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Just wondering .......


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That would be a huge undertaking.  We must cleanse the earth before anything new can be planted and that is going to take some time.

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That would be a huge undertaking.  We must cleanse the earth before anything new can be planted and that is going to take some time.

It's also very expensive.  :(

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It seems like to me that it is a possibility. I think that they already know the outcome for the trees and thus told Auburn fans to go ahead and roll it(knowing it will die/if not already). If Auburn does have to replace the tree then the cost should be paid by the person responsible(Updyke). The cost for environmental clean up and replacement should take him awhile to pay off.

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That would be a huge undertaking.  We must cleanse the earth before anything new can be planted and that is going to take some time.

By cleanse the earth do you mean remove the soil? because that has already been done.

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If they put in new trees they should change the entire area and allow more open ground around the trees. I beleieve the trees had been in distress for years due to the sidewalk and road covering so much of their roots. Roots got to breath!  :)

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That would be a huge undertaking.  We must cleanse the earth before anything new can be planted and that is going to take some time.

By cleanse the earth do you mean remove the soil? because that has already been done.

They excavated the earth around the trees but did not remove it all.  With polluted ground you would have to remove the tree, excavate all of the soil for a fairly large diameter and refill with clean soil before something new can be planted.

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From what I've heard and read, the poison has also got to several trees away from the oaks.  This soil would have to be removed also.  People much smarter than me about this kind of thing will certainly know more tho.  I look forward to being educated.

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Long time lurker...

In regards to transplanting news oaks, I'd like to see us do away with bronze statues of Heisman winners and leave that to the Bammers.  Instead, I think it would be cool to see two bronze trees go in on Toomer's Corner.  It would probably be ridiculously expensive, but life sized bronze trees would be pretty sweet.

Some inbred Bammer would still probably try and poison them too.

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It's possible but it can happen for several years. The poison won't be completely soaked up/out of the soil for awhile and you can't transplant trees while there is still poison in the ground.

Another issue that would make this almost impossible is that it's believed the roots of the current trees extend way below the intersection at Toomer's corner and it'd be nearly impossible to clear the root system of the current trees.

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Long time lurker...

In regards to transplanting news oaks, I'd like to see us do away with bronze statues of Heisman winners and leave that to the Bammers.  Instead, I think it would be cool to see two bronze trees go in on Toomer's Corner.  It would probably be ridiculously expensive, but life sized bronze trees would be pretty sweet.

Some inbred Bammer would still probably try and poison them too.

Absolutely love this idea. You'll still hear the "Yeah, but they're not real" complaints from some people, but, IMO, the bronze trees would be a great tribute to the Oaks. We could still roll them.

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