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WELCOME!!! to AUBURN EAGLE ....... the Best Auburn site on the net, where it is FREE to be an Auburn Fan !!! This is a "Tribute" to all the Mods, that provide such accurate information and to just how well the site is ran !!! To our more seasoned members, show "Patience" with our new members (there's a lot of them), that may not be familiar with how everything works here at AE !!! As you can see, we've grown a lot in a short period of time, so help me Welcome those who have joined in the last week to the "Family" !!!

T!GERFAN, sprewellrimz, jsumner, MontanaTiger, MoDoAU, dwellz, auche82, ercxi, auburn123, mbmoore6, Maddie, keith, ARSNDAV, jannyn, dumous, treyau, PeterFrankenschmidt, auburnduck, leninbama, kirby, latiger, oldballcoach, aygattau, juliewent, jsw4au, ER_Tech_AU, Lou, wareagle1989, Bomonster, tjermain, rhyche, carolcapell, jqforau, jsujbyrd, 19auburn49, SLIMANOLE, tigertater, Numba1AUFan, 4AUTIGER, WDE21, TLV72, robertdale8, Roz4au2, Aubwareagle, Big Ole Auburn, Jville Tiger, wdetiger, wareagle60, Wahoo, Carpenter211, SCruzTiger, aubgrad66, AUclass80, deadfro, Auburn SN, Dyehard, hobotiger, moore20, phaisten, JDFARM1, mark3592, skevap, Offline    Gabaman, fredst, WDE70, Not A Insider, quick399, 1stbaldwineagle, cool daddy, EricVK, tiger42, aufan10287, gregf92, Martinisat5, I Believe in Auburn..., mommyeagle, Ttown_AUtiger, Mallardstacker, sholedc, VipersStrike1, au1975, AuburnMom, twintigers, bob_wareagle, Haley Central, auburntiger77, niceguyloveauburn, Samford Lawn Society, COSAMTiger2, auviewpoint, weathertiger, VA Beach Tiger, fanthatcrazy, jumstr4au, WarWestPalm, robo8473, AU4LIFE98, Budapesttiger, anderwm, chizchamp2010, JayStew, Oneontajones, auburnrulezall, WEGal, NWAHawg, r1ch12pk, jasonbaugh, AUIH1, auswoog, Oldarmyman, TampaTigerFan, realtracey, mwdeavers, tenntiger, rrddpp, brosstiger, TP3850, Chiz Chik, jjeaglefly, cmccullough, AUgold, jcggolfnut, FloreyLynn, tiggerfan68, autkidd, Tiger 72, augreg94, 79Aubie, aucwa, TigerStripes, wewantsix, jcaruthe, stretch, auman67, Smitty, alwaysready, BOoverthetop, Big Blue, kmac, kevon67, 1974AUgrad, The Dude, ad4mh420, Lambda Tiger, au7340, pat1micom, aucegrad02, laddy, 13usjg, tie5000, dilligas, toberholzer1, au421, coosaaufan, cwjgolf, tigertracks, audacious5, BMC4au, eaglewithstripes, wareagle1977, mactowntiger, scso42, ManassasTiger, SCC79, tbone2870@msn.com, Coolmello, bagdad, H-Dawg, fanaticalaub, WarEagleGuy, audab, mtsutiger, wareagle534, MG, auburnrulez10, 14zahnball, JimTiger, wareagle20, THSTiger83, LHERRING65, Thomas Hill, RTD, dke, kkeithaudad, hayseed, ALABAMASLAMMA, sibley, kboyd, as_yost, AU23, DWWD34, jsmithau9, Tyrone, tbch-mh, billtdykes, wareagle, Stevo79, Hawkinator, cmarks2437, muxi87, tigerboi256, 1IN04, BYAU1, 1QuarterWonder, bnik609, AU Gman, AU CPA 05, AUT!G3R, cincytiger, bobby_pttrsn, ktweedle, bigsippa, livinitupzzz, rbu 87, AUFan10, autigers77, pikap, Baxter, aufan3444, helenatiger, wwhjr4au, krobinson4, noahsark, GdaleTiger, trackem, BIG T 4 