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Anybody hear anything about Kenny Irons Tweeting


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seems like eric ramsey part two.  we get on top and the turds attempt to bring us down by any means possible.

This is why we need to unite and organize. Fight fire with fire. Stop all the b!%@hing and belly aching and do something for a change. Otherwise we are complaining to hear(or see) ourselves speak(or type). All the complaining in the world will not make it go away.

I'm all in on that.  I'm just saying the main reason this has any wind in the sails at all is that we won big time this year.  If this were a 7-5/8-4 kind of year, it be a blurb ho-hum kind of story.  You add big winning in on this and they try to make us look like SMU and add suspicion to anything good that has happend the past couple years.  Wasn't every news media outlet complaining that we fired a great coach (Tubs) who ran a "clean" program that had "one bad season".  The media will try to tie coach Chiz to McClover and cheating to make the Cam thing look even more suspicious.  You have the Thayer's and Schads of the world that just want to chirp and say I told you so but I don't really care what those people think.

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The media has a dull-ass ax to grind with Auburn University right now.  And, it ain't just the local Alabama run media - it's the national big boys that are digging around for anything they can find and making news about it.... :pcprobs:

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