answer that question.

LEAHY: Does that mean because you don't know or you don't want to answer? I don't understand.

ASHCROFT: The answer to that question is yes.

Uh, who's on first?

A man who sounds like he has something to hide.

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I don't know. I surmise from this exchange that Leahy needs to ask better questions (i.e. ones that aren't so lame) if he thinks he's going to outfox Ashcroft into implicating either himself or the President. Nice try, Senator. Now, ... go back & brush up on Investigative Questioning 101 so you can conclude in your report something more conclusive than: "I think this witness has something to hide. Not sure what, though." :D Sheesh, ... and to think we're paying these people too! :o

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I don't know.  I surmise from this exchange that Leahy needs to ask better questions (i.e. ones that aren't so lame) if he thinks he's going to outfox Ashcroft into implicating either himself or the President.  Nice try, Senator.  Now, ... go back & brush up on Investigative Questioning 101 so you can conclude in your report something more conclusive than:  "I think this witness has something to hide.  Not sure what, though."  :D  Sheesh, ... and to think we're paying these people too!  :o
LEAHY: Has there been any order directed from the president with respect to interrogation of detainees, prisoners or combatants, yes or no?

Not straightforward enough for a straightforward no nonsense guy like you, huh?

I'm putting you down as at least a three gallon a day kool aid drinker.

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Three or thirty-three gal/day -- it has nothing to do with Kool-Aid consumption rate.

The questioning was lame because it's clear he expected Ashcroft to just volunteer privileged information. He didn't even try to manuever Ashcroft. If Leahy got anything more definitive out of this line of questioning than: "I think the witness has something to hide" then please, by all means, share it with us.

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Three or thirty-three gal/day -- it has nothing to do with Kool-Aid consumption rate. 

The questioning was lame because it's clear he expected Ashcroft to just volunteer privileged information.  He didn't even try to manuever Ashcroft.  If Leahy got anything more definitive out of this line of questioning than:  "I think the witness has something to hide" then please, by all means, share it with us.

Some people call it answering a straightforward question. It is probably what you would call it if a Dem cabinet member had given Ashcroft's response. Spin, spin, spin.

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