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Jay Jacob's comments cause for concern???


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One of the guys on College Football Live just read a statement from Jay Jacobs regarding the Cam Newton situation. In it, JJ stated that the investigation is ongoing (we all knew this). Now, the guy giving the update went on to say that although Cam is eligible to play at this time, JJ could not state whether is eligibility would continue at Auburn. Is ESPN just setting up more drama or could we really be looking at a situation where the NCAA forces us to bench him for the remainder of the year???? Is Auburn now being investigated???

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ESPN and College Football Live are both harping on this comment by Jacobs:

Asked if he could foresee any reason Newton wouldn't finish the season, Jacobs said, "I don't have a way to know that at this time."

I understand that he probably meant that nothing is certain, but it more makes us sound guilty than if he had said, "Cam will continue to be eligible until we find any proven facts that would make him otherwise ineligbible".

What are your takes on this wording?

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In quoting someone word for word, you must state that you are doing so when attributing words to them. Schad did not do that. It was not part of the statement posted on screen (another way to acknowledge a quote). ESPN makes me glad our next 2 games are on CBS. I never thought I would feel that way.

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I wouldnt take much from that.

Of course, EVERYBODY else might stretch this further than it really needs to go.

There is never a right answer, because you cant please everybody.

I think he said the right thing.

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It's all in the way your read between the lines. ESPN is already reading between the lines and taking it out of context. We know that JJ means that there is no evidence of wrongdoing. but because of the way JJ worded his statement. ESPN is twisting it. "collenge Football Live"

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I was not thrilled with JJ's response, but oh well. I still have a difficult time believing he would've let him play all of this time and then suddenly take him out. If he was ever ineligible, then he already participated in such games. The only thing I can think of is if we make it to Atlanta and the coaches take him out so that any such SEC Championship would not be in question if the NCAA made any such rulings in the future.

For all of you who proclaimed this is not a one man team and that this team would be a better passing team and similar team overall with Trotter, you may have your chance to be able to brag a bit. Or admit you were being a sunshine pumper beforehand. Hopefully it won't come down to this.

Personally, I'd rather USC it and just let Cam play. If in 3 years they find something out, play the "who cares, it was 3 years ago" statement and enjoy the victories when they took place.

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That's the point, if you KNOW the national media is going to try and stretch everything you say (I understand it doesn't matter for his eligibility) you should try to say something that will give them the LEAST amount to take from it.  Saying you have no way of knowing if he'll be eligible later, rather than doing what Gene has done and saying he is eligible PERIOD (until anything has been proven) in my opinion is a MUCH better response.  Saying you have no way of knowing sounds much more guilty than the latter.  It makes it sound like you don't know if you're innocent or not.  I think that was a bad choice of words from Jacob.

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If his answer had been "Cam Newton is eligible to play football at Auburn," the response would have been "He didn't answer the question."  If he had said "No reason that I am aware of," the response would have been "I wonder if he thinks there is something he isn't aware of yet?"  No way to make this go away with any answer which is why AU should just stop saying anything altogether.  It's the "Did you beat your wife today" question.

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I was not thrilled with JJ's response, but oh well. I still have a difficult time believing he would've let him play all of this time and then suddenly take him out. If he was ever ineligible, then he already participated in such games. The only thing I can think of is if we make it to Atlanta and the coaches take him out so that any such SEC Championship would not be in question if the NCAA made any such rulings in the future.

For all of you who proclaimed this is not a one man team and that this team would be a better passing team and similar team overall with Trotter, you may have your chance to be able to brag a bit. Or admit you were being a sunshine pumper beforehand. Hopefully it won't come down to this.

Personally, I'd rather USC it and just let Cam play. If in 3 years they find something out, play the "who cares, it was 3 years ago" statement and enjoy the victories when they took place.

Wouldn't matter If for some strange reason he is found to be inelegible wether he played in the SECCG or not, our SECC would be forfited due to him already playing all year so it would be stupid to sit him on speculation.

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^^^^Yeah.  We're all in now.  At this point, even if we thought there might be something there, might as well roll the dice and dance with who brung us.  If he was ineligible before, we wouldn't get any credit for benching him now.

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Has anybody actually found Jacobs' statement.  I don't trust ESPN to report anything on this issue without a bias.  There is no way that Newton would be playing if there was even the slightest chance that there was something here.  

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Has anybody actually found Jacobs' statement.  I don't trust ESPN to report anything on this issue without a bias.  There is no way that Newton would be playing if there was even the slightest chance that there was something here.  

Only place I saw anything was here, earlier, in Chris Lowe's blog.  Imagine, Chris Lower perpetuating the story.  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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ESPN is attempting to save face at this point in any way they can. Newton would not be on the field if there was any doubt about his eligibility. It is likely the compliance office had some kind of assurance from the NCAA on that matter preseason or Newton would not have been the Auburn quarterback this season.

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If his answer had been "Cam Newton is eligible to play football at Auburn," the response would have been "He didn't answer the question."  If he had said "No reason that I am aware of," the response would have been "I wonder if he thinks there is something he isn't aware of yet?"  No way to make this go away with any answer which is why AU should just stop saying anything altogether.  It's the "Did you beat your wife today" question.

Gene Chizik has already emphatically stated Cam Newton is eligible to play for Auburn so has the compliance office enough already. We are just going to have to trust what has been said and stop letting every little statement that comes out shake your confidence that the right thing is happening for Cam, and the Auburn program. I completely trust nothing is wrong and more and more stories are being released in support of Cam and Auburn.

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ESPN is attempting to save face at this point in any way they can. Newton would not be on the field if there was any doubt about his eligibility. It is likely the compliance office had some kind of assurance from the NCAA on that matter preseason or Newton would not have been the Auburn quarterback this season.

Word ^^^^
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ESPN is going to find every way they can to keep this story going. They will beat a dead horse to death. I remember the story of the physically and mentally challenged HS kid who hit the game winning shot for his basketball team. I saw the same story every day for a week. A whole YEAR later, they run the exact same piece. "They are who we thought they were".

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What he should have done is pulled out his magic 8-ball from his suit...shaken it a few times...flipped it over...and told them "Concentrate and ask again"

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Ahhh, the rest of the story.  What ESPN conveniently leaves out (huge surprise) is the rest of what Jacobs told USA Today.  "It's not a closed matter," he said. "It's still ongoing. ... But we look for Cam to continue to play for us."

Can these ESPN nuts go any further out of their way to try to make something of this??!?!


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Has anybody actually found Jacobs' statement.  I don't trust ESPN to report anything on this issue without a bias.  There is no way that Newton would be playing if there was even the slightest chance that there was something here.  

USA Today

Auburn athletics director Jay Jacobs said Sunday that the school had found no issues with Newton's eligibility.

"Any of our student-athletes, if we had any questions about them, about their eligibility," Jacobs said, "we wouldn't want them to play."

This past summer, the school began looking into questions regarding Newton's status. Asked if he could foresee any reason Newton wouldn't finish the season, Jacobs said, "I don't have a way to know that at this time."

"It's not a closed matter," he said. "It's still ongoing. ... But we look for Cam to continue to play for us."


Also an article from Slive and schools being currently investigated.

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Ahhh, the rest of the story.  What ESPN conveniently leaves out (huge surprise) is the rest of what Jacobs told USA Today.  "It's not a closed matter," he said. "It's still ongoing. ... But we look for Cam to continue to play for us."

Can these ESPN nuts go any further out of their way to try to make something of this??!?!


Ya beat me.

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