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Cecil Newton clarification


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Guest simonsez

Ed:  That is pretty much what Ox just said--it could be either way and was probably intentionally vague for whatever reason.  And I find it interesting that you are talking about being a "devil's advocate" and your post count is now 666!  shocked.gif  War Eagle!


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I made a comment on bleacher report to a guy who wrote that Cecil did shop Cam. I told him that I would be careful about wrongly interpreting what was reported.I wouldn't be surprised if Cecil's lawyer leaked a half story to see who would run with it.Especially in this frenzy they have created.

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I made a comment on bleacher report to a guy who wrote that Cecil did shop Cam. I told him that I would be careful about wrongly interpreting what was reported.I wouldn't be surprised if Cecil's lawyer leaked a half story to see who would run with it.Especially in this frenzy they have created.

yep,i think you are on to something there,bud.......the more people slander, the more slander suits that can be filed
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So why doesn't he just clarify it? I'm tired of the double speak and code words.

Exactly what do you think that will accomplish? Do you think the media will back off one bit? My answer is it will not affect how they report this story any differently than they already have.

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I had this same conversation with one of the sports radio guys here last week, but with a different quote.  It was reported that Cam had told MSU he was picking Auburn because "the money is too much."  In my mind, "too much" is a bad thing, and would be a reason he is not giong to MSU -- the talks about money were too much and crossed the line.

When I hear reporters bring up this quote, they usually say "Cam said the money at Auburn was too good" or "Cam said the money at Auburn was better."  If one of those is the original quote, I sure would like to know so I can stop pulling my hair out about people twisting "too much" into other meanings.

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Wow!  Back-to-back first-time posters!  If nothing else, this attack on the AU family is bringing lots of new users to AE.  Welcome and War Eagle AUveritas and CNovaSoar!  we.gif

Unfortunately there will be "others" that will sneak in with the large crowd of new folks here.  But they inevitably expose themselves since they can't help it and they will be sent packing.  Don't be one of them...these mods are nasty scorched earth kind of guys with posers.  We keep a library of the IP addresses and they can never get back in the door.  devil.gif

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Wow!  Back-to-back first-time posters!  If nothing else, this attack on the AU family is bringing lots of new users to AE.  Welcome and War Eagle AUveritas and CNovaSoar!  we.gif

Unfortunately there will be "others" that will sneak in with the large crowd of new folks here.  But they inevitably expose themselves since they can't help it and they will be sent packing.  Don't be one of them...these mods are nasty scorched earth kind of guys with posers.  We keep a library of the IP addresses and they can never get back in the door.  devil.gif

Thanks for the welcome.... and the, uh, warning? :)

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Well, like I said in another thread, I emailed Winne to satisfy my own curiosities, and posted his response on here to help others interpret the meaning.

Now, Paul F. has the info.  Let him do with it what he will.


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Wow!  Back-to-back first-time posters!  If nothing else, this attack on the AU family is bringing lots of new users to AE.  Welcome and War Eagle AUveritas and CNovaSoar!  we.gif

Unfortunately there will be "others" that will sneak in with the large crowd of new folks here.  But they inevitably expose themselves since they can't help it and they will be sent packing.  Don't be one of them...these mods are nasty scorched earth kind of guys with posers.  We keep a library of the IP addresses and they can never get back in the door.  devil.gif

Thanks for the welcome.... and the, uh, warning? :)

We've got out eye on you!   ;)  Welcome AUveritas and War Eagle!!!!!!!

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Sorry, AUveritas, that wasn't meant for you two.  It was intended to be a general admonition for any posers out there..."we gonna find you...we gonna find you!"  laugh.gif

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Thanks for having me. I have put off becoming a member because I couldn't come up with a good enough screen name to do this board justice. Long time lurker though. Oh by the way maybe the mods can check my credentials by checking my email against the order of two AE shirts I ordered a month ago. War Eagle I love this board and feel like I know half of you from lurking so long.

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Let us who don't listen to pondscum know what Winne says please. Thanks.

Nothing we didn't already know from his article. Fbomb did question him only having one source then kinda backed him up by saying that he has been in the business a long time and he stood to lose his credibility if he was wrong. Nothing new here.

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Sorry, AUveritas, that wasn't meant for you two.  It was intended to be a general admonition for any posers out there..."we gonna find you...we gonna find you!"  laugh.gif

Gotcha. I'm a long time poster on another site and just found out about this one today. Just trying to feel everything (and everyone) out right now.

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Let us who don't listen to pondscum know what Winne says please. Thanks.

Nothing we didn't already know from his article. Fbomb did question him only having one source then kinda backed him up by saying that he has been in the business a long time and he stood to lose his credibility if he was wrong. Nothing new here.

Thanks tig!

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I am hopeful that it's true that the article helps advance the idea that Mr. Newton was engaged in the conversation only after it was brought up by MSU.  I'm not so sure that Mr. Winne's reply to the email is completely telling.  I hope it is, but the words themselves can have several interpretations. (Much like all of the rumors surrounding the situation).  He could have just been recognizing that the email's author was a careful reader.  Appreciating the fact that he was trying to dig a little deeper.  What do I know though?  I'm just happy Auburn is 11-0!  WDE!

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I have confirmation of this also.  We should challenge any and every media person that states WSB reported Cecil "asked" for money

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I posted the following on one of he other Mark Winne threads:

So here is what we know.  Mark Winne replied that he thought I was a "discerning reader".  We also know that the words he chose to use in his story were intentional, purposeful, and deliberate.

Unfortunately, there are still some points that are left up to interpretation.  In the email, I did not specifically ask him if he meant that Cecil was approached because I knew what his answer would be.  I knew that he would state that Cecil "only admitted to having the conversation".  What I did ask was "are these people misinterpreting the content of your story, or am I?"  He did not answer this question directly. Why?  Because he didn't have to.

Bottom line, Cecil admitted to conversations about pay-for-play.  It is not clear in Mark's story as to whom initiated the conversation.  It could mean that Cecil asked for money, OR it could mean he was approached with money.  But it CANNOT mean both.

It is my opinion that this information was given to Mark for a reason.  It is my opinion that this story was given to him by Cecil's lawyer.  Those who have taken Mark's report and reworded it to show Cecil in a negative light may have a severe price to pay in the end.

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I don't believe that he is in a position to say one way or the other.  I believe that it was agreed upon between Winne and his "source" what EXACTLY the report should say.  There is a reason that they let this info get out.  We can only speculate at this point what that reason is.

The whole issue with the report is that the wording of it can lead you to 2 conclusions; either Cecil began the discussion or someone else began the discussion.

The fact that members of the media chose to only report the conclusion that shows Cecil in a negative light shows that there is a bias.

Like I said, there could be repercussions for those who reported it one way, and then it turns out to be the other.

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