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Is all this attention good for us?


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Saying we’re found not guilty, our name sure has been in the minds of recruits.  It could really help us land some needed guys.  What say ye?

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Guest simonsez

Itll be very bad for us if this thing isnt settled by signing day.  Auburn looks like a dirty program and parents will think twice about sending their kid to a USC type school.

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The pendulum  is slowly but sure swinging from Auburn to Mississippi State and State looks to have egg on their face. That being said, It can have a positive effect on a recruit both schools are going after very hard...MSU current commit Jermaine Whitehead

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Saying we’re found not guilty, our name sure has been in the minds of recruits.  It could really help us land some needed guys.  What say ye?

Yeah this whole ordeal screams "COME TO AUBURN WE ARE FAMILY ORIENTED"

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Saying we’re found not guilty, our name sure has been in the minds of recruits.  It could really help us land some needed guys.  What say ye?

Oh my god.  :facepalm:    You must be kidding me.  How could this in any way be positive for Auburn?  That whole saying about any publicity being good publicity is WRONG and always has been.

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If we end up looking like the victims of a MSU scam then it will have a positive impact but wouldn't likely happen before this NSD unless things start going full speed.

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Saying we’re found not guilty, our name sure has been in the minds of recruits.  It could really help us land some needed guys.  What say ye?


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While I don't think all of the publicity will necesarily be 'good' for Auburn, if we are cleared of any wrongdoing it will prove to everyone that Chizik runs a clean program because the NCAA will have gone over everything with a microscope.

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In my mind, at BEST we come out essentially where we were before this.  Unfortunately, I am really skeptical that even if we are cleared by any and all investigations as I expect, it is really hard to wipe every bit of lingering doubt out of every recruit's (and their parents!) head.  It will likely be subconscious if not conscious.  Plain and simple, it will take a while for AU to restore its reputation and don't forget there will be others who are not our friend hammering away the whole time.  You just can't put the genie back in the bottle in instances like this as if nothing ever happened.  War Eagle!

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In my mind, at BEST we come out essentially where we were before this.  Unfortunately, I am really skeptical that even if we are cleared by any and all investigations as I expect, it is really hard to wipe every bit of lingering doubt out of every recruit's (and their parents!) head.  It will likely be subconscious if not conscious.  Plain and simple, it will take a while for AU to restore its reputation and don't forget there will be others who are not our friend hammering away the whole time.  You just can't put the genie back in the bottle in instances like this as if nothing ever happened.  War Eagle!

The MAJORITY of recruits pay a LOT less attention to all of this stuff than we do. I don't think it will have that big of an effect on recruiting. You've got to remember that most of these guys and their families aren't Auburn "fans" like we all are, so they probably don't even know the details of the situation. Unless we were to receive some sort of severe sanctions (which isn't going to happen) then we'll still sign a TOP 10 class this year and next year, IMO!  :)

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I think one benefit due to the publicity, whether good or bad, is people will tune in to watch us dominate the bulldogs with our own dog "SPADE!!!!"    :aufb:  :wareagle:

That in itself can help recruiting.

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Saying we’re found not guilty, our name sure has been in the minds of recruits.  It could really help us land some needed guys.  What say ye?

Oh my god.  :facepalm:     You must be kidding me.  How could this in any way be positive for Auburn?  That whole saying about any publicity being good publicity is WRONG and always has been.

I will take your facepalm and raise you one. You must be kidding us. Why be so negative?Doublefacepalm.jpg       I stand behind our program and head man, 110%, in proclaiming our innocence in this fiasco. I'll tell you how this is positive for AU. After all the dust settles, and Kenny Rogers is PROVEN to be nothing but a LIAR and brought charges against by the FBI for extortion,among other charges, and all this is made known to be nothing but a smear campaign by MSU to derail Cam's success at AU, AU will come out smelling like a rose. AU and the Newtons will be exonerated and MSU will suffer the consequences and be known for their role in all of this when AU and the Newtons go on the offensive. What does that have to do with recruiting? Just listen to AUQBDAD! There will be other schools that will try to use this against AU but these parents of our recruits know Chizik and his staff personally and knows what kind of people they are. Chizik will say to the kids and their parents "See, I told you don't believe in everything you hear. Trust me, I wouldn't lie to you." Chizik is a man of great integrity, a man of his word and the parents of these kids know it and for the ones that did have doubt, will doubt him no more. Chizik stood up for Cam when times got tough. He didn't give in to the media and the public perception. He defended Cam and would do the same for any other of the 119 kids on the team. Bottom line: This will have little to zero impact on recruiting, just like I've been saying from the start. Just because the public perception is one thing doesn't mean it is the perception of our recruits and their families. They know better because they know our staff personally and know the values we live by. WAR EAGLE

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Saying we’re found not guilty, our name sure has been in the minds of recruits.  It could really help us land some needed guys.  What say ye?

Not guilty? You make it sound like AU is on trial...  Have faith in this staff.

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We have done nothing wrong,its all MSU's mess.Thta should help us.

Bammer's been on probation almost non-stop for the last 7-10 years.

Has it hurt their recruitin?It doesnt really help us,but our staff  are good enough recruiters to make it a wash.

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I don't know if this will hurt or help, but I could certainly see an upside.  If it is found that we are clean (as I believe we are) the news will be big because of the high profile of the program right now, especially in regards to the Heisman and the National Championship.  If this case is resolved and Auburn is exonerated fairly soon (by the end of bowl season), then potential recruits will have seen a coaching staff, administration, and fan base that was willing to go to the mat for their player.  I would think that seeing that would be pretty impressive to a recruit looking for a program to commit to.

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Another thing that could be a positive for recruiting in all this mess would be seeing how we, the Auburn Family, have rallied around our QB and team.  Come to Auburn - be part of our family - we'll have your back.

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Guest shirley4au9

Saying we’re found not guilty, our name sure has been in the minds of recruits.  It could really help us land some needed guys.  What say ye?

Not guilty? You make it sound like AU is on trial...  Have faith in this staff.

^^^This^^^ The recruits and parents know our staff. I will put the integrity of our coaching staff above any in the country. Relax!  I must trust the coaches and administration or go crazy. We have a Championship season to enjoy. Not going to allow this to destroy my joy! War Damn Eagle!
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