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Spurrier's red face


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Has anyone besides myself noticed how red the Ol' ball coach's face looks? It seems to be getting worse each season. I think he might have rosatia or how ever you spell it. I used to think that he was mad & angry and about to explode.  I am not trying to be funny or anything like that. I just want to know if any of you out there have noticed this as well.



:believe: :believe: :believe: :believe:

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I think he was a redhead and they all have a more ruddy complexion than others. What I always noticed from the UF days on was his neck veins ready to EXPLODE  :banghead:

For you youngsters who "kinda" like Spurrier, two quick stories for you. When SS arrived at UF Coach Dye was on the decline. The score was 41-7 UF and Spurrier was still BOMBING (throwing deep) late in the fourth quarter. He raised over a million dollars across FL at booster clubs in those early days telling the old joke - About AU's Library burned down destroying all FOUR books.  Coach Dye said the sad part was they hadn't been colored in yet.  >:(

Spurrier has mellowed a bit in his old age but never doubt he was, is and shall ever be a %&**# SOB !!!

:wareagle: JUST WIN BABY

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He looks like gordon gecko....

Spurrier has nothing on Petrino.   

Post game , this weekend,  ol' bobby went from pale, to looking like he had a world class tropical sunburn. 

He was literally as red as his shirt.   I happened to be forwarding through the news clip of him so the color change was fast,  but if you look at him before the questions started flying,  he was a normal color for him.  Within 1 minute his face turned as red as a bammer neck.   In fast motion you can really see the flush grow.  He looked embarassed that his post game was all BS,  and everyone knew it.  For every question asked,  he turns a deeper shade of red.

I wish I would have saved that DVR clip.   It was truely an amazing color feat!

here is the video after he is already red.  http://www.wholehogsports.com/videos/2011/sep/24/5136/

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I think he was a redhead and they all have a more ruddy complexion than others. What I always noticed from the UF days on was his neck veins ready to EXPLODE  :banghead:

For you youngsters who "kinda" like Spurrier, two quick stories for you. When SS arrived at UF Coach Dye was on the decline. The score was 41-7 UF and Spurrier was still BOMBING (throwing deep) late in the fourth quarter. He raised over a million dollars across FL at booster clubs in those early days telling the old joke - About AU's Library burned down destroying all FOUR books.  Coach Dye said the sad part was they hadn't been colored in yet.  >:(

Spurrier has mellowed a bit in his old age but never doubt he was, is and shall ever be a %&**# SOB !!!

:wareagle: JUST WIN BABY

I still can't stand the SOB!

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