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Charlie Sheen, American Hero

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Charley Sheen is a sick man, and he should be in a hospital somewhere. Or in jail for possession. There's nothing admirable about a man with no moral boundaries.  Having talent is not enough to excuse his lifestyle choices.

Making buckets of money, sleeping with gorgeous women and all the drugs and alcohol a man could want.  Kudos, Mr. Sheen. Kudos.

Yeah, maybe that's why his life seems so great right now. What a happy man.... :-\

If he was happy he wouldn't be h#ll-bent on destroying himself. And happy people don't lead shallow lives.

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Charley Sheen is a sick man, and he should be in a hospital somewhere. Or in jail for possession. There's nothing admirable about a man with no moral boundaries.  Having talent is not enough to excuse his lifestyle choices.

Making buckets of money, sleeping with gorgeous women and all the drugs and alcohol a man could want.  Kudos, Mr. Sheen. Kudos.

Yeah, maybe that's why his life seems so great right now. What a happy man.... :-\

If he was happy he wouldn't be h#ll-bent on destroying himself. And happy people don't lead shallow lives.

Do shallow people lead happy lives?  :-\

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The worst part about the Kardashians is that they're only on TV because OJ murdered Nicole and Ron. They make me sick.

Charley Sheen is a sick man, and he should be in a hospital somewhere. Or in jail for possession. There's nothing admirable about a man with no moral boundaries.  Having talent is not enough to excuse his lifestyle choices.

Explain your first two sentences, please.  I don't understand. :dunno:

Charlie Sheen, IMHO, has a mental illness and all this crazy talk is more from that illness than addiction.

Addiction evolves into an illness that is both mental and physical. He has destroyed his ability to think clearly by altering his brain chemistry with drugs and alcohol. I agree that he also could be self-medicating due to a mental disorder like bipolar. But he is still responsible for the choices he's made.

As for my first two sentences....you must not know who the Kardashians are and how their parents became well known.




Knew who the Kardashians are, but didn't know the connection btw. them and OJ.  Interesting. . .

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charlie sheen unless he gets serious help soon, will be joining michael jackson, and others in a early grave, and the sad part i dont think sheen even cares, the drugs have ate his brain up

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I'm the first one to agree with people living their life as they see fit. BUT!!!!!!!!!!! The man has children that have been removed from his home. The man has children that will see what he has done on the internet one day. The man needs some help. It won't happen until he admits he needs it. He's to the point that his dad may seek a conservatorship/guardianship of his affairs. That is easier to do in California than it is in some states. Ask Brittany Spears. It's time. I've had the sad occasion to be around people who have his issues, if a person is going to party, you've got to know when to say when. It's a knowledge that not everyone has.

again unless in the next few months sheen becomes serious about getting help, then he will be joining michael jackson and others in a early grave, sad part i dont think sheen really cares
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Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan are gonna start their own sitcom. It's gonna be called "Two and a half grams"

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From {Expletive}MyDadSays in reference to Charlie Sheen

"So he likes drugs and hookers. That's the mustard & mayo on the sandwich of life. Problem is, that's all he's got on his {expletive} sandwich."

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He is sick. He needs help, not scorn.

Sick?  Really?  Did his blood count get too low and his body start producing cocaine and stupidity?  That is the problem with today's culture.  Addiction is not a sickness, it is a choice that is made.  Sheen is completely whacked out, but it isn't a "sickness", it is a byproduct of the choices he made in life.

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He is sick. He needs help, not scorn.

Sick?  Really?  Did his blood count get too low and his body start producing cocaine and stupidity?  That is the problem with today's culture.  Addiction is not a sickness, it is a choice that is made.  Sheen is completely whacked out, but it isn't a "sickness", it is a byproduct of the choices he made in life.

It is indeed an illness, and there is quite often a genetic component to addiction. Some people are predisposed to addiction as much as someone else with a family trait of diabetes or cancer. Once a person has issues with substance abuse, there are chemical changes that take place in the brain, and the disease of addiction sets in. It becomes a serious health issue. Most of these people with the genetic component have seen substance abuse behavior modeled in the home while growing up, and it is common for others in the family to have issues with addiction as well. Lots of addicts suffered physical, verbal and /or sexual abuse growing up. Most of them have undiagnosed mental illness, and they use street drugs to self-medicate. It's a complicated issue that goes way beyond "choice". Charlie Sheen, IMHO, is not really competent to make the best decisions for himself right now, and hasn't been for years.

I say all this because I worked with addicts for years, and I have lots of compassion for most of them. I also have a family friend who battled addiction for years, along with her brother. They have the genetic predispostion to addiction, and their family has had many issues with drug addiction for several generations.

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