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Anybody know anything about the Thayer Evans post on the Bunker?...


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Why don't you give us a run down on how you think this will come out....and I will begin writing the movie script! 

Purely speculation, of course, but I would be interested in hearing how you think this could end.....

This is purely speculation, because I don't have all the facts for one and I also have no way of knowing what the media is going to do or be able to hide on the Alabama side. I also believe there are people being investigated by the FBI and if yall will remember a few years back during the Albert Means situation, "TennStud" on the TN boards had to testify and meet with all kinds of people etc. because of what he posted on a message board. I don't want any FBI or NCAA agents knocking on my door about anything and you do have to be careful what you say and what could be slander. So...

IF...and that's a big IF...everything comes out to the public and somehow, some way, some reporter has the fortitude to go after the story...I coud see this ending up with one school getting caught doing dirty things and ending up on probation, not because they were turned in to the NCAA, but because of extortion. Money wasn't paid by a certain school by those trying to extort them, so a media blitz brought on by the extortionist and a corrupt journalist was put into full throttle. Meanwhile, you have the dirty school, the extortionist and the journalist trying to cover their tracks at the expense of a 22 year old kid, whom they would try and dig up any dirt possible on to make him and his family look dirty and deflect away from themselves.

That's about as good as I can do trying to not use specifics. Also, for the people out there who think I'm full of it etc...you do not hurt my feelings or anger me in any way. I just charge you with this...Prove me wrong. Go find the story for yourself and prove me and my suspicions wrong and get the "real" truth out. War Eagle!

Mayor, if you flee the country, I hear Costa Rica is a nice place to live. Let me know and I will come for a visit.  ;)  :cool:

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I have a few vague questions.  If they are going to put you on the spot,  just say "no comment"  and I will understand.

DO you think we ever hear the whole truth about what is going on?

Is it big enough that the whole world will know,  or will it all end with "Auburn and Cam are in the clear"  and never know what really happened?

IS this going to be BREAKING NEWS big,  or just a little blurb on page 12 of newspaper sport sections saying we are clean?


I would have thought it would have never come out. In fact, I think I said as much when I posted the first time on this last week. But the fact that the FBI was there taking computers out has me hopeful. I was really shocked by that....And yeah, if the real story comes out that I "think" is the real story, it would be the sports story of the decade probably. There's potential for an assistant coach at one school to go to prison, a journalist to go to prison, and another school get hit with probation....meanwhile the school where the player acutally plays is not involved. Crazy, crazy stuff.

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Holy #%@^

This ish runs deep!!!

If bammer is really tied to this, you can bet major money that it will be leaked by next week.  Whenever 'auburn's name' is cleared, if that happens, will be about the same time this news comes out.

Think about what this has done to ratings.  The Au/Georgia national ratings were INSANE.  CBS you need to thank Cam Newton for that.  He paid for your ratings.  If there is a Bama connection, it'll come out the week of the Iron Bowl.  You talk about a story line.  It would be the most watched SEC game of the season, so far.

You realize that the ESPN heavy hitters (Herbstreit, Erin Andrews, etc.) are going to be in tuscaloosa for the Ga. State game.  Wonder if they were tipped off that there might be something breaking that they'll want to be around for?


Even Finebaum was questioning why they are bringing this crew for basically a glorified scrimmage.  Little unconventional for a Thursday night cupcake game.....

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Could be something up in TTown, or they could just be viewing it as an opportunity to be in the state, close to AU, and using the Bama game and run-up to the Iron Bowl as an excuse to lay out some more negative rumor and innuendo about Auburn and Cam Newton.

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Why don't you give us a run down on how you think this will come out....and I will begin writing the movie script! 

Purely speculation, of course, but I would be interested in hearing how you think this could end.....

This is purely speculation, because I don't have all the facts for one and I also have no way of knowing what the media is going to do or be able to hide on the Alabama side. I also believe there are people being investigated by the FBI and if yall will remember a few years back during the Albert Means situation, "TennStud" on the TN boards had to testify and meet with all kinds of people etc. because of what he posted on a message board. I don't want any FBI or NCAA agents knocking on my door about anything and you do have to be careful what you say and what could be slander. So...

IF...and that's a big IF...everything comes out to the public and somehow, some way, some reporter has the fortitude to go after the story...I coud see this ending up with one school getting caught doing dirty things and ending up on probation, not because they were turned in to the NCAA, but because of extortion. Money wasn't paid by a certain school by those trying to extort them, so a media blitz brought on by the extortionist and a corrupt journalist was put into full throttle. Meanwhile, you have the dirty school, the extortionist and the journalist trying to cover their tracks at the expense of a 22 year old kid, whom they would try and dig up any dirt possible on to make him and his family look dirty and deflect away from themselves.

That's about as good as I can do trying to not use specifics. Also, for the people out there who think I'm full of it etc...you do not hurt my feelings or anger me in any way. I just charge you with this...Prove me wrong. Go find the story for yourself and prove me and my suspicions wrong and get the "real" truth out. War Eagle!

