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Is it just me or is Trotter...


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just focusing on Blake the entire game...doesn't he know there is other WR's available?  There were several guys and gals in my section at the game last night who made that same comment.  Thoughts?


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You're dead on. I made it a priority to focus on his reads and check-downs last night...and there were none. It's EXTREMELY frustrating to watch him continuously throw into double coverage without even pretending to scan the field first. Don't know if CGM is coaching this or if BT really is this clueless.

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my observations from the game yesterday (first I've seen in person this year) are that Trotter looks onto one side of the field from the snap. The defense doesn't even have to cover the other side. The receivers outside of Blake are running slow, lazy routes as well.

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I continously see him being hesitant in the run trying to make a play when he can't. Frazier brings so much more to this offense than Trotter. Emory has made trotters stats look good.

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Gilstein is exactly right. He only looks to his right unless there's a designed play to his left. And his "running ability "...non existent. How many times has he had nothing but grass between him and a first down and he either forces a bad throw or takes a sack? Sorry to pile-on but BT has yet to impress me with ANY facet of his game. Oh and his short touch passes are pitiful...

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Hey threw the short touch like kodi burns did ..hard as josh Beckett ..and I thought he ran the ball like crazy in high school .and before he gets hit turns his back to the defender ...

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It looks like BT is trying to always create the big play, when he should probably take what he can when a play breaks down.  His pocket presence is getting better, but he still takes too many sacks.  It also seems like the WRs are not getting open, all year this has been the case.  That seems like route running and execution.  It also could be that defenses have figured out some Gus tendencies and are making adjustments.  Last year was really the first year Gus could implement his full offense.  So I am sure the defensive coordinators watched film in the offseason.

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O line blocking as it is, plays a HUGE part in his timing right now. If you don't think he knows he has to find the primary receiver and find them FAST, we haven't been watching the same games.

I hate it as bad as anyone, it sucks, but it's just going to take some time for the team to come together in most phases.

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Part of it may have been in the gameplan. There weren't a lot of over the middle, intermediate routes. Seems like Gus was focusing on deeper throws tonight as maybe a teachable and coaching moment for future opponents. But Trotter is ignoring half of the field after the snap.

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IMO i think Keihl should start next week but just so yall remember how many passes were dropped last night

The dropped passes have been there. It seemed like there were several that should have been caught.

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just focusing on Blake the entire game...doesn't he know there is other WR's available?  There were several guys and gals in my section at the game last night who made that same comment.  Thoughts?


I did notice him staring down Blake on a few plays last night. Honestly, I am more concerned with our problems on the offense than those on the defense. If the offense was clicking on all cylinders we could have a chance by outscoring our opponents when the defense struggles.

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Trotter had time to throw the ball plenty last night. Yes he was pressured at times but he holds the ball too long looking for the big play. Several times there was a guy open underneath the coverage. He needs to know that a 3 yard gain is better than a sack. The rec. did not drop that many balls. There were several thrown behind them.

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I just hope we get some of the things mentioned on this thread fixed and fixed quickly because from what I saw of some of the other games, USC,Ark and Florida are ALL very beatable. It would be a shame for this team to miss out on those opportunities because of repetitive mistakes.

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In my opinion, for CGM's offense to be effective, there has to be a real threat of the qb taking off for big gains. With all due respect to Barrett Trotter, he does not posses the ability to run.  He is an adequate, but not exceptional qb.  I think it is time to sink or swim with Kiehl Frazier.  It is time to start getting him as much experience as possible.  With the way we are playing defense, I don't see but a few more wins anyway.  If it is to be a rebuilding year, let rebuild with the future in mind. KF 

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In my opinion, for CGM's offense to be effective, there has to be a real threat of the qb taking off for big gains. With all due respect to Barrett Trotter, he does not posses the ability to run.  He is an adequate, but not exceptional qb.  I think it is time to sink or swim with Kiehl Frazier.  It is time to start getting him as much experience as possible.  With the way we are playing defense, I don't see but a few more wins anyway.  If it is to be a rebuilding year, let rebuild with the future in mind. KF 

Cam was CGM's first QB to be a real threat. Was his offense ineffective before that?

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I am really not concerned with Trotters running ability as much as I am with making good decisions on where to throw the ball...there was several times he had open receivers but insisted on throwing to Blake...he rarely looks at anyone else...from the second he takes the snap he is looking for #80...this to me is a big issue.

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Look what having a QB that can run has done for Clemson in the CGMjr's offense.       

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Didn't Trotter pick up 15 yards right before his 4th down /facepalm moment?  His running ability is good enough for the offense.  He just needs to utilize it when called on, and get rid of all of his terrible habits that have been covered by other posts in this thread.

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I think defenses we face will not keep an extra person in the box worrying about Trotter's running, leaving another person to cover the pass. It seems many times it is either Dyer in the game or Omac. If Omac is in it is going to be the jet sweep. If it is Dyer it is going to be up the middle or off tackle.  It just seems to this arm chair quarterback, that even with all the variety this offense could offer, Auburn is becoming a little too predicatable.  I am not hating, just frustrated.  I know it is a maturing process, just look at the potential though.

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just focusing on Blake the entire game...doesn't he know there is other WR's available?  There were several guys and gals in my section at the game last night who made that same comment.  Thoughts?


I noticed this to, he reminds me a little of Brock Berlin at UM.

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We might  not win any of the other games with trotter as starting qb. He is a good back up but not a starter who has the win capability. He can not run or pass effectively and is mainly one dimensional.  

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We might  not win any of the other games with trotter as starting qb. He is a good back up but not a starter who has the win capability. He can not run or pass effectively and is mainly one dimensional.  

He just doesn't seem to be the leader this team needs. Just my opinion for what it is worth. He always looks down and out on the sideline. We need someone to step forward and lead this team.
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