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Dye: Chizik to return in 2013 even if he doesn't win another game this year


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I think Gene threw his cards on the table today to see if Dye has that kind of pull.

This is just more proof that what PM reported about Wayne Bolt getting the boot from a meeting by BVG. Some times you have to take the keys away from your grandparents because they don't need to drive any more. Someone needs to take the keys away from CPD. He has become a danger to the program and statements like this are just more poof of it. He has little trolls like Wayne Bolt running around turning in daily reports and putting his nose in things.

The staff is split and the players seem to have given up because they are totally confused in who to believe in. Its not right for the players and someone needs to step in and fix this bull crap!

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Coach GC WILL be at Auburn for a long time. MANY factors go into making this statement of FACT.

That is all...Carry on.....

Playing the "I am going to post vague comments so I can pretend to really know something, but am not telling" card really is pretty lame, tired, worn out and frankly juvenile. You need to post those MANY factors to support your vague post or quit playing message board insider. That is all........Carry on.....


Sorry, but you are in no position here to dictate policy or tell others what they should or shouldn't do. WarTim has been around a long time and with that he has earned his credibility.

Fair enough. My request for him to actually post those factors still stands. There is nothing in the way of facts/speculation/etc in his post with which to judge credibility. He brought it out that there were many factors. It would be nice to read some of those.


Probably because Dye had a great deal to do with hiring Chizik and the AD. Somehow the old drunk, worshipped by many here, is in a power position at Auburn. We have no shortage of characters to fill the meddling in the Athletic Dept bill at AU. Dye did two things that AU people love; brought the Bama game to JH and beat Bear. He also talks and drinks too much, usually both at the same time if you listen to him. If we're going to say Dye has done so much for Auburn, why don't people love Tuberville? Tubs beat Bama 6 times in 10 years.
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If Saban isn't a leader, who is he following? If Saban isn't a teacher, then why is the program having success? ADo you think Alabama's talent comes factory sealed? And why isn't Auburn having the same success since they lack teaching? Questions you need to answer before you criticize a coach who's won two NC's in three years and looks to be headed for three in four years.

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I tone out people who automatically say, "If you believe X about Y then you don't deserve to cheer for my alma mater." Your alma mater? You own it? So YOU are to blame for the way we're playing?

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Auburn is capable of great things but it will usually be a one year type of thing. I doubt Auburn will ever be good enough to contend 2 or 3 years in a row.

Then you don't know enough about Auburn. Pat Dye won three straight SEC championships and at least 75% of the games for four straight years in the late 80s. I see a ton of parallels between Dye's tenure and Chizik's tenure. If that pattern holds true, then Auburn will have double digit wins next year and compete for it all in 2014 and/or 2015.

I sat in the stands for Dye's first year and watched closely in the following years. Dye's teams lacked talent but would hit hard and not quit. Those teams knew what they were supposed to do and did it to the best of their ability. Our team looks mostly lost and unprepared despite a supposed wealth of talent; if you believe anything the recruiting experts say.
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Yeah, I'm thinking Dye has got to be questioning himself after that disaster today.


That would mean that Dye would be questioning his support of his hand picked AD as well. I honestly don't see that happening.


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I read through this thread while watching this debacle of a game. I have been loathe to post on here, because it seems like you get attacked and called non-supportive if you question the direction or leadership of the coaching staff - mostly CGC and Loeffler. I AM an Auburn fan, supporter, lover and whatever word you want to throw out there. My brother and sister-in-law both WORK for the University, tailgate with team members, and live and breathe auburn University. However, my biggest question is at what point do you stop accepting mediocrity? At what point are you allowed to question the coaching staff? After 5 losses? 7 losses? at 1-11? or never? Because that is what it seems like to me - to some we are always in perpetual "rebuild" mode - it will get better next year mode.

For CPD to say that Chizik is absolutely safe is ludicrous to me - I guess you can see it as "supportive" - I see it as complacent. It is TIME for the fans to expect more. We were supposed to PROGRESS from last year - instead we have regressed, and regressed by a great deal! If our recruits start heading for greener grass, where does that leave us? GREAT programs recognize the problem early and nip it in the bud - they remove and hire as needed. Loeffler is in over his head. I give Van Gorder a waiver because I have actually seen "some" progression from the D.

There is something not right at Auburn and it has been that way for the past two years - two many kids getting arrested - too much media attention on "thug" attitudes. Does Chizik have control of this program? Blast me if you want, but why is it wrong to want more for an institution and program that you have spent your entire life loving? It is all just very very sad....

Well said
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If Pat Dye truly loves AU like he says he does, then he needs to take a good, long, hard look at the football program and see the mess it's become. He may have been instrumental in the Chizik hire, but it just isn't working out. And, as far as Jacobs is concerned, I know he played for Dye and Dye probably feels some loyalty to him, but he's got to look at the football and athletic program as a whole, and neither Jacobs nor Chizik are working out. I will always appreciate what Pat Dye for AU. He looked Bear Bryant squarely in the face and recruited against him on an even par and beat him in what turned out to be Bear's last regular season game. He brought the Iron Bowl to AU and out of that run down bucket of nuts and bolts Legion Field in Birmingham. However, he either has got to realize that changes need to be made, or someone needs to take the keys from the athletic department away from him and give him the old pat on the back and gold watch and tell him "we'll see you later, Coach...and thanks for everything."

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Yeah, I'm thinking Dye has got to be questioning himself after that disaster today.


That would mean that Dye would be questioning his support of his hand picked AD as well. I honestly don't see that happening.


The only thing Dye is questioning is why he didn't get his second bottle of Chivas sooner watching this masterpiece of misery.

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Losing every game the rest of the way is so unlikely as to not even worry about.

I've told all my non-Auburn friends who have asked if I thought Chizik would get run after this year that I don't see it happening and don't think it should happen.

Granted, if we did lose every other game, which would include losses to New Mexico State and ALABAMA A&M, then it would be hard to defend him at that point.

I think we could still go 6-6, but wouldn't bet on it.

Um, what? 6-6? Really? I hope youre right but thats impossible my friend. There is a better chance of us losing out that picking up 5 more wins. bama, texas a&m, georgia, ole miss and vandy are losses in my book. that leaves new mexico state and ala a&m. Seriously man, we just rushed for 40 yards on the 120th ranked defense in the country and we are supposedly a running team. This ones going to get ugly.

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Yeah, I'm thinking Dye has got to be questioning himself after that disaster today.


That would mean that Dye would be questioning his support of his hand picked AD as well. I honestly don't see that happening.


The only thing Dye is questioning is why he didn't get his second bottle of Chivas sooner watching this masterpiece of misery.

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