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Nice schedule find by Andrew Gribble


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So basically, Auburn has 7 teams coming off bye weeks before they play. I wonder if coach Chizik will cry to the SEC commisioner like $aban did?  :'(

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So basically, Auburn has 7 teams coming off bye weeks before they play. I wonder if coach Chizik will cry to the SEC commisioner like $aban did?   :'(

He should but hes not a little girl like baby $aban is.

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Well the turds did get the GA ST game moved to Thursday night, so they can quit whining about it being a short week to prepare for us. 


I heard about that. They think they can just run over whoever they want. I can't wait to beat them

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Well the turds did get the GA ST game moved to Thursday night, so they can quit whining about it being a short week to prepare for us. 


I heard about that. They think they can just run over whoever they want. I can't wait to beat them

Oh yeah were definitely going after them next year and they know it.
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I can't wait till we destroy everyone on our schedule!!!!

WAR DAMN EAGLE! :wareagle:

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