AU, wareagle2424, jambridges, AUThrillers, jakelions11, daphnetiger76, charliezorn, wareagle13, hbcauburn, Nova16, TmactheTiger, tbone2205, never4uat, richieb53, ghorner, TheNewtonEra, jpw1029, wardamn67, rated au, jjustjoe, bmsims8point, tigerfans2, bamabuster, auchris, Dr_AUTiger, oscar80, scoon, fishpilot, AU Dingo, auburntiger778, rj, shlbysweet, deerman, hayman, BeachTiger, yy4u, Letigre, AU0413, aumike13, JKHB12, potter, crazyAUBURNfan, gravejd, JayZ, leonj, wareagle50, jperk1237, Conleyga, wareaglelife, mdt911, Hur15cey, jpfudd5, JRRCPA, twc043, jgforau, AUBaller23, youareafool, bsumrall, PantsOnTheGround, DFWAUburn51, sierra98, ScoopScore, WarEagle68, vandyvoot, Pete, royaur, AUTiger03, jmcrosson, ronau57, screwtape, Da Boog, jmb71981, lhh3, bill003, godzilla, drew4860, CAVickrey, jmk3270, T3flon Armor, bmw4au, mobileAUtiger2014, BillinLA, wde101, ProtectThisHouse, AUAirPirate, Auburn95, jluvah, MGMeagle, kobaltkid, autigirl, jmas10, redfish99999, timdog88, AUspirit, AuTigerFan, WDEwoman22, AUBURN05, jkn3232, WeagleD24, ben0003269, AUBIGDUDE, cabbeach, Tommy T, butler2983, daloney, kttucker, KCGreen8824, MeanGeneExpress, wareagle2727, Auburn2154, RFJ, BurtonJ20, 35rb, auwench, sdgray1231, warEagle89, WORLDAUBURN, PhiMusLoveBoonesFarm, AUnChas, Cadillac256, snowman, Bunkey, Ed_, haynebr, edwardo, phb, drakedawg12, gobogo34, JWEAGLE, Auwootton, BUNCHIE, DAD4AU, autigersrjm,  Myrtlemsw, CajunTiger, dizzard42, AMM AU9893, ChuckTownTiger, apzills, Danny000, AU DVM 11, pologuy24, auburn321, AURules, WarEagle2074, War Eagle Baby, massema, ROCKMART TIGER, blakeburleson, bigrecman, auburntiger12, Rodh73, 21 Flames, jjerry22, Hawkigizer, EagleWar05, Cassmom, RealTime519, aumac99, Heirosp, aulwaysburn, barrkim, WDE23, AUBURN DOG, jraines13, shays1127, ultidisc, STLEAGLE, WoodstockTiger, murphsf, wfields15, Auburn73, patdyeswhiskey, alraby, jeffbt14, cmiles, sabanisthedevil, gldntigr, AWK, cregion7, Magnolia and College, War Eagle 31, autigers98, eeklein, Robert, WDE1999, Wareagleboy621, charles, AU2005, COAUTiger, AUhambone, tailor15, jmarshall, TrussvilleTiger, Hutch120289, russ82, AU Insider, Crunk365, AU Mom, asandman, wdefromny, kbcoleman, AU777, aubill, JRC43286, OldTown1898, TigerFan31, Frith, Nyteryder3, greggm32, Jeepman88, ScottAU22, tparks40, brandi, mysoutherncross, mikepruett, robthekid25, flightmedic99, auburnjunky, desertaz2@cox.net, J, cadillac24, auqueen, TennReg, RI_Tiger, mississippi_tiger, SRV1117, GwinnettAUTIGER, kflowers74, AUs Big Al, nsurfer73, Sullivan_Tiger, Auburn Alumni, bobbytweagle, roneagle12, ausum1984, SB Aubie, jtanner81, AUNC10, wareagle1104, rjred00, tigertrax, MillerTime219, WareagleMD, sAULTy71, bleeds o and b, Aubie23, Track_em, 92GRAD, oxtiger, AUISALL, Lawdog, beatbama4life, mjcc552, SignalMtnTiger, ausellers, FearTheTigers, longcoach, jumpn, jwwtiger, pirate75, tbon986, P Tank, bgleissner, DDayAU, greejo, littlevtiger, gameday, shirley4au9, Relleum34, boovertop, tipler4213, kfowler8, 4AUsince62, tom.vogtner, WarDamnEagle, auchampo6, Bubba, KolossalKat, MikeP, bpallen12, a0062429, segrerl, bzlivn, sportstiger, bonfeir03, jackstiger, warstanco, baldeagle05, waeagle, gcampbell6652, Bo Knows, rdf1, FoleyLion and last but not least .......... squishy4711 !!!