Mayor, I will tell you the same thing I said in another thread yesterday: Whoa, whoa , whoa. Before you start this, let me get my family and friends and get out of this state. Do you know how a white dwarf is created? And once again I am NOT talking about little nicky. However, a white dwarf is beautiful sight at a safe distance.  ;D


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Any thoughts on the story posted earlier on this thread and the possibility that that is why the ath. center was on lock down? Or - is that the cover up story for what really happened (i.e. PC's and servers removed?)

I "think" the computers being removed has something to do with it, but again nobody knows yet for sure.

Thanks Mayor - this really is going to be some kind of ending!!



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i dont think leaking information about an ncaa investigation or even fabricating rumors about the elligibilty of an opposing player is a federal crime. help me understand why the fbi would give a shait.

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Holy #%@^

This ish runs deep!!!

If bammer is really tied to this, you can bet major money that it will be leaked by next week.  Whenever 'auburn's name' is cleared, if that happens, will be about the same time this news comes out.

Think about what this has done to ratings.  The Au/Georgia national ratings were INSANE.  CBS you need to thank Cam Newton for that.  He paid for your ratings.  If there is a Bama connection, it'll come out the week of the Iron Bowl.  You talk about a story line.  It would be the most watched SEC game of the season, so far.

You realize that the ESPN heavy hitters (Herbstreit, Erin Andrews, etc.) are going to be in tuscaloosa for the Ga. State game.  Wonder if they were tipped off that there might be something breaking that they'll want to be around for?

I was scratching my head when I heard that was going to be on tv. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.

Why do I feel like I'm on 34th street?  :dunno:

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i dont think leaking information about an ncaa investigation or even fabricating rumors about the elligibilty of an opposing player is a federal crime. help me understand why the fbi would give a shait.

copied from another post

There a distinct possibility that "student records" were leaked from UA.  Yes, A POSSIBILITY.  Now talking heads can make accusations and propose their theories about AU and Cam but it's a whole different game once you cross the line of illegal.  Just FYI, since Florida Student Discipline Committee debunked Cam cheating allegations I asked a friend (who I trust) if falsified student records are released is that also a crime (since they aren't the real thing.) She told me that if they are presented as official then there is actually another set of laws that kick in and make it worse (the category of a doctored student record.)  Ouch.  This is all speculation.  Honestly, I could see it happening, but if an employee of UA using UA resources to acquire Cam's student record then released it into the public domain, they've got a real problem.  A We don't need to say a word, just sit back and watch.  IMHO

Also it's likely the lockdown was due to a gas leak.  As my sources stated earlier, Little Debbies, especially eaten off  the floor, will do that.  

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Would said UA employee possibly have Cam's student record because said UA employee was the assistant to the head coach of a university which was recruiting Cam, thus would more than likely have those records to assure that he was on good standing with Florida to return to D1??? 

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Mayor, I will tell you the same thing I said in another thread yesterday: Whoa, whoa , whoa. Before you start this, let me get my family and friends and get out of this state. Do you know how a white dwarf is created? And once again I am NOT talking about little nicky. However, a white dwarf is beautiful sight at a safe distance.  ;D

Provided you have the right equipment and perspective right?  lol   :thumbsup:

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Would said UA employee possibly have Cam's student record because said UA employee was the assistant to the head coach of a university which was recruiting Cam, thus would more than likely have those records to assure that he was on good standing with Florida to return to D1??? 

JMO, but I think this may run in a slightly different direction.  Based on what I've seen written other places and heard from a few folks, the connection here may be Jody Wright and Rogers as it pertains to "farming players to respective schools."  I believe these two have a history that runs from Jax State (Ryan Perrilou) to MSU to Bama.

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Mayor, I will tell you the same thing I said in another thread yesterday: Whoa, whoa , whoa. Before you start this, let me get my family and friends and get out of this state. Do you know how a white dwarf is created? And once again I am NOT talking about little nicky. However, a white dwarf is beautiful sight at a safe distance.  ;D

Provided you have the right equipment and perspective right?  lol   :thumbsup:

Figured you would get it.  :laugh:

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I have also heard UT could be thrown into the mix....Bryce Brown.

But yes, I have heard the Rogers-Wright connections, I just feel that Wright is still the leak for the Cam academics crap to Evans.  

Evans seems to have a lot of motivation....and what is the best motivator?  $$$$$$$$

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As far as a movie about this goes, look for it on ESPN's 30 for 30 series.  You know they are going to make money off of this.  And as much as I hope Bama is implicated in this, I'm just glad my grandad isn't around to see it.  He captianed Bama's 56 team (pre-bear).

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Perhaps someone can fill me in. I saw the report that the Alabama athletics department was in lock down, but I never saw where there was any mention of a reason. Where did this idea that they were seizing computers come from? How do we know that it wasn't that someone just pulled a fire alarm or made threats against an athlete. Where is the link to the information that states that the FBI was seizing computers? Can someone post it here?

If there is no source then I am highly disappointed in all of you, because you are falling victim to the same BS that the Thayer Evans' and Mike Bianchi's have been pushing. And that is that is ok to spout 'facts' from some unknown source said that no one else can verify. I think now more than ever, actual sources very important.

