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Ronald McDonald

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Me too. I thought he would land in NY. Do the Phils really need any more pitching. Hell their rotation is Halladay, Oswalt, Lee, Hamels, and someone whose name escapes me. This is going to be tough. Anyone think there's any chance in Hades we trade for Zach Greinke? I seriously, seriously doubt it, but I've our name tossed out there a couple times. And did you change your name again?

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Me too. I thought he would land in NY. Do the Phils really need any more pitching. Hell their rotation is Halladay, Oswalt, Lee, Hamels, and someone whose name escapes me. This is going to be tough. Anyone think there's any chance in Hades we trade for Zach Greinke? I seriously, seriously doubt it, but I've our name tossed out there a couple times. And did you change your name again?

I just decided I would go with a new SN every day so as to confuse everyone.  Man, we'd be just as nasty as them with Greinke!
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:laugh: Honestly ever since you changed pictures its been getting me. It looks a lot like golf's picture. Anyways, yeah if we got Greinke we'd be nasty. Hudson, Greinke, Hanson, JJ, and Lowe. That'd be at least close to the Phils rotation, and with the addition of Uggla, and either Mclouth turns it on or we sign a center fielder who is at least decent, I think we'd still be the best in the division hands down. That's a lot of ifs though. It would take some great prospects to land Greinke, and we all know how Wren feels about that
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Guys. Don't worry about it. We have as good of a rotation as them top to bottom. Our bullpen is better. They lost Werth and Rollins is injury prone. We will be fine. They just blew their money on another starter and if we lose KK, we can upgrade LF.

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This makes me mad. Unfreakingbelievable. Who in Hades gives up signing with THE Yankees who offered more money and more years to sign with the Phillies?

If the Braves wanna challenge this rotation, we better make a huge move before the season starts and keep our players healthy.

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I saw where we are hosting the Civil Rights game this year. Isnt this the game where the teams wear Negro League throwbacks?

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I'm def. going to the one in Auburn. To be a tad more specific, Tim Hudson, Brandon Beachy, Kris Medlen, Brooks Conrad, and Brian Snitker will be at the Academy in Auburn next Saturday, Jan. 29th, from 3:30 to 4:30 signing autographs. And guess who'll be there? ME!

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Now that signing day is over (come on CK!) all I have to look foward to in my sports world is pitchers and cathcers reporting.

I'm curious to see if Heyard hits 2nd (with hopefully a healthy Chipper behind him) or sixth (with who knows at 7th).

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It's gonna be interesting. I have a friend who was invited to a scouts camp at Turner Field two weekends ago and said he wasn't very impressed with the Braves Front Office. He got the impression that they (Frank Wren in particular) were cheap and weren't in it to win championships. Ever since Ted Turner left, I've definitely felt this vibe. :'(

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