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Too little, too late.  Maybe ESPN should have confirmed and reported this little gem of information PRIOR to coming out with the story YESTERDAY.

I hate it but this is how our fake media works. Stir the pot. Never apologize for doing wrong. They will get on the air soon saying that the media jumped the gun on this story, never stating that they are the media and they led people to form false conclusions. Every time I hear a member of the media refer to the media as if they somehow aren't part of the media, I want to throw my T.V. out the window.

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Well maybe it will help public preception some now that it is claiming Auburn had no contact with Rodgers.

Dang!  I missed it!  Did it have a giant florescent BREAKING NEWS tag  with neon arrows pointing at it like the false news  ticker yesterday?

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Well maybe it will help public preception some now that it is claiming Auburn had no contact with Rodgers.

Dang!  I missed it!  Did it have a giant florescent BREAKING NEWS tag  with neon arrows pointing at it like the false news  ticker yesterday?

No but they also had a special announcement.  Not enough. 

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Guest simonsez

Montgomery lawyer Donald Jackson, who has worked extensively in cases involving the NCAA, said it's common for the NCAA to investigate any claims against high-profile players.

Few ever see the light of day.

"They happen on an almost daily basis," Jackson said. "For a violation to take place in this instance, the NCAA would have to confirm that the person in question was authorized by the family or the athlete to solicit a payment or extra benefit. And on top of that, that payment has to be made."

Miss St denies making the payment and Auburn dont have anything to do with it so the only way I see this ending is with a lot of Media guys in trouble for jumping the gun

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The more the accuser(Bond) and the accused(Rogers) talk about it, the faster the wheels are falling off the vehicle that is this bold face lie they have created.

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After the Newtons vs ESPN, Fox, USA Today and various reporters lawsuits, Mr. Newton won't have to worry about his church being up to code.  He will be able to build a Crystal Cathedral.   

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