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Tuscaloosa shooting


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Just saw this on itat, and it was the 1st I'd heard about it. The ATL sports radio hasn't uttered a peep about it yet. Early word is that 4 were critically shot, but no fatalities as of yet. Hope it stays that way.

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From the pic, it looks as though this idiot used a rifle. However, even though I support the Bill of Rights, I am sick of reading about people being killed with handguns. Do we really need them? Let them knife each other. They will not endanger innocent bystanders, and they'll need a bit more guts to come into close contact with the other.

It's sad that this happened - even in TurdTown. This killing crap just gets old to me.

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My thoughts and prays to those down there, sadly we understand how it feels for this to go on. Again my prayers to T Town.

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17 people shot, no reports of fatalaties yet, thankfully. Legal, I'm more inclined to ban assault rifles like the one used here. I don't think he used a low capacity or bolt action rifle, but rather something like an AK-47. From the witness reports, and the people on BOL who got shot, it sounds like it was of the semi-automatic variety.

Thankfully it wasn't a full auto. But I still don't see why we need access to this kind of weaponry in America. I'm not for gun control, and I do own a nice .40 S&W. But an AK47? Really?

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The gun isn't the issue. It's the broken individual who is. Glad he didn't know how to use it. Likely not registered or having any sort of a permit. Hope they catch him.

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The gun isn't the issue. It's the broken individual who is. Glad he didn't know how to use it. Likely not registered or having any sort of a permit. Hope they catch him.

It's not? If he didn't have a gun what would the headline be? "Man hits four people with a stick before being plummeted by bar patrons"

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The gun isn't the issue. It's the broken individual who is. Glad he didn't know how to use it. Likely not registered or having any sort of a permit. Hope they catch him.

For the most part, I agree with this sentiment. However, when it comes to large capacity magazines and assault rifles, I think that tips the scales. That's why you read that 17 people were shot and not 3.

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My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected. Husband got called in early to work on this. It's made it to the national news too.

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The gun isn't the issue. It's the broken individual who is. Glad he didn't know how to use it. Likely not registered or having any sort of a permit. Hope they catch him.

It's not? If he didn't have a gun what would the headline be? "Man hits four people with a stick before being plummeted by bar patrons"

If the man is messed up he is not going to carry the gun into the bar. It doesn't matter what the laws are on any firearms, people can and will get them through illegal means. Just b/c someone has access to firearms doesn't mean they need/have to use it. It is about the person in possession of that weapon, not the weapon. I've owned a handgun since starting in LE in 1997, my gun (or me) has never gone off spraying 15-20 bullets in a crowded place. Bottom line is, people are going to be able to get weapons illegally b/c the market is there, more laws would equal a bigger market. It's not the sole possession of the gun that is the problem, but the individuals use of said gun.

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Not that this is the forum, but you don't see these headlines in China, where guns are both illegal and very difficult to find. Gun control works if you're willing to take it to the extreme (take them off the shelves altogether or, like China, even limit the law enforcement officers that are allowed to carry). I'm wondering at what point America will actually consider the alternatives. Clearly, we're not close because people still defend the right to carry with such vehemence.

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The gun isn't the issue. It's the broken individual who is. Glad he didn't know how to use it. Likely not registered or having any sort of a permit. Hope they catch him.

It's not? If he didn't have a gun what would the headline be? "Man hits four people with a stick before being plummeted by bar patrons"

If the man is messed up he is not going to carry the gun into the bar. It doesn't matter what the laws are on any firearms, people can and will get them through illegal means. Just b/c someone has access to firearms doesn't mean they need/have to use it. It is about the person in possession of that weapon, not the weapon. I've owned a handgun since starting in LE in 1997, my gun (or me) has never gone off spraying 15-20 bullets in a crowded place. Bottom line is, people are going to be able to get weapons illegally b/c the market is there, more laws would equal a bigger market. It's not the sole possession of the gun that is the problem, but the individuals use of said gun.

Again, I agree with much of your position. However, it would be much easier to get a handgun on the black market than it would be an assault rifle.

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The gun isn't the issue. It's the broken individual who is. Glad he didn't know how to use it. Likely not registered or having any sort of a permit. Hope they catch him.

For the most part, I agree with this sentiment. However, when it comes to large capacity magazines and assault rifles, I think that tips the scales. That's why you read that 17 people were shot and not 3.

If I'm not mistaken, some handguns hold 17 or more rounds.

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The gun isn't the issue. It's the broken individual who is. Glad he didn't know how to use it. Likely not registered or having any sort of a permit. Hope they catch him.

