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Being realistic...


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I say one, maybe two, and if something bad happens, three of the following:

Alabama: self explanatory

Georgia: have had our number lately

LSU: same as uga

Arky: killer offense

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it just depends on how well we play and if we show up. we easily beat everyone on our schedule. we just have to show up and play all 4 quarters!

bama= over hyped and we shoulda beatem last year

ugay=not that great just lucky

lsu= theyre not great, also lucky

arkansas=offense is insane.

was i the only person watching these games last year? seriously. we can easily take all these games to the house.

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What games do we lose this year? I am thinking a 9 or 10 win season, anything less than 9 wins and I will be pissed.

This is a dancing smiley face free thread.

:bananadance:  :happydance:  :trampoline:  :partey:



This ^^^^?

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What games do we lose this year? I am thinking a 9 or 10 win season, anything less than 9 wins and I will be pissed.

This is a dancing smiley face free thread.

:bananadance:  :happydance:  :trampoline:  :partey:



This ^^^^?

You're a **** for posting those things.

post edited for language

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Hehe I couldnt resist  :tease:

Haha I'm not blaming you, at least not in this thread. I might take a bit of blame for this though...


true... he didnt say no dirty dancing pickles

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Hehe I couldnt resist  :tease:

Haha I'm not blaming you, at least not in this thread. I might take a bit of blame for this though...


true... he didnt say no dirty dancing pickles

That he didn't, that he didn't

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Realistically, I could see us winning anywhere from 7 to 11 games in the regular season. Alabama will certainly be good. LSU and UGA always have talent. Arkansas, much as I think they'll fall short of the preseason predictions, will be very dangerous offensively, at least. South Carolina could be a sleeper, because with an all world tailback and a senior QB, Spurrier might just put the "Fun" back in the Fun 'N Gun. Clemson looks to be pretty good as well.

It's not an easy schedule, but it never is in the SEC. I think 9-10 wins regular season is about as good a guess as you can get, all things considered. I mean, it's not outside the realm of possibilities that this team could go undefeated, just like it's not outside the realm of possibilities that we could go 6-6, just not very likely either way.

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hey rednilla, that was fun   :happydance:

Yeah, no kidding. :P

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The Turds have a hisman trophy RB and a QB that won the NC last year we will have to make alot of points to win that game. Will Cam Newton come thru?

I am not scared of Jordan Jefferson at LSU.

Arky. We will have to put alot of points on the board. Will Cam Newton come thru?

GA. could be a coin toss. If we win they will be lookin for a new HC.

SC. Hmmmm. if we win the ol' ball coach aka darth visor will plain ol quit!

I say 9-3 or 10-2 if Newton can do what he is sposed to be able to do.

We always seem to drop a game that we should dominate so I wont be blown away by 8-4.

We also pull off a miracle every now and then and would love 11-1.

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I feel the offense will be fine  :thumbsup: especially if Newton is the QB everyone thinks he will be. Defensively, and more importatnly, depth on defense will play a huge role in how well AU does this year. Hopefully, it will be a banner year for the Tigers  :wedance: I predict a 9 win season, ten if we get some luck along the way ie, injuries.

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What games do we lose this year? I am thinking a 9 or 10 win season, anything less than 9 wins and I will be pissed.

This is a dancing smiley face free thread.

There are those that appreciate the absence of smileys, dancing or not. Thanks.

To address the question I think 9-3. Anything less will be a disappointment. I thought 9-3 last year but Ky. and Ga. blew that one up.

South Carolina and Clemson are capable of causing problems and they come early in the schedule, before we've got all the pieces in place.

Newton must be adequate. If he's adequate we can win 9 or 10. If he has serious flaws we could well take a step backwards.

Less than 9 regular season wins will hinder our recruiting. If we can put up ten or more it will help in that area.

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