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The Future!


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My fellow Auburn family, please wish me luck.

I have an interview Monday and I had one last Thursday and I have not had a job since I was unjustly fired in September.

I just wanted to share with the AU family.  Once I get back on my feet, my donations will start back.


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Thanks you guys.  I know a lot of people are in the same situation.

I now understand how it feels. 

it stinks, that's for sure.  Best of luck, will keep you in my prayers.

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Me, too, TomTom.  My Kindergarteners had the class party in tears on Thursday.  We'd been discussing "giving" vs. "receiving" and how, in our current economy especially, the best gifts don't always have $$ strings attached.  Each child took a sheet home to fill out w/parents answering two questions, "What would you give to the the world this Christmas?"  "Why do you believe this gift would make the world a better place?"  And the one I could not get through without closing up was the one that replied, "My family and I would give all of the jobs that people had lost back to them so that they could keep their homes and be in their houses on Christmas Day."  It went on to express love and appreciation for those serving abroad and coming home.  And in that vein, know that I plus 18 little five-and-six-year-olds (and their families) had you and countless others in mind this week and will continue to lift you up.

Hang in there...it is always darkest before the dawn.  Trust those closed doors and open windows!


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