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stupid question.....


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I can not see the football threads untill I logg in.

I often times just scan over the board without saying "Hey brothers! WDE!"

I dont always logg in because I dont always have something to say. Sometimes I just wanna see what you guys are talking about. Im just a lurker most the times.

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Boards were locked for members only due to the influx of outsiders trying to get the goods.

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Boards were locked for members only due to the influx of outsiders trying to get the goods.

I was wondering about that myself; glad to know that the goods are protected!  :P

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I think that the forums were set that way because of the d-bags over at turddrop coming to this site to make fun. It even is to the point of them creating log in names and spreading bad info both positive and negative. We don't need that over here.

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Lol this place is so bad a** that it had to go on "lock down"!


hehehahahaha...makes ya feel special doesn't it!!!  :)

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Yes, our mods are always vigilant about protecting our goods and goodies. ;D

lmho....*wipes brow*  what a relief!!!

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