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Rule clarification for everyone


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How is Cam in jeopardy now? Is this why CGC says "Cam is eligible to play football at Auburn University" and why ADJJ says "I think people that know about these kind of things know what Gene said"


Under bylaw 13.0.1, he is merely ineligible to play at MSU (and there wasn't a subsequent need to be reinstated for competition there)

The recruitment of a student-athlete by a member

institution or any representative of its athletics interests in violation of the Association’s legislation, as

acknowledged by the institution or established through the Association’s enforcement procedures, shall

result in the student-athlete’s becoming ineligible to represent that institution in intercollegiate athletics.

The Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement may restore the eligibility of a student involved in such

a violation only when circumstances clearly warrant restoration. A student is responsible for his or her

involvement in a violation of NCAA regulations during the student’s recruitment, and involvement in a

major violation (see Bylaw may cause the student to become permanently ineligible for intercollegiate

athletics competition at that institution.

Under bylaw 13.2.1, the value of the inducement is actually $0 since no money changed hands, right? So Cam's eligibility wasn't affected contingent upon him repaying $0.

An institution’s staff member or any representative of its athletics interests

shall not be involved, directly or indirectly, in making arrangements for or giving or offering to give

any financial aid or other benefits to the prospect or the prospect’s relatives or friends, other than expressly

permitted by NCAA regulations. This prohibition shall apply regardless of whether similar financial aid,

benefits or arrangements are available to prospective students in general, their relatives or friends. For

violations of this bylaw in which the value of the offer or inducement is $100 or less, the eligibility of the

individual (i.e., prospective or enrolled student-athlete) shall not be affected conditioned upon the individual

repaying the value of the benefit to a charity of his or her choice.

Is this also why Donald Maurice Jackson is adamant that the NCAA spokeswoman was incorrect yesterday in saying "the solicitation of cash or benefits by a prospective student-athlete or another individual on his or her behalf is not allowed under NCAA rules." Has anybody actually seen that bylaw or interpretation of a particular bylaw????

I took this from a poster on another board but it sure makes sense and makes me feel better, now beat those dogs

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Now that Cecil Newton has admitted to "talking about money" with someone that represented the athletic interests of MSU (he maintains that he recieved no compensation) that should not effect Cam's elgibility at AU.  The rule specifically states that the player would be inelgible at THAT institution, not any institution.

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Based on the rules I have read, Cam is Clearly NOT eligible to play football  at MSU!

Sounds about right.

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Jackson made the point that the NCAAA does not go after players for solicitation, but instead for the acceptance or receipt of a benefit.  Good job on pulling up the rule.  I don't think Cam's eligibility is in doubt, and it hasn't been for the Athletic Department.  It's more about the PR battle now.

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Jackson made the point that the NCAAA does not go after players for solicitation, but instead for the acceptance or receipt of a benefit.  Good job on pulling up the rule.  I don't think Cam's eligibility is in doubt, and it hasn't been for the Athletic Department.  It's more about the PR battle now.

This is exactly the stance AU admin officials have had since this started.

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Jackson made the point that the NCAAA does not go after players for solicitation, but instead for the acceptance or receipt of a benefit.  Good job on pulling up the rule.  I don't think Cam's eligibility is in doubt, and it hasn't been for the Athletic Department.  It's more about the PR battle now.

AUsome!!!  Thanks for the clarification.  I was hoping that it only affected Cam's eligibility @ MSU.  The fact that there wasn't "special consideration" or money, given is another plus!  WDE!!!

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ATTENTION:  This link quoted is not for NCAA rules, but for the United States Association of Gymnastics Clubs. 

tenntgr, you posted a link that has no relevance to football.  How do you know the info you quote is accurate.

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No, the quote came from their site, but it quotes the NCAA rules for eligibility.

Notice the wording as Association, not club. Gymnastics clubs have to abide by Ncaa rules as well as football teams.

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No, he's right.  Here is further proof.  Note the wording.


You are not eligible if, before you enrolled at your institution, any staff member of your institution or any other representative of your institution's athletics interests provided or offered to you, your relatives or your friends any financial aid or other benefits that NCAA legislation does not permit.

It is permissible for your summer employment to be arranged by the institution or for you to accept educational loans from a regular lending agency provided you did not receive the job or loan before the end of your senior year in high school. [NCAA Bylaws 13.2.1, 13.2.4 and 13.2.5]

via http://www.loyolagreyhounds.com/genrel/031208aab.html

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Thank you for your input 312234, but these two sources are not definitive.  They are quotes of quotes and summaries, which can cause problems.  The resolution for Cam's situation is going to make President Clinton's redefinition of the word "is" look like a high school debate.  Words are now about to be parsed by our enemies, and our side too, and I just want to have "original" source info to do my part to put out this fire.

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse but this is about to be a WAR to defend AU and Cam.  I don't think we've seen anything yet.

WDE  !!!

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Bottom Line Guys: Our interpretation of the rule has no bearing on this case.  Our Compliance Dept is one of the tops in the country.  Let's let them make the decision.  If Cam plays today then we know he and Auburn are clear.

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I just want to shoot a howitzer down the throats of my bama friends and stop them dead in their tracks.  Direct quote of the NCAA by-laws will be like putting a nuclear bomb in their head and making it explode.

WDE !!!

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Like Finebaum said yesterday, the NCAA has a branch office on the MSU campus because they have such a long history of violations. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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