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Dye: Chizik to return in 2013 even if he doesn't win another game this year


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as unhappy as I am with the season chizik has won a national championship and that means something. I think he atleast gets next year to get things in order with the assitants he hired. if they don't work his job is in jeapordy. he will atleast get one more year.

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the recruiting will start to pay dividends next year. alot of guys out of the last two classes are just starting to play. we will have depth next year something we havn't had. look how many freshman, redshirt freshman, and sophmores from the last three classes are starting to see the field. This recruiting class is extremely important to provide a boost and fill the remaining voids and most of all provide quality depth

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As others have stated I just don't see Auburn going 1-11 for the season

regardless of who gets injuried or leaves the team...however if this team

does not win more than 3 games this year I would expect to see some major

changes regardless of whats been stated by coach Dye.

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Dye's words regarding Saban ring true to everyone who isn't a Bama fan. There are only a few coaches alive today who, if they were by some bizarre event were to become Auburn's coaches in the near or distant future, would cause me to put my love for my wonderful University's football program on hiatus until the day of their departure. That list includes the likes of Saban, Kiffin, Orgeron, Meyer and now Petrino.

Cheering for a team that is struggling isn't what most would call an AUsome experience, but trading a good man who is trying to do things the right way and doing his best to take young high school kids and turn them into Auburn Men in the process, and who, by the way, has given us the first NC in the last half century, for a self-centered, ego-maniacal tyrant who cares nothing about the players and only about prestige, power and the perks that go along with being the HC of a winning program just for the sake of more W's???? That's not why I became an Auburn fan in the first place and it sure isn't why I am an Auburn fan now.

Would I take 1 Gene Chizik over 10 Nick Sabans (or any of the others on that list)? You're dang right I would!!!

Let's go take care of those Hawgs!


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Coach GC WILL be at Auburn for a long time. MANY factors go into making this statement of FACT.

That is all...Carry on.....

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Coach GC WILL be at Auburn for a long time. MANY factors go into making this statement of FACT.

That is all...Carry on.....

Playing the "I am going to post vague comments so I can pretend to really know something, but am not telling" card really is pretty lame, tired, worn out and frankly juvenile. You need to post those MANY factors to support your vague post or quit playing message board insider. That is all........Carry on.....


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Coach GC WILL be at Auburn for a long time. MANY factors go into making this statement of FACT.

That is all...Carry on.....

Playing the "I am going to post vague comments so I can pretend to really know something, but am not telling" card really is pretty lame, tired, worn out and frankly juvenile. You need to post those MANY factors to support your vague post or quit playing message board insider. That is all........Carry on.....


Sorry, but you are in no position here to dictate policy or tell others what they should or shouldn't do. WarTim has been around a long time and with that he has earned his credibility.

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Dye's words regarding Saban ring true to everyone who isn't a Bama fan. There are only a few coaches alive today who, if they were by some bizarre event were to become Auburn's coaches in the near or distant future, would cause me to put my love for my wonderful University's football program on hiatus until the day of their departure. That list includes the likes of Saban, Kiffin, Orgeron, Meyer and now Petrino.

Cheering for a team that is struggling isn't what most would call an AUsome experience, but trading a good man who is trying to do things the right way and doing his best to take young high school kids and turn them into Auburn Men in the process, and who, by the way, has given us the first NC in the last half century, for a self-centered, ego-maniacal tyrant who cares nothing about the players and only about prestige, power and the perks that go along with being the HC of a winning program just for the sake of more W's???? That's not why I became an Auburn fan in the first place and it sure isn't why I am an Auburn fan now.

Would I take 1 Gene Chizik over 10 Nick Sabans (or any of the others on that list)? You're dang right I would!!!

Let's go take care of those Hawgs!


excuse me... friend.......

Do you think for a second that you woudnt be the worlds biggest Saban fan if he coached AU?

Yes he is a Jackass! A Jackass that wins! If ya DONT want Saban as your coach your crazy.

He makes the media mad cause he CAN...They hang on his every word...OUR coach cant get a 10 sec sound bite!

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Coach GC WILL be at Auburn for a long time. MANY factors go into making this statement of FACT.

That is all...Carry on.....

