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US Open Interupter...


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Did that guy that interupted the trophy presentation not look like Darren Clarke from Ireland?  He looked a lot like DC...if so, Darren is back on the sauce...heavy!

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Security must have been very lax if this guy just walked in to that ceremony without being stopped.  I'll bet somebody got their butt chewed out for allowing that. 

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Security must have been very lax if this guy just walked in to that ceremony without being stopped.  I'll bet somebody got their butt chewed out for allowing that. 

Nah, it was in California...they'll let him off and give him a gold star!  But I swear that looked like the pro golfer Darren Clarke...I almost choked on the 40 I was swilling when I saw it!

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Gotta love Simpson's comment...."enjoy the jail cell pal".

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