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Anybody hear anything about Kenny Irons Tweeting


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I'm assuming these are about the McClover rumors.

"@IamKennyIrons23: Man I hope the Auburn news I just heard about, a past Auburn player releasing some damaging information on an ntervew with Bryant Gumbel HBO [is not true]"

"@IamKennyIrons23: Dayum the things some ppl would do for money! a Univ. that payed ur way thru college & u turn u back and blackball"

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Guest War Eagle 29

The irony of all this is the obvious shady recuiting tactics of the updykes go almost unnoticed by the media. I hope someday the curtains are pulled on little nicky and updyke u's dirty recruiting.

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Back in December I mentioned that we would never be a "media darling." Several objected to that. I was promised that, if we won the crystal football, we would gain great respect and become one of the "media darlings."

Some respect.

Some darling.

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We just can't buy a PR break can we?

UAT seems to have the market cornered.

When you have the best attorneys and every judge and business owner in your hip pocket, you can get away with anything.
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We just can't buy a PR break can we?

That's been my opinion for a while. Auburn needs to do something about the negative publicity because it is damaging, whether people want to believe that or not. Ignoring it is not a good idea anymore because of the internet, and all the tweets, etc.

If all the negative publicity was just because AU won the NC, then the same thing would've happened to bammer last year,or FL in 2008. There's been a strange, unprecedented feeding frenzy by media sharks on AU's reputation, and it's still going strong. Not even USC got dinged this badly after being much more corrupt.

You have to wonder why.

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The bad thing is that it is kind of like that old joke

Boy saves friend and kills rabid dog

Thug fan kills family pet

Right now we seem to be on the latter end of that joke no matter if anyone wants to believe it or not

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Would someone please spell out what's being implied here?  I'm lost. 

FWIW, Bama is no media darling anymore either.  The whole oversigning thing has really focused on them more than anyone else.  Even Houston Nutt is feeling relieved.

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Heath Evans' tweet response:

HeathEvans Heath Evans


@dtautigers Wow! I'm gonna be pissed if I was the only one not getting paid! Lol

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Heath Evans' tweet response:

HeathEvans Heath Evans


@dtautigers Wow! I'm gonna be pissed if I was the only one not getting paid! Lol

That is AWESOME!! Nice job Heath!!

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I just don't understand why former players would do this.  They are guilty if they took money.  It makes them look bad.  I just don't want to believe this stuff anymore.

They are being paid.

I have a somewhat unique perspective as I worked for a Bammer Booster/REC member from April of 2007 to August of 2009. What was to me surprising was how bold they were in what they would say and do.

Things I heard while working there:

1) After hiring the small one: We are going to force everyone else to pony up. We are going to spend them into oblivion.

2) Who do we have to pay to make these NCAA issues go away?

3) Had a UAT student athelete "working" as a helper on one of the service trucks. He worked a couple of months

then disappeared. I was pointed out to him as one of them.

4) Overheard a conversation with with the owner and one of his friends. The friend was bragging about a football player that he had a hand in recruiting. The owner was agreeing that he was going to be a good one.

5) The small one came to visit our office. Of course during and after his visit I went around the office spaying lysol.

These are the most significant events that I can recall.

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I don't understand what we are trying to get from Kenny's tweets? He's not saying he received anything he's saying he can't believe someone who received a free ride via scholarship would turn around and talk bad about that school just for some cash

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seems like eric ramsey part two.  we get on top and the turds attempt to bring us down by any means possible.

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seems like eric ramsey part two.  we get on top and the turds attempt to bring us down by any means possible.

This is why we need to unite and organize. Fight fire with fire. Stop all the b!%@hing and belly aching and do something for a change. Otherwise we are complaining to hear(or see) ourselves speak(or type). All the complaining in the world will not make it go away.

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If any of it is true I will have a problem with it, period. That said, I think about the driving force behind Auburn's negative coverage and always question the credibility of the source. If bama had the media on them like Auburn has bama would not have a FB program.

War Eagle !

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