Playing the "I am going to post vague comments so I can pretend to really know something, but am not telling" card really is pretty lame, tired, worn out and frankly juvenile. You need to post those MANY factors to support your vague post or quit playing message board insider. That is all........Carry on.....


Sorry, but you are in no position here to dictate policy or tell others what they should or shouldn't do. WarTim has been around a long time and with that he has earned his credibility.

Fair enough. My request for him to actually post those factors still stands. There is nothing in the way of facts/speculation/etc in his post with which to judge credibility. He brought it out that there were many factors. It would be nice to read some of those.


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just finished reading the Paterno book. he was one of the biggest jerks to his players. after they (players) left the program, all they talked about was how much they respected him but hated him while they played for him. Ask any former player of Saban's that didn't quit or run off, how much they care for him? Agree to disagree, but I would take him as a coach, if he produced for Auburn as much as he has for Alabama.

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And some comments for those who've advocated hiring Petrino.... There are 3 things that are crystal clear about Petrino's career: (1) He's an offensive genius. (2) He's a snake in the grass (note: he's burned bridges everywhere he's been, including Auburn). (3) Big write up in the Memphis paper this week about laying Arky's disaster at his feet, though not b/c of mistress-gate. Rather, he clearly failed to recruit quality athletes on the defensive side of the ball. Not only do I believe Dye is right that he will never be hired at Auburn, I can't imagine why we--or anyone else--would want him.


Regardless of success or failure on the field, and even avoiding the issue of adultery, family, or what goes on between consenting adults:

1) He violated university, state, and federal policy by giving his mistress favoritism in the hiring process, and no doubt created an uncomfortable work environment for those who knew what was going on or witnessed favoritism and were made uncomfortable by it.

2) He was placed in a position of leadership over young men and set an example of adultery, hiring bias, and lax attitude toward laws/rules.

3) He lied to his superiors about it.

4) He put the University of Arkansas in considerable legal risk/liability through all of his actions.


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Some of you are quite humorous. I've said this before and I will keep on saying it because some of you just don't seem to grasp it......

Pat Dye has done more for AUBURN UNIVERSITY than any of you out there. HE has EARNED the right to be where he is and to say what he says. HE will decide when to step back to the lake and woods. Period! Nuff said!

IF I understand what you are saying I say baloney. As much as I like CPD. he is NOT bigger than Auburn University and doesn't get to live by a different set of rules and conduct than any other prominent former employee.

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Dye's words regarding Saban ring true to everyone who isn't a Bama fan. There are only a few coaches alive today who, if they were by some bizarre event were to become Auburn's coaches in the near or distant future, would cause me to put my love for my wonderful University's football program on hiatus until the day of their departure. That list includes the likes of Saban, Kiffin, Orgeron, Meyer and now Petrino.

Cheering for a team that is struggling isn't what most would call an AUsome experience, but trading a good man who is trying to do things the right way and doing his best to take young high school kids and turn them into Auburn Men in the process, and who, by the way, has given us the first NC in the last half century, for a self-centered, ego-maniacal tyrant who cares nothing about the players and only about prestige, power and the perks that go along with being the HC of a winning program just for the sake of more W's???? That's not why I became an Auburn fan in the first place and it sure isn't why I am an Auburn fan now.

Would I take 1 Gene Chizik over 10 Nick Sabans (or any of the others on that list)? You're dang right I would!!!

Let's go take care of those Hawgs!


excuse me... friend.......

Do you think for a second that you woudnt be the worlds biggest Saban fan if he coached AU?

I can guarantee you I wouldn't.

Yes he is a Jackass! A Jackass that wins! If ya DONT want Saban as your coach your crazy.

NOTHING would ever make me want Saban as head coach. Saban isn't the only coach I would not want at Auburn. My list includes: Spurrier, Mullen, Tressel, Pete Carroll, Jimmy Johnson, Urban Meyer, Muschamp.

He makes the media mad cause he CAN...They hang on his every word...OUR coach cant get a 10 sec sound bite!

No. He treats the media like crap because he's a prick of a human being. NOT what I want in a head coach, and I don't care how much he "wins".

