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Runningbacks/ Carries for the season

guerra aguila

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How many carries will each back get?

Stat, considering your genius abilities to break statistics down over the years... If you had to guess... how do you see the carries officially breaking down?

Im asking all the Auburn Eagle members also, what do yall think will happen?

Im going to go with 175 for Fannin

It gets confusing here because I really believe that Dyer and McCalebb will have close to the same amount of carries.

If Malzahn achieves the 80 to 90 snaps a game that he wants... Dyer and McCalebb could have 80 plus carries a piece?

Is that to much or is it possible?

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I think we'll have approximately 45 carries per game, which over a 12 game season translates to 540 carries total. That being the case, I'm going to say Fannin gets about 175, OMac gets about 125, Dyer gets around 100, Newton gets, say, 80, and the final 60 is spread amongst Eric Smith and the receivers. :dunno:

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I think we'll have approximately 45 carries per game, which over a 12 game season translates to 540 carries total. That being the case, I'm going to say Fannin gets about 175, OMac gets about 125, Dyer gets around 100, Newton gets, say, 80, and the final 60 is spread amongst Eric Smith and the receivers. :dunno:

Red, you came ready to roll... Nice breakdown... We both agree on the Fannin deal... but im very anxious to see what happens beyond him.

OMAC had 111 carries last year, so I certainly think he is set to surpass that mark.

100 for Dyer would be a special season for a freshman.

Newton keeping it to 80 would be awesome, and Since the receivers are a part of the running game, combined with some of the wild cat with Burns( which I still believe Auburn will use at times)... I do see 60 plus carries going else where combined with Smith.


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ga and red, I think you 2 have pretty much got it covered. I personally think Fannin will climb closer to 200. But that's only if he maintains the starting RB role, which I believe he will.

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Eh, well, this is simple addition as far as making a guess. I do think that all guesses could be +/- 15, but it really started from Fannin. I expect him to get 15-20 carries a game for the 9 games against BCS opponents, but only 5-10 a game for the three against lesser opponents. On the lower end of that, he'd get 150 and on the upper end he'd get 210, so I probably should have guessed him at 180 (splitting the difference), but I just went with GA's prediction because it's so close.

Beyond him, that's just a step down for each player and the role I expect them to fill. I don't think Dyer or Newton will have 10 per game, but I do think both will have it between 5 and 10 times a game, whereas I could see OMac hitting double digits in average carries. We'll have to see how that all works out...and I, for one, can't freaking wait! That's the biggest drawback to being on these boards as often as I am: I'm unable to temper my excitement the way I'd gotten so much better about doing the past few years! :laugh:

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it's nice to not have just one reliable RB...when you can have 4 or 5  ;D

Fannin will have thw most carries, although Dyer and Omac is very close 2nd

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Eh, well, this is simple addition as far as making a guess. I do think that all guesses could be +/- 15, but it really started from Fannin. I expect him to get 15-20 carries a game for the 9 games against BCS opponents, but only 5-10 a game for the three against lesser opponents. On the lower end of that, he'd get 150 and on the upper end he'd get 210, so I probably should have guessed him at 180 (splitting the difference), but I just went with GA's prediction because it's so close.

Beyond him, that's just a step down for each player and the role I expect them to fill. I don't think Dyer or Newton will have 10 per game, but I do think both will have it between 5 and 10 times a game, whereas I could see OMac hitting double digits in average carries. We'll have to see how that all works out...and I, for one, can't freaking wait! That's the biggest drawback to being on these boards as often as I am: I'm unable to temper my excitement the way I'd gotten so much better about doing the past few years! :laugh:

OMAC = several one play drives for the offense... could cut down on his carries, but his production might be unreal.
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Eh, well, this is simple addition as far as making a guess. I do think that all guesses could be +/- 15, but it really started from Fannin. I expect him to get 15-20 carries a game for the 9 games against BCS opponents, but only 5-10 a game for the three against lesser opponents. On the lower end of that, he'd get 150 and on the upper end he'd get 210, so I probably should have guessed him at 180 (splitting the difference), but I just went with GA's prediction because it's so close.

Beyond him, that's just a step down for each player and the role I expect them to fill. I don't think Dyer or Newton will have 10 per game, but I do think both will have it between 5 and 10 times a game, whereas I could see OMac hitting double digits in average carries. We'll have to see how that all works out...and I, for one, can't freaking wait! That's the biggest drawback to being on these boards as often as I am: I'm unable to temper my excitement the way I'd gotten so much better about doing the past few years! :laugh:

OMAC = several one play drives for the offense... could cut down on his carries, but his production might be unreal.

Tis a good point; if he gets a seam, he's gone! road-runner-1.jpg

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Eh, well, this is simple addition as far as making a guess. I do think that all guesses could be +/- 15, but it really started from Fannin. I expect him to get 15-20 carries a game for the 9 games against BCS opponents, but only 5-10 a game for the three against lesser opponents. On the lower end of that, he'd get 150 and on the upper end he'd get 210, so I probably should have guessed him at 180 (splitting the difference), but I just went with GA's prediction because it's so close.

