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The Last Airbender 3D


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I saw this yesterday afternoon at the Rave in Daphne in 3d.  I was content with watching it in regular format, but my wife and son wanted the 3d, costs like extra 10 bucks for the tickets.  I saw Avatar back in Dec in 3D and it was great, it added some cool effects to the movie.  This movie the only things that were in 3D was the sneak peaks and rolling credits and the captioning.  The movie itself is a great movie and I thought since they were going to be bending Air water and fire, that they'd be some cool shots, but I left disappointed.  So if you go and watch don't waste the money on the 3D.

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I want to see it.

Endured Twilight Eclipse today... not as bad as everybody said it was. Sure, the romance gets annoying... but the action/fight scenes were cool.

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GA my gf made me see all of them and its not bad at all. Ha except the corny stuff jakob said

Yeah, that stuff was so cheesy... but I looked past that and just focused on the battle at the end... it was awesome.
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It's very important to find out if a 3D movie was filmed in 3D or if the 3D was done in the editing room. If it's done in the editing room during post production...don't bother spending the extra money to see it in 3D.

But if it's filmed in 3D using 3D cameras...Avatar...you get to see 3D done right and it's quite spectacular and worth it.  Look for more and more movies to be in 3D as it seems to be the new cool thing again. flash back to the 80's, remember Jaws 3 in 3D? In a word, horrible. Just don't expect too many of them to be done right. getting those 3D cameras from the Avatar crew is still really expensive.

On another note, took the family to see "The Karate Kid" Saturdy night. Was excellent film, story was good, acting was good, Location was GREAT! recommend this to any and everyone.

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GA my gf made me see all of them and its not bad at all. Ha except the corny stuff jakob said

Yeah, that stuff was so cheesy... but I looked past that and just focused on the battle at the end... it was awesome.

Went to see this today with my gf. It really wasnt bad at all. Ide say it was alot cooler than the other ones. But i must agree with the cheesiness at times.lol.

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It's very important to find out if a 3D movie was filmed in 3D or if the 3D was done in the editing room. If it's done in the editing room during post production...don't bother spending the extra money to see it in 3D.

But if it's filmed in 3D using 3D cameras...Avatar...you get to see 3D done right and it's quite spectacular and worth it.  Look for more and more movies to be in 3D as it seems to be the new cool thing again. flash back to the 80's, remember Jaws 3 in 3D? In a word, horrible. Just don't expect too many of them to be done right. getting those 3D cameras from the Avatar crew is still really expensive.

On another note, took the family to see "The Karate Kid" Saturdy night. Was excellent film, story was good, acting was good, Location was GREAT! recommend this to any and everyone.

I want to see it!
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I'll probably wait for DVD of Karate Kid.  There are too many remakes these days, the Studios cannot seem to come up with any original ideas.  And most of the time the remakes cannot compare with the original.

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I went to see it today. It was okay. I thought it was geared more toward younger kids. It wasn't the usual Shyamalayn film. I should have known this since it was made by Nickelodeon Studios. I wanted to see more bloody fight scenes. I hate to say it but Twillight: Eclipse was a lot better. The fight scenes at the end were pretty good.

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I went to see it today. It was okay. I thought it was geared more toward younger kids. It wasn't the usual Shyamalayn film. I should have known this since it was made by Nickelodeon Studios. I wanted to see more bloody fight scenes. I hate to say it but Twillight: Eclipse was a lot better. The fight scenes at the end were pretty good.

Yeah, minus about 30 minutes of Romance in this film... and it would be considered great lol.

I enjoyed all of the fight scenes and Im a big fan of the wolves... I was surprised that the Cullens/Wolves kicked so much ass.

anyway... of the three movies... this one certainly got my best rating.

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I'll probably wait for DVD of Karate Kid.  There are too many remakes these days, the Studios cannot seem to come up with any original ideas.  And most of the time the remakes cannot compare with the original.

They're remaking The Crow...and unless they can find somebody that was made for the lead role, it will fail. I'll wait for the reviews before I go see it. I like the original too much to leave the theater with a sour taste in my mouth.

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I have one statement........has Hollywood not learned that 3-D is not going to work, it didn't work during the fifties, the 80's, and just because Pirahna will be in 3-D doesn't mean anyone is gonna watch the dumb bullshitake.  I agree though if the movie was shot in 3-D like James Cameron who by the way owns a patent on the way he shot Avatar it's just garbage.  I know someone said this before but I'm so over 3-D take all that money that you are wasting on that gimmicky crap and use it for really good script writers and get some original movies instead of recooking leftovers 24/7.  Rant officialy over

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i saw t that movie is awsome

besides being one of the worst acted fims ever, I agree.

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my wife and I laughed through out at how bad the acting was, but my boy loved it so of course we stayed.

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