It's not? If he didn't have a gun what would the headline be? "Man hits four people with a stick before being plummeted by bar patrons"

If the man is messed up he is not going to carry the gun into the bar. It doesn't matter what the laws are on any firearms, people can and will get them through illegal means. Just b/c someone has access to firearms doesn't mean they need/have to use it. It is about the person in possession of that weapon, not the weapon. I've owned a handgun since starting in LE in 1997, my gun (or me) has never gone off spraying 15-20 bullets in a crowded place. Bottom line is, people are going to be able to get weapons illegally b/c the market is there, more laws would equal a bigger market. It's not the sole possession of the gun that is the problem, but the individuals use of said gun.

I own a .357 mag., but I'm not sure I'm proud of that fact.

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If I'm not mistaken, some handguns hold 17 or more rounds.

The Beretta 9mm military issue holds 16 rounds, There are probably others out there with larger capacity.

I don't know exactly how many firearms are in my house at the moment, more than ten for certain. Maybe it's time to inventory? Anyway, I've never used a firearm to attack a civilian. It's the owner, not the gun that matters and the sheer number of guns in private hands and the long-standing American tradition of gun ownership makes a China-type situation impossible to implement here.

Were the order passed to surrender all weapons, I might take two or three in but you can bet me and 99% of American gun owners would keep a healthy supply hidden away. It's in the genes.

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If I'm not mistaken, some handguns hold 17 or more rounds.

The Beretta 9mm military issue holds 16 rounds, There are probably others out there with larger capacity.

I don't know exactly how many firearms are in my house at the moment, more than ten for certain. Maybe it's time to inventory? Anyway, I've never used a firearm to attack a civilian. It's the owner, not the gun that matters and the sheer number of guns in private hands and the long-standing American tradition of gun ownership makes a China-type situation impossible to implement here.

Were the order passed to surrender all weapons, I might take two or three in but you can bet me and 99% of American gun owners would keep a healthy supply hidden away. It's in the genes.

Pistol caliber weapons with capacities in excess of 16 rounds (depending on the round), are too numerous to mention. Remember the Fort Hood guy? FN Five-Seven with extra magazines. 20 round magazines are standard on that gun.

I'm an admitted gun guy, but I'm not a gun nut, or by extension a "nut" period.

Tragedies like this unfortunately happen, it's a bad thing, and I hate it for the families of those involved.

But make no mistake, it's the psycho pulling the trigger, not the gun at fault.


This guy went to the trouble of bringing a rifle out vs. a handgun. That's some hardcore crazy right there.

A-holes like this give us legitimate weapons enthusiasts a bad name.

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This guy went to the trouble of bringing a rifle out vs. a handgun. That's some hardcore crazy right there.

A-holes like this give us legitimate weapons enthusiasts a bad name.

My thoughts exactly. This guy wasn't caught up in the moment and lost his cool. This was calculated.

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Well, I am of the opinion that as a sane, at least I hope so, individual I have to right to protect myself and my possessions with whatever force is neccessary. It is most unfortunate that a nut job like this would used a gun in such a manner. I owe several firearms of different types,(saiga 12 ga., SKS 7.62x39, AR-15) and am also a conceal carry permit holder. My daughter who is now 18 and headed for college in the spring is a fine shooter as well. The person who did this is nothing like the millions of legal gun owners in our nation. Taking any more liberties from law abiding citizens would only embolden the criminal element in our society.

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I should've led with this. Tuscaloosa and the victims are in my prayers. This is a real tragedy (thankfully without a death toll at this point) that deserves attention and sympathy, not a debate. Sorry. My post was in poor taste.

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I should've led with this. Tuscaloosa and the victims are in my prayers. This is a real tragedy (thankfully without a death toll at this point) that deserves attention and sympathy, not a debate. Sorry. My post was in poor taste.

Agree. :thumbsup:

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fwiw, the land of my birth has virtually no gun restrictions yet incredibly low murders per capita in a country of about 80 million. Of course it also has 3d world country TV capabilities so canucks miss out on how to hold handguns sideways gangsta-style, empty a semi-auto clip into a crowded mall, etc.


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My prayers for all victims and families in Tuscaloosa.

My prayers also for the psychos that are so mentally screwed up that they think it's okay to start spraying bullets into crowd. A similar thing happend in Toronto (not the US) last night:


As for gun control (A topic we should probably move to another forum/thread):

I'm libertarian enough to believe it's not the government's business what weapons, drugs, literature, or sexual practices consenting responsible adults tolerate in their own homes, so I have nothing against gun ownership even though I choose not to have one myself. These sort of mass shootings, along with trivial private arguments that turn violent or teenagers electing to "pop a cap" in someone for being "dissed", make me worry about the mass availability of firearms, though.

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People kill people. If not a gun, a bomb, or chemicals...etc.
Thoughts and prayers to those in need. Another sad day on a planet headed for chaos.

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Guy turned himself in at a FedEx office in Jasper. JPD took the man into custody.

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