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Some of you may already know but i thought this was a good thing for us. I added Erique Florences gf earlier on fb just so i could better keep up with him. Well, she has an album of him on there and a few of the pictures are of him wearin a bama hat. On of them, she put"I absolutely HATE that hat, WAR EAGLE!!!"

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Some of you may already know but i thought this was a good thing for us. I added Erique Florences gf earlier on fb just so i could better keep up with him. Well, she has an album of him on there and a few of the pictures are of him wearin a bama hat. On of them, she put"IO absolutely HATE that hat, WAR EAGLE!!!"

That's cool. Now if they just hang together until signing day...

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That's creepy, unless you know her. You did say the only reason you did it is to keep up with him better.  :-\

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Wait, so because he added E as a friend on Facebook, E accepted, and he read the comments on a couple of pictures, he's Facebook stalking? Chill out guys. He said he's only doing it to keep up with him. I know that both ST and I are friends with him on Facebook, and I think Mayor is too. Does that make us all stalkers? It's not like we're shooting him emails or anything (or at least I'm not)...

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I think people get a little confused with this whole facebook thing. Its not like going into someones personal diary or anything. I get request from people I don't know all the time and I choice not to accept them. If people don't want to have people they don't know viewing pictures and reading their status updates, then its very easy to set facebook where no one can see it.

So really no reason to bash on the guy for this....

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Seriously... I'm an old fogey, but NOTHING gets read on Facebook unless it gets put out there to be read! I appreciate any updates on recruits, especially those that are outside the "normal" channels!!  It was Lemonier's Facebook posts that convinced me he was Auburn bound.

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Some of you may already know but i thought this was a good thing for us. I added Erique Florences gf earlier on fb just so i could better keep up with him. Well, she has an album of him on there and a few of the pictures are of him wearin a bama hat. On of them, she put"I absolutely HATE that hat, WAR EAGLE!!!"

Dude...that's really creepy man...I mean...c'mon.

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Wait, so because he added E as a friend on Facebook, E accepted, and he read the comments on a couple of pictures, he's Facebook stalking? Chill out guys. He said he's only doing it to keep up with him. I know that both ST and I are friends with him on Facebook, and I think Mayor is too. Does that make us all stalkers? It's not like we're shooting him emails or anything (or at least I'm not)...

Read it again dude.  He added his girlfriend. Maybe I'm just a little more old school, but if I was E I wouldn't want my obsessed fans messing with my old lady.

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Wait, so because he added E as a friend on Facebook, E accepted, and he read the comments on a couple of pictures, he's Facebook stalking? Chill out guys. He said he's only doing it to keep up with him. I know that both ST and I are friends with him on Facebook, and I think Mayor is too. Does that make us all stalkers? It's not like we're shooting him emails or anything (or at least I'm not)...

Read it again dude.  He added his girlfriend. Maybe I'm just a little more old school, but if I was E I wouldn't want my obsessed fans messing with my old young lady.

Fixed it for ya bud

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Well in that case i guess she can have no friends on facebook right. He had no pictures or anything so i added her...its not like im tryin to get with her or anything guys...chill out

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Wait, so because he added E as a friend on Facebook, E accepted, and he read the comments on a couple of pictures, he's Facebook stalking? Chill out guys. He said he's only doing it to keep up with him. I know that both ST and I are friends with him on Facebook, and I think Mayor is too. Does that make us all stalkers? It's not like we're shooting him emails or anything (or at least I'm not)...

Read it again dude.  He added his girlfriend. Maybe I'm just a little more old school, but if I was E I wouldn't want my obsessed fans messing with my old lady.


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Wait, so because he added E as a friend on Facebook, E accepted, and he read the comments on a couple of pictures, he's Facebook stalking? Chill out guys. He said he's only doing it to keep up with him. I know that both ST and I are friends with him on Facebook, and I think Mayor is too. Does that make us all stalkers? It's not like we're shooting him emails or anything (or at least I'm not)...

Read it again dude.  He added his girlfriend. Maybe I'm just a little more old school, but if I was E I wouldn't want my obsessed fans messing with my old lady.


Yeah, that's way over the line in my opinion.

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I do believe the old fogeys like me are more concerned with this facebook stuff than are the players and their girlfriends. It's how they communicate.

After watching several young female family members operate online and talking with them I think teenagers won't find it the least unusual that strangers are facebook "friends". Many of them have hundreds of FB friends they have never met.

Oh yeah, I've got a facebook account myself. Good for keeping up/reconnecting with old  buddys from my military days and fellow students at Auburn, back when Shug was the coach and Pat Sullivan at John Carroll HS was the top prospect in Alabama.

Try it, you might like it.

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Oh yeah, I've got a facebook account myself. Good for keeping up/reconnecting with old  buddys from my military days and fellow students at Auburn, back when Shug was the coach and Pat Sullivan at John Carroll HS was the top prospect in Alabama.

Try it, you might like it.

I agree.  Facebook is a great tool for keeping up with friends & family scattered across the country and world.

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Ok, I get it. Facebook has lots of practical applications, and these 17 year old kids might not mind that we ask them to be friends so that we can read deeper into their collegiate intentions.  I use facebook...well, to be honest I have a shared account with my wife, and I use it to communicate with my Army buddies that are in Germany, but I use it sparingly.  I used  Myspace before that, had over a hundred friends ( i really knew almost all of them) but it got tiresome and frivolous.  I even hate talking on the phone for more than five minutes though.  All that said, there's nothing wrong with people using facebook all day until they get carpal tunnel syndrome.  All I have to say is that just because these "kids" don't mind you entering their circle of "friends" and keeping tabs on them, doesn't make it right. War eagle though, and let your own heart lead you.

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