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Favorite Eagle Flight?


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What was everybodies favorite pre-game eagle flight?  Mine has to have been for the '04 LSU game. I don't know for sure which eagle it was that flew that day but it seemed to just be toying with the crowd. It appeared to start down only to pull up for another lap... Great start to a great game

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Right when i saw the name of this thread I thought of that game....I was in the student section and i swear it flew 10 feet above my head, it pumped up the student section like never be4

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Our tailgate area raises a lot of money for the southeastern Raptor center, so we get to meet and talk to the handlers quite often. Mr Crow explained to us that on that day, the eagle was about to land at mid field where Marianne was waiting when the eagle spotted Mr. Crow in the crowd under the goal post in the crowd (eagles have great eye sight you know).  That's when the eagle went back up and soared over the student section. Mr Crow saw what was happening and stepped back into the tunnel where he wouldn't been seen.  After satisfying her curiosity the eagle landed at midfield.  If you have never gone, the Raptor Center has a show on Fri before every home game and occasionally on Sat morning.  They are very interesting and you learn a lot of info.  BTW, that was my favorite also.


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Our tailgate area raises a lot of money for the southeastern Raptor center, so we get to meet and talk to the handlers quite often. Mr Crow explained to us that on that day, the eagle was about to land at mid field where Marianne was waiting when the eagle spotted Mr. Crow in the crowd under the goal post in the crowd (eagles have great eye sight you know).  That's when the eagle went back up and soared over the student section. Mr Crow saw what was happening and stepped back into the tunnel where he wouldn't been seen.  After satisfying her curiosity the eagle landed at midfield.  If you have never gone, the Raptor Center has a show on Fri before every home game and occasionally on Sat morning.  They are very interesting and you learn a lot of info.  BTW, that was my favorite also.


Thanks for the info tigerbill.  I think Mr. Crow needs to do be spotted more often cause everytime i think about that flight it gives me chills.

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Out of every home game this year, it was LaTech. It flew for about 3 minutes and actually left the stadium at one point... All time? i'm not sure about that one.

how ever long it was... it sure seemed like forever didnt it?
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