Beyond him, that's just a step down for each player and the role I expect them to fill. I don't think Dyer or Newton will have 10 per game, but I do think both will have it between 5 and 10 times a game, whereas I could see OMac hitting double digits in average carries. We'll have to see how that all works out...and I, for one, can't freaking wait! That's the biggest drawback to being on these boards as often as I am: I'm unable to temper my excitement the way I'd gotten so much better about doing the past few years! :laugh:

OMAC = several one play drives for the offense... could cut down on his carries, but his production might be unreal.

Tis a good point; if he gets a seam, he's gone! road-runner-1.jpg

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There is not doubt in my mind Fannin will lead AU in carries this season, barring injury. I think OMac will have more carries than Dyer because he has his own specific role as a speed back, and running jet sweeps from the wildcat. Dyer is more of a direct backup because he has a similar style of running to Fannin. Kodi Burns will also get a reasonable number of carries (more than last year in my opinion) and don't forget about Aycock and Smith. They won't get many carries, but they will get plenty of action out of the backfield, which is as good a carrying the football (if not better).

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There is not doubt in my mind Fannin will lead AU in carries this season, barring injury. I think OMac will have more carries than Dyer because he has his own specific role as a speed back, and running jet sweeps from the wildcat. Dyer is more of a direct backup because he has a similar style of running to Fannin. Kodi Burns will also get a reasonable number of carries (more than last year in my opinion) and don't forget about Aycock and Smith. They won't get many carries, but they will get plenty of action out of the backfield, which is as good a carrying the football (if not better).

Ummm... I'm not so sure Aycock will get many carries!

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It sorta depends on if Newton is a run 1st QB. ( Its been Fla's bread and butter for the last several yrs. and has been effective.)

He doesnt seem (IMO) to be the stand in the pocket and wate kind of guy. I think if he sees a first down or a 5-8 yrd gain he will tuck the ball and run it down their throat.

I would not be suprised if Newton is our leading rusher.

I expect this to be Fannin's make or break year with around 150 shots and 1000 + yrds. He is a lil short for the long ball but last time I saw the man he is ripped at 230lbs and will run you over on a screen. I wouldnt be suprised to see him under center at times. Dont forget Burns! he might have played football once or twice.

Add in O-Mac and This team could realy be nasty.

Malzahn has the tools. I just hope he puts it all together.

This year is lookin real good for us!

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There is not doubt in my mind Fannin will lead AU in carries this season, barring injury. I think OMac will have more carries than Dyer because he has his own specific role as a speed back, and running jet sweeps from the wildcat. Dyer is more of a direct backup because he has a similar style of running to Fannin. Kodi Burns will also get a reasonable number of carries (more than last year in my opinion) and don't forget about Aycock and Smith. They won't get many carries, but they will get plenty of action out of the backfield, which is as good a carrying the football (if not better).

Aycock is no longer with the team, and Dyer is more a mix of Fannin and McCalebb...faster than Mario, bigger and stronger than Onterio. All three will get their carries.

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There is not doubt in my mind Fannin will lead AU in carries this season, barring injury. I think OMac will have more carries than Dyer because he has his own specific role as a speed back, and running jet sweeps from the wildcat. Dyer is more of a direct backup because he has a similar style of running to Fannin. Kodi Burns will also get a reasonable number of carries (more than last year in my opinion) and don't forget about Aycock and Smith. They won't get many carries, but they will get plenty of action out of the backfield, which is as good a carrying the football (if not better).

Aycock is no longer with the team, and Dyer is more a mix of Fannin and McCalebb...faster than Mario, bigger and stronger than Onterio. All three will get their carries.

I couldnt dissagree with that. I just think we have enough room for Dyer to "grow into" the spot. And Fannin is lookin real nasty. 15 more lbs & it will be Bo Jackson nasty. What are we feeding these kids?
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There is not doubt in my mind Fannin will lead AU in carries this season, barring injury. I think OMac will have more carries than Dyer because he has his own specific role as a speed back, and running jet sweeps from the wildcat. Dyer is more of a direct backup because he has a similar style of running to Fannin. Kodi Burns will also get a reasonable number of carries (more than last year in my opinion) and don't forget about Aycock and Smith. They won't get many carries, but they will get plenty of action out of the backfield, which is as good a carrying the football (if not better).

Aycock is no longer with the team, and Dyer is more a mix of Fannin and McCalebb...faster than Mario, bigger and stronger than Onterio. All three will get their carries.

Red, what do you think Mario's forty time is? I think hes fairly comparable to Ben Tate, and he might even be faster, consideringt that Tate ran a 4.43 at the combine... Maybe im too much of a Fannin believer...Is it possible that Dyer can run the Rumored 4.39?
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Red, what do you think Mario's forty time is? I think hes fairly comparable to Ben Tate, and he might even be faster, consideringt that Tate ran a 4.43 at the combine... Maybe im too much of a Fannin believer...Is it possible that Dyer can run the Rumored 4.39?

I recall Tate being the 4th fastest on the team last year. Mario wasn't in that group last year. Maybe he has gained a step this year. I doubt it because of the added weight. But I, like norcuron, think he's going to have a great balance of weight/strength/speed/quickness/agility my concern is durability and longevity.