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I will not follow a liar, cheat or any dishonorable man for any reason. What will you teach generations of young men by that type of example. They are still young and impressionable. If you feel that winning at any cost is the right thing to do, then your support is in the wrong place and on the wrong team. We are Auburn and proud of it. We win with honor, not at any cost, and especially at the cost of our young men. Never shall we surrender to a win at all cost coach, we are better than that. War Eagle forever!

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Some of you are quite humorous. I've said this before and I will keep on saying it because some of you just don't seem to grasp it......

Pat Dye has done more for AUBURN UNIVERSITY than any of you out there. HE has EARNED the right to be where he is and to say what he says. HE will decide when to step back to the lake and woods. Period! Nuff said!

IF I understand what you are saying I say baloney. As much as I like CPD. he is NOT bigger than Auburn University and doesn't get to live by a different set of rules and conduct than any other prominent former employee.

Then I'll see your "baloney" and raise you a "bull****" because I stand by what I said. WTH did I say he was bigger than Auburn University? It's an opinion. Get over yourself.

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Auburn is capable of great things but it will usually be a one year type of thing. I doubt Auburn will ever be good enough to contend 2 or 3 years in a row.

Then you don't know enough about Auburn. Pat Dye won three straight SEC championships and at least 75% of the games for four straight years in the late 80s. I see a ton of parallels between Dye's tenure and Chizik's tenure. If that pattern holds true, then Auburn will have double digit wins next year and compete for it all in 2014 and/or 2015.

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I was talking with a FSU Alum today who follows recruiting. He did not seem to be surprised at all about how Auburn was performing this year; but he said next year will be quite a bit better and the following year we should contend for it all. He based his opinion on how well Coach Chizik and staff have been recruiting.

We do not have enough top level senior leadership with this group especially in key positions on offense and defense.

Now he does not have a dog in the fight between Alabama and Auburn...............and does not despise Auburn like some do. He was offering a neutral educated opinion.........so if he represents many educated, well informed fans who follow the sport closely, then maybe we should give the staff a break and wait till next year to start posting doom and gloom stuff. For the record I am not happy with this year either.............but last year was a great coaching job by the staff. We have very good coaches that just happen to be fine men. All of us arm chair coaches really base our opinions on_______________ (watching games on television). How many of us have played or coached in Division 1 football? Surely we have a few that post on here that have played....those are the guys I would like to hear from now because their credibility is much higher than mine.

Am waiting......................................................................

I played, so I guess that means I can respond. The most disheartening thing is seeing the regression from last year to this year, when we should be seeing progress. I do see it in the defense under BVG, but the name of the game is scoring points. I've made my feelings known about Leoffler, so I won't comment on that much. Right now, I think we have a case of an experienced DC that knows how to use his players' strengths and an inexperienced OC that doesn't. This gives alot of fans the ole 2008 feeling.

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Its like granpa sayin He sucks but we aint got the money right now to do anything about it. And the money is gonna be low for the next few years because he sucks so bad. We might need to finish up his contract.

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I think he is right about Petrino but wrong about Chizik. If he loses the rest of the games no way they keep him.

No way to prove your statement as Auburn will not lose all the remaining games!

Seriously, why even pose the scenario like that in the first place ? I know we're 1-3, and 'may' not end w/ a winning record, but really? Is this team so bad , so lacking in talent, to even discuss going 1-11 for the whole season ???

bama fans are loving this crap.

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Some of you are quite humorous. I've said this before and I will keep on saying it because some of you just don't seem to grasp it......

Pat Dye has done more for AUBURN UNIVERSITY than any of you out there. HE has EARNED the right to be where he is and to say what he says. HE will decide when to step back to the lake and woods. Period! Nuff said!

IF I understand what you are saying I say baloney. As much as I like CPD. he is NOT bigger than Auburn University and doesn't get to live by a different set of rules and conduct than any other prominent former employee.

pretty sure you're missing the point AND over reacting just a smidge. I dont know how old you are but I suffered through the 70s, which was the lowest ebb of Auburn football in my lifetime. Pat Dye not only brought the program back but he did a lot more especially with regard to restoring national respect to Auburn football and bringing the Iron Bowl game to Auburn. The fact that what he did holds him near and dear to many folks heart is not a surprise BUT you have to have experienced what was going on before he got there to have a full appreciation of his importance to the history of Auburn football program.

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