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Prayers needed for usm staff and players it seems


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Oh me!!  I hope and pray that all will survive.  Just another statement about today's society.  Some of today's youth put no value on the human life.  Sad, Sad, Sad.  Prayers are sent for all involved. 

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How horrible!!! Prayers most definitely offered up.

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Oh me!!  I hope and pray that all will survive.  Just another statement about today's society.  Some of today's youth put no value on the human life.  Sad, Sad, Sad.  Prayers are sent for all involved. 

Do some in our society think they can just hit the reset button on the video game and start over?  Very sad and my prayers go out to all involved and their families.


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Oh me!!  I hope and pray that all will survive.  Just another statement about today's society.  Some of today's youth put no value on the human life.  Sad, Sad, Sad.  Prayers are sent for all involved. 

Do some in our society think they can just hit the reset button on the video game and start over?  Very sad and my prayers go out to all involved and their families.


Yeah, pretty much. It's atrocious.

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And the worst is that it can and does happen in too many campuses way too often. Prayers definitely needed for all concerned. Also prayers that this type thing will somehow quit happening. Now that will take a lot of prayer.

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This is terrible. I pray for their recovery and also that they stay out of nightclubs. Athletes get in trouble in those kind of places more than others. They go in many times and demand things that normal patrons don't.

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