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Too early to call for me because of the unknown personnel lineup. We know Dyer is going to play but how much is unknown. Once August practice starts, we will develop a better feel for the situation. Malzahn has stated McCalebb will be utilized more on 3rd down, which could mean an increase in receptions but fewer carries. Last season we started off with Tate and McCalebb as the 1-2 punch but that could be a 1-2 punch of Fannin and Dyer in 2010. IMO, I would rather see a combination of Fannin and Dyer on the field together more often than any other combination of the RB's. (Smith is H-Back). Until McCalebb can prove he will fight and cut for those extra yards, I'd rather have Dyer on the field more often than McCalebb. For now, I see Fannin getting 15-20 carries per game.

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Figuring an average of 80 plays per game over 13 games with 60% being rushing plays, that leaves about 624 carries.

With Malzhan attempting to run around 85 plays per game this should be safe.

I figure ten percent will be to the receivers. That leaves 561 for the running backs and quarterback.

Ben Tate got 263 carries last year, I expect Fannin will do the same on average.

I think McCalebb ha 105 carries last year, I look for that to go about 150 in 2010.

That leaves 148 for Dyer and Smith.

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There is not doubt in my mind Fannin will lead AU in carries this season, barring injury. I think OMac will have more carries than Dyer because he has his own specific role as a speed back, and running jet sweeps from the wildcat. Dyer is more of a direct backup because he has a similar style of running to Fannin. Kodi Burns will also get a reasonable number of carries (more than last year in my opinion) and don't forget about Aycock and Smith. They won't get many carries, but they will get plenty of action out of the backfield, which is as good a carrying the football (if not better).

Aycock is no longer with the team, and Dyer is more a mix of Fannin and McCalebb...faster than Mario, bigger and stronger than Onterio. All three will get their carries.

Red, what do you think Mario's forty time is? I think hes fairly comparable to Ben Tate, and he might even be faster, consideringt that Tate ran a 4.43 at the combine... Maybe im too much of a Fannin believer...Is it possible that Dyer can run the Rumored 4.39?

First of all, I didn't mean to undermine Mario's speed, but the answer to your question is that 40 speed is a very different beast from game speed. When running that 40, you don't have to avoid tacklers and find holes, you just run. The larger the mass of the player, the more force it takes to change direction and cut it upfield. That's where McCalebb has so much of an edge: once he makes his cut, the defense better hope they have someone in his way, because otherwise he's gone. With Mario, it takes a little more time to build up the momentum. There's a reason that NFL teams have become so much more concerned with the speed at which a player goes each 10 yards in the 40, and it's not because they're as concerned about the last twenty yards.

Having not seen Michael in SEC competition, he might not actually be faster than Mario (though I do think he is...athletically, I'd put him ahead of Fannin, who has every bit of the intangibles to make of the difference and then some). Nevertheless, he's not quite the same type of back. Dyer is a pinball, Mario is just a beast.

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Figuring an average of 80 plays per game over 13 games with 60% being rushing plays, that leaves about 624 carries.

With Malzhan attempting to run around 85 plays per game this should be safe.

I figure ten percent will be to the receivers. That leaves 561 for the running backs and quarterback.

Ben Tate got 263 carries last year, I expect Fannin will do the same on average.

I think McCalebb ha 105 carries last year, I look for that to go about 150 in 2010.

That leaves 148 for Dyer and Smith.

But what about Newton? I don't think Fannin will get as many carries as Tate did last year simply because we'll have more options at halfback and a legitimate running QB.

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Look for us to be very run heavy, even more than 2009. From what I've been told, Malzahn will be very reliant on the running game, especially early in the season. Veteran OL and the horses to run the ball very well along with a few new wrinkles added to the offense.

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Look for us to be very run heavy, even more than 2009. From what I've been told, Malzahn will be very reliant on the running game, especially early in the season. Veteran OL and the horses to run the ball very well along with a few new wrinkles added to the offense.

Plus showing a lot of run early in the season should help us go ahead and snag a few RB recruits.

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Look for us to be very run heavy, even more than 2009. From what I've been told, Malzahn will be very reliant on the running game, especially early in the season. Veteran OL and the horses to run the ball very well along with a few new wrinkles added to the offense.

Oh I agree completely... I think we are going to really run right at people this year.

I think we will certainly accomplish at least 3,000 yards rushing on the season.

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Look for us to be very run heavy, even more than 2009. From what I've been told, Malzahn will be very reliant on the running game, especially early in the season. Veteran OL and the horses to run the ball very well along with a few new wrinkles added to the offense.

Yeah, makes sense to let Cam get comfortable with those advantages. I wouldn't be surprised to see people start talking about that three headed monster at tailback pretty early on. After that, defensive coordinators will load the box and make Newton beat them with his arm, and at that point, don't be shocked if he starts putting up some ungodly numbers as the offense becomes very balanced. This offensive attack could become very, very scary for the opposition...

That said, we need to temper our expectations, because even the best laid plans generally don't work out so well.

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