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For those who hate Georgia....


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HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yep, I'm with you on Georgia. Sometimes I hate them more than Bama. This year (along with 2 years ago) I want to beat them more than Bama.

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I saw that earlier..thought it was pretty funny. And having lived in Georgia for a year and a half, I can't agree more. They are what Bama fans were five years ago: arrogant and abrasive because they still think they are the team they were when Dooley and Herschel were there, completely blind to the fact that they have fallen to nothing more than fifth in the conference (and a strong argument can be made for Arkansas being ahead of them). Thought it was funny how much more likely it was for a Georgia Tech fan to know something substantial about football than it was for a UGA fan.

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Celebrating the hate for another school more than celebrating the marriage on the wedding day is messed up. On a lighter note Jeff Foxworthy has new material...If you made a dead bulldog wedding cake with the words to H*** with Georgia, you might be a redneck.

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As far as cakes go, that pretty awesome handy work. who ever did this is good at their craft. but it's supposed to be a wedding I'm not sure if this was the right choice. this cake would be perfect for your get together on gameday. Reguardless I give the couple props for their shared hatred of their rival. and Huge props for the bride to go along with this cake. I'm sure it was the grooms cake but we all know women run the show especially when it comes to their wedding day.

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I saw that earlier..thought it was pretty funny. And having lived in Georgia for a year and a half, I can't agree more. They are what Bama fans were five years ago: arrogant and abrasive because they still think they are the team they were when Dooley and Herschel were there, completely blind to the fact that they have fallen to nothing more than fifth in the conference (and a strong argument can be made for Arkansas being ahead of them). Thought it was funny how much more likely it was for a Georgia Tech fan to know something substantial about football than it was for a UGA fan.

My oh my, how times have changed in such a short time.

UGA fans think Saint Richt is going to bring them to the promised land.  He's had 10 yrs at the helm and still hasn't gotten it done.  They are one of the most patient fanbases I know.  :laugh:

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Count me in as a hater.  Living here in the ATL it can get to be more than I can handle.  At least until they start losing, then we don't hear from them. 

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Incredibly tacky and completely inappropriate for a wedding.

It's more likely the grooms cake, if so completely appropriate. :thumbsup:
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Incredibly tacky and completely inappropriate for a wedding.

It's more likely the grooms cake, if so completely appropriate. :thumbsup:

Only if you are Mike Vick.  :-X

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Incredibly tacky and completely inappropriate for a wedding.

It's more likely the grooms cake, if so completely appropriate. :thumbsup:

Only if you are Mike Vick.  :-X

One of my cousins married a taxidermist. His grooms cake was an armadillo complete with redvelvit cake for innards. Really strange but appropriate for him. Somehow I feel this was appropriate for this couple as well.

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Agreed on the most patient fanbase.  Most of them that I know are tired of Richt's pacifist and calm demeanor.  They have the talent in state, and Grantham has revived their defense, but the attitude of the fans is what kills me.  They think they are a top tier team.  Yes, they have history, but college football is a what have you done for me lately world.  The way they have been smacked around by Florida before last year (and almost lost that one) and just not being able to finish (SECCG, bowls in general, no BCS crystal) regardless of Richt's 10 win/year average just cements them as not being able to reach the top rung IMO. 

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that was just wrong

and nasty.

Still pretty funny though!

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