To say we've "Grown" a lot in a Short period of time is an "Understatement" !!!  ;)


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I have been a member for a couple of weeks now and just wanted everyone to know how awesome of a place this is for true Auburn fans.  I still go by the other site from time to time just to read the articles (al.com) but not like I use to before wareagleauburn.  It is an awesome experience to read what the greatest fans in the world believe about their team without having to weed yourself through the crap put on by people who I would be embarrassed to be associated with calling themselves Auburn fans and those fans who claim that other school.  I know I have rambled on but thank you for giving fans as myself a place to enjoy great Auburn fellowship without all the drama.  

War Eagle!!!

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I'm feeling left out...War Damn Eagle!

Did you read the whole list ???  :dunno: Check it again !!!  :laugh: Just kidding,  ;) I didn't go back that far, but if you were left out ....... WELCOME to AUBURN EAGLE Bro, your gonna "Love" it !!!  :thumbsup:

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Definitely the best message board I have been a member of.  And of course its free!  But to the mods and all the ones responsible for this site...thanks a million times over! 


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Definitely the best message board I have been a member of.  And of course its free!  But to the mods and all the ones responsible for this site...thanks a million times over! 


^^^ what he said!
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I agree.  I've only been here a couple of weeks and I can already tell this is a great site.  I have used Rivals a lot over the last 4 years.  Not to knock that site, because it is really good, but it's nice to see AU fans be able to converse without bickering and bashing each other.  It is great to see Bammers sniffed out and banned quickly.  The info here is great and the time of release even precedes the pay sites in many cases.  This is an awesome site!


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To our more seasoned members, show "Patience" with our new members (there's a lot of them), that may not be familiar with how everything works here at AE !!!

Yeah, like how warfalcon likes to add ALOT of FLAIR to his posts by changing sizes and colors of words... "and" puts "quotations" on "every" other "word"!!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:we: [glow=red,2,300]TO ALL OUR NEW FRIENDS, AND WELCOME HOME!!![/glow]   :we:

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To our more seasoned members, show "Patience" with our new members (there's a lot of them), that may not be familiar with how everything works here at AE !!!

Yeah, like how warfalcon likes to add ALOT of FLAIR to his posts by changing sizes and colors of words... "and" puts "quotations" on "every" other "word"!!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:we: [glow=red,2,300]TO ALL OUR NEW FRIENDS, AND WELCOME HOME!!![/glow]   :we:

Well, we are all "Different" .......... you should know that "first-hand" DJ !!!  :laugh:;):laugh:

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Well, we are all "Different" .......... you should know that "first-hand" DJ !!!  :laugh:;):laugh:

Yes we are, my friend... now come here, you!! ththhugnsquish.gif

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Well, we are all "Different" .......... you should know that "first-hand" DJ !!!  :laugh:;):laugh:

Yes we are, my friend... now come here, you!! ththhugnsquish.gif

You are, and "always" will be KING person-smiley-1152.gif of the EMOES !!!  :bow:

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