The seizing of computers is not an idea, it's a fact. I know that it wasn't a fire alarm because the FBI was there, not the fire department and they carried out at least 8 computers and a couple servers as well. There is no link to post. As I stated in my original post, NOBODY in the media is touching it. Someone said why is the national media not on this? As I said in a post last week, the national media doesn't do much investigative work. They get their information from local journalists and decide what they want to put their face on. If all of the media surrounding a particular institution, such as bammer is either a grad of that school, bought and paid for by that school, has a publisher from that school etc., you will not hear anything about it until it's no longer able to be hidden. There is no link to post for that reason. The only reason anyone knows about it at all is because of Auburn people who found out. I cannot and will not ever reveal a source on any information I may have. Therefore, I won't be able to satisfy your need for rock solid confirmation. All I can do is tell you that I have heard this happened from 3 or 4 different people, one of which is a better source than I've ever had for recruiting or anything like that. The person I have gotten my information from on this situation is VERY close to the situation. That's the best I can do for you in that reguard, other than to just say that I put my reputation on the line every time I post something like this, and I'm not about to post something that I don't feel solid about. I can promise you that I'm not spouting the "same B.S. Evans and Bianchi have been pushing".

Forgive me for showing up to the party a little late, but does this incident pertain to the Cam story or is it tied to something else all together. Thanks for posting this info; it's certainly soothing to the soul.

That's the part I don't have confirmation on. The only thing I could tell is it's what I've "heard"....And that would be conjecture....But what I've heard is a common theme I keep hearing...so I don't know yet. The rumor is it does involve the Cam case. We'll see. If it does, then I expect all the reports to be true that Cam and Auburn will be cleared soon....And a storm of doo-doo to follow that will be epic involving an assistant at AL, MSU coaches and boosters and Thayer Evans.

Holy !@#$

I feel like it's Christmas Eve and Santa is bringing me Red Rider BB Gun..........

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Perhaps someone can fill me in. I saw the report that the Alabama athletics department was in lock down, but I never saw where there was any mention of a reason. Where did this idea that they were seizing computers come from? How do we know that it wasn't that someone just pulled a fire alarm or made threats against an athlete. Where is the link to the information that states that the FBI was seizing computers? Can someone post it here?

If there is no source then I am highly disappointed in all of you, because you are falling victim to the same BS that the Thayer Evans' and Mike Bianchi's have been pushing. And that is that is ok to spout 'facts' from some unknown source said that no one else can verify. I think now more than ever, actual sources very important.

The seizing of computers is not an idea, it's a fact. I know that it wasn't a fire alarm because the FBI was there, not the fire department and they carried out at least 8 computers and a couple servers as well. There is no link to post. As I stated in my original post, NOBODY in the media is touching it. Someone said why is the national media not on this? As I said in a post last week, the national media doesn't do much investigative work. They get their information from local journalists and decide what they want to put their face on. If all of the media surrounding a particular institution, such as bammer is either a grad of that school, bought and paid for by that school, has a publisher from that school etc., you will not hear anything about it until it's no longer able to be hidden. There is no link to post for that reason. The only reason anyone knows about it at all is because of Auburn people who found out. I cannot and will not ever reveal a source on any information I may have. Therefore, I won't be able to satisfy your need for rock solid confirmation. All I can do is tell you that I have heard this happened from 3 or 4 different people, one of which is a better source than I've ever had for recruiting or anything like that. The person I have gotten my information from on this situation is VERY close to the situation. That's the best I can do for you in that reguard, other than to just say that I put my reputation on the line every time I post something like this, and I'm not about to post something that I don't feel solid about. I can promise you that I'm not spouting the "same B.S. Evans and Bianchi have been pushing".

Forgive me for showing up to the party a little late, but does this incident pertain to the Cam story or is it tied to something else all together. Thanks for posting this info; it's certainly soothing to the soul.

That's the part I don't have confirmation on. The only thing I could tell is it's what I've "heard"....And that would be conjecture....But what I've heard is a common theme I keep hearing...so I don't know yet. The rumor is it does involve the Cam case. We'll see. If it does, then I expect all the reports to be true that Cam and Auburn will be cleared soon....And a storm of doo-doo to follow that will be epic involving an assistant at AL, MSU coaches and boosters and Thayer Evans.

Holy !@#$

I feel like it's Christmas Eve and Santa is bringing me Red Rider BB Gun..........

You'll shoot your eye out kid.

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I have also heard UT could be thrown into the mix....Bryce Brown.

But yes, I have heard the Rogers-Wright connections, I just feel that Wright is still the leak for the Cam academics crap to Evans.  

Evans seems to have a lot of motivation....and what is the best motivator?  $$$$$$$$

My source told me Lache Seastrunk had a part in this debocle.

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I have also heard UT could be thrown into the mix....Bryce Brown.

But yes, I have heard the Rogers-Wright connections, I just feel that Wright is still the leak for the Cam academics crap to Evans.  

Evans seems to have a lot of motivation....and what is the best motivator?  $$$$$$$$

My source told me Lache Seastrunk had a part in this debocle.


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