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Wild Cat weekend


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wtf is wildcat weekend?

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yeah, this is another weekend for entertaining recruits, just can't remember when it is?  :dunno:

Wow, I had never heard of it.

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He has nearly 5000 posts that are along the same lines. We have all grown accustomed to it by now

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Guest Autiger88

When is the date for Wild Cat weekend and what time will it start?

june 31st

2:00am bring lots of beer.

Maybe some red bulls too

You gotta bring lots of food to We need food!!

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When is the date for Wild Cat weekend and what time will it start?

I believe it is in the basement of the Alamo

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God Bless A4E!!! What would we do without him? I SERIOUSLY think we should open a NEW section just for "A4E/TOW's GREATEST QUOTES"!! I mean look at what we've gotten in just the past week or so......

When is the date for Wild Cat weekend and what time will it start?


I thought it was on August 35th.

*In response to HIS OWN question from above!

Getting Jabrian Niles is really big. It feels good getting back into Mobile.

*He says in his own BRAND NEW thread!

Are we recruiting him?

*In reference to Quan Bray AFTER he visited AU!

Texas isn't going anywhere. They were playing mind games with the big 12 so they could more 12 money. They won.

*Discussing expansion! :dunno:

Maybe our staff will be able to get some of guys to transfer to Auburn.


If this happens, then we should leave the NCAA and tell them to kiss my bleep.


Keep 'em coming, A4E!!! Hlaugh.gif

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