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Arizona tells Doctors to Lie


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Not exactly. It doesn't allow for suing a doctor for "wrongful birth." Now, we can debate the merits of such an exemption but where it comes from is not a place "telling doctors to lie", it's to prevent cases where a doctor misses a diagnosis in utero such as Down Syndrome or some other health defect, and the parents then come back and sue the doctor for not catching it. Most of these laws stemmed from a case that began back in 2007 where an Oregon couple sued because of a "botched test" for Down's Syndrome that came back with 'normal' results. The child was born and has Down's. The couple says they would have aborted her had they known ahead of time and they were recently awarded almost $3 million.

With thread titles like this, arnie, you really have no room to complain about FoxNews' misleading headlines.

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Not exactly. It doesn't allow for suing a doctor for "wrongful birth." Now, we can debate the merits of such an exemption but where it comes from is not a place "telling doctors to lie", it's to prevent cases where a doctor misses a diagnosis in utero such as Down Syndrome or some other health defect, and the parents then come back and sue the doctor for not catching it. Most of these laws stemmed from a case that began back in 2007 where an Oregon couple sued because of a "botched test" for Down's Syndrome that came back with 'normal' results. The child was born and has Down's. The couple says they would have aborted her had they known ahead of time and they were recently awarded almost $3 million.

With thread titles like this, arnie, you really have no room to complain about FoxNews' misleading headlines.

"So Doc, what does the amniosantesis tell us"?

Doc 'uh, uh nothing much uh uh"

You know as well as I do what this is about

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As I said, there can be a debate on the merits of what it will also allow in the course of trying to protect doctors from goofy lawsuits based on an assumption of infallibility. But your characterization (Arizona tells doctors to lie) was bull****. It's not the intent of the bill to protect willful liars and if it needs to be clarified to make sure that distinction is made, fine. But your headline was a crock.

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