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Fisher Kid


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He had a Personal Foul called on him on one of the kickoffs.  I think he is on all special teams except field goal and punt return. 

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He had a Personal Foul called on him on one of the kickoffs.   I think he is on all special teams except field goal and punt return. 

I think the flag was actually against Trent on Punt Coverage. He did not give enough room for the SC guy to cvatch the ball and the ball hit the guy and was fumbled. SC got the ball and 15 added yards. THey showed Fisher after the play and he looked upset.

He looks like he is a player and knows the game real well.

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Let's see if we can get Jeff Fisher to help out 'D'

and get me a cardiologist that has more than aspirin for games like yesterday

it is exciting to see the improvement the D and ST made in a week, now if we can the O fixed up, but a recent article in East Alabama Magazine about Malzahn the way he is, he is on it and is not pleased,

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