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Jay Jacob's comments cause for concern???


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Who would we start? Trotter or Burns if Cam is held out?

[sarcasm]I think Trovon Reed should start at QB.  Either him or LaDarius Phillips.  Hey, anyone know why we haven't seen them play yet???[/sarcasm]


^^^I approve this message^^^

[sarcasm] But I thought you hated sarcasm???  There really is no use for sarcasm this day in age.  [/sarcasm]

Thought you'd like it Bird.  :thumbsup:

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Geez, all of this is getting old fast. I wish JJ would have issued a blanket response on the day after this all came out. Then, let the chips fall where they may. No matter what has been or will be said, it will all be twisted around one way or another. Issue a blanket statement and step away. That's all.

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Geez, all of this is getting old fast. I wish JJ would have issued a blanket response on the day after this all came out. Then, let the chips fall where they may. No matter what has been or will be said, it will all be twisted around one way or another. Issue a blanket statement and step away. That's all.

Agreed, I am very tired of this subject. There is absolutely nothing any of us can do anyway. Gives me a freakin headache to think about it all. I will be so glad when this all ends. WDE.
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With as much crap as I have heard about this subject I am just SO ready for it to be over. Every fanbase in the SEC wants to see us get nailed. They are all saying that there is more to it and that all Auburn fans are in denial. Everybody except for us seems to think that we are about to get hammered.

Hell I even saw on a Tennessee board that Chizik will be gone this year(forced out) and Malzahn will take his place!lol. They are also claiming we cheated to get Dyer and other recruits. You think Thayer Evans pisses you off, try going to a Tennessee board and snooping around on this subject.(I just wanted to see because I used to live in Knoxville...they havent changed) It is just getting waaaaaaaaay out of control and ridiculous. And to be something that supposedly isnt even really about us. I am so tired of worrying about it.

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