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South Carolina versus Auburn....the fan edition


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So, after last year and how the USC fans wrote that op ed about how GREAT the environment was on the Plains and how hospitable the AU fans were...

It seems the Auburn fans did not get the same treatment.

I have heard from several people that the USC fans were throwing trash on the field, trash on our players as they celebrated after the game, cussing out AU chanting "F Auburn" and such...

Anyone go to the game have a similar experience, and maybe an Auburn fan needs to write an op ed about their trip to the Brice...

Sad, very sad.  I really used to like USC until I heard about this behavior.  Glad we don't play them anymore for a while.

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I was unable to go this weekend and I had to sell my tickets.  However, I did go to our last game there, the Thursday night game in which we basically held the ball the whole 3rd qtr, after a successful onside kick.  They were as bad as really bad UGA fans at the best.  We were worried for our safety back to the car.  They are true wannabes and are some of the worst losers in the nation.  I do not really care if I ever go back.  I have been twice and have nothing good to say about either trip.

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Wasn't at yesterdays game but at the SECCG they sucked. Will pull for everyone to beat them.

After last year a lot of SEC fanbases showed their ass with the Cam situation. Showed that they aren't about pulling for the conference. I will not be pulling for any but maybe Vandy as of last year because of it. They can all go to Hell.

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Yeah we are 0 for 2 on good environments in SC this year. I will cut Clemson some slack because somehow we ended up tailgating next to fraternity row, and thats not the best sample of their fans.

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So, after last year and how the USC fans wrote that op ed about how GREAT the environment was on the Plains and how hospitable the AU fans were...

It seems the Auburn fans did not get the same treatment.

I have heard from several people that the USC fans were throwing trash on the field, trash on our players as they celebrated after the game, cussing out AU chanting "F Auburn" and such...

Anyone go to the game have a similar experience, and maybe an Auburn fan needs to write an op ed about their trip to the Brice...

Sad, very sad.  I really used to like USC until I heard about this behavior.  Glad we don't play them anymore for a while.

I read that all of that happened on a thread in cockytalk. They seem to feel it was all justified.   :dunno: 

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