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I don't start many posts and just chime in here and there, but even though most of us seem to be good AU men and women there are great difference on this political board. I was wondering why such differences. I thought we could share things about ourselves and background that would shed light without being specific. You can post whatever you want and it is not to be used against someone later on. I am interested in some of your backgrounds and why we see eye to eye on AU football and sports, we can apart politically. If mods thinks this should not be here, just deep six it.

I will start.

I am in my fifties. Married over 30 years and 3 children. 2 married and youngest in college/working. Other 2 have graduated.

I graduated from AU with a business degree. Undergraduate only, no post graduate work.

I have lived in Alabama most of my life with a few years in GA but have been to most states and major cites. No international travel.

I have worked for private/for profit business my complete life. I owned a small business for a few years and sold it.

I consider myself self sufficient and believe others should also. My children graduated college without any debt or loans (as I). We accomplished this through savings and working while in school. They graduated (as I) on time in 4 years.

I consider myself religious and attend a protestant church.

I am what most would call conservative.

I am not anti govt, but do believe our government spends too much on too many wasteful things and too many entitlements. I do believe our government has done great things in the past that separates us from other countries and inspires/allows our citizens to be successful. My example of this may be humdrum, but the interstate highway system has allowed our country to grow and be prosperous like no other. The ability to move people and goods like we do I believe has separated us from other countries. And to do it freely without undo regulation and ease. I think this is something that only a federal government could have done.

Just my thoughts.

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It is amazing that we have so many differences regarding politics. Sounds like we agree on a lot.

I'm 56, graduated in 78 HPR but stayed for grad school with MEd in HPR in 80. Then went into USAF and flew A-10s and trainers for 20 years. Retired in Jan 2001 and got on with Fedex flying 727, DC-10, 777, and MD-11.

Moved around in the AF to OK, SC, NM, AZ, Ramstein, Germany, and FL. With Fedex have seen almost all states plus extended time in Anchorage, Seoul, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tokyo, Osaka, London, and Paris.

Trust me when I say that we in the US have it way better than anywhere else on the earth. I believe this is because of our style of government and the success that style of government allows to happen.

I'm married for 26 years with 3 kids two done with college one a junior who plays women's golf. Older son has student loan debts due to out of state tuition. I am a Christian who attends a local Presbyterian church with my wife and whomever is home at the time from school, work, etc. I also feel that our Christian faith us under assault from all sides, especially the government and schools.

Not anti government either, but think the feds have too much power and growing. Definitely conservative, and without throwing spears, believe the current president desires to change our form of government to something else resulting in the destruction of our Constitution and our prosperous nation.

I strongly agree with you that we spend way too much money on wasteful, fraudulent, and sometimes ludicrous things and we must bring our budget back into balance if we want to succeed.

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It is admirable to want to give background information in order that we can understand each other. I advise against it, however. Despite the fact that almost all of us are Auburn people, some people on this forum will use their perceptions of your background against you. This forum is not mature enough for too much honesty, and not honest enough for too much maturity.

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