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Dye: Chizik to return in 2013 even if he doesn't win another game this year


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Gene Chizik is nice guy and I have nothing against hin as a person., but please people, Gene is getting 3.5 million a year to WIN football games and NOT for being a nice guy. If we can't get the job done winning the national championship with Cam and Nick, then Jacobs should man enough to show Gene the door and bring in a REAL football coach who knows how to win football games.

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Gene Chizik is nice guy and I have nothing against hin as a person., but please people, Gene is getting 3.5 million a year to WIN football games and NOT for being a nice guy. If we can't get the job done winning the national championship with Cam and Nick, then Jacobs should man enough to show Gene the door and bring in a REAL football coach who knows how to win football games.

a lot of people made the same argument for tubby. In the end its about results on the field. Chick is not earning is salary.

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I REALLY like Chizik. He's a GREAT person. I have a lot of respect for him.

He is not a good coach. I think we are all seeing the results of hiring the 5-19 coach.

He has had his chance at rebuilding....he has loaded up with talent in the past three recruiting classes. This team is REGRESSING. We should be BETTER than we were last year, and we are most definitely not.

Face it....they just are not developing talent.

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If Jay Jacobs doesn't fire Gene Chizik, then Dr. Gouge needs to fire Jacobs and take care of Chizik himself. AU is now in the SEC West cellar. AU is on the same level as Kentucky in the SEC East. There is way too much talent on that field to lose to this Arkansas team, or even to be taken into OT by LaMonroe. There has got to be a change, and the sooner the better.

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Gene Chizik is nice guy and I have nothing against hin as a person., but please people, Gene is getting 3.5 million a year to WIN football games and NOT for being a nice guy. If we can't get the job done winning the national championship with Cam and Nick, then Jacobs should man enough to show Gene the door and bring in a REAL football coach who knows how to win football games.

Take a look at Auburn's big three programs -football,baseball,basketball- they are all dumpster fires. What do they have in common Jacobs hired all the head Coaches, I think we need to start from the top and work our way down.

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I read through this thread while watching this debacle of a game. I have been loathe to post on here, because it seems like you get attacked and called non-supportive if you question the direction or leadership of the coaching staff - mostly CGC and Loeffler. I AM an Auburn fan, supporter, lover and whatever word you want to throw out there. My brother and sister-in-law both WORK for the University, tailgate with team members, and live and breathe auburn University. However, my biggest question is at what point do you stop accepting mediocrity? At what point are you allowed to question the coaching staff? After 5 losses? 7 losses? at 1-11? or never? Because that is what it seems like to me - to some we are always in perpetual "rebuild" mode - it will get better next year mode.

For CPD to say that Chizik is absolutely safe is ludicrous to me - I guess you can see it as "supportive" - I see it as complacent. It is TIME for the fans to expect more. We were supposed to PROGRESS from last year - instead we have regressed, and regressed by a great deal! If our recruits start heading for greener grass, where does that leave us? GREAT programs recognize the problem early and nip it in the bud - they remove and hire as needed. Loeffler is in over his head. I give Van Gorder a waiver because I have actually seen "some" progression from the D.

There is something not right at Auburn and it has been that way for the past two years - two many kids getting arrested - too much media attention on "thug" attitudes. Does Chizik have control of this program? Blast me if you want, but why is it wrong to want more for an institution and program that you have spent your entire life loving? It is all just very very sad....

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If Jay Jacobs doesn't fire Gene Chizik, then Dr. Gouge needs to fire Jacobs and take care of Chizik himself. AU is now in the SEC West cellar. AU is on the same level as Kentucky in the SEC East. There is way too much talent on that field to lose to this Arkansas team, or even to be taken into OT by LaMonroe. There has got to be a change, and the sooner the better.

No way will Jay Jacobs fire Chizik this season. Jay Jacobs hitched his big wagon to his hiring of Gene Chizik and Jay Jacobs has Pat Dye's support. Chizik will coach through 2013.


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If Jay Jacobs doesn't fire Gene Chizik, then Dr. Gouge needs to fire Jacobs and take care of Chizik himself. AU is now in the SEC West cellar. AU is on the same level as Kentucky in the SEC East. There is way too much talent on that field to lose to this Arkansas team, or even to be taken into OT by LaMonroe. There has got to be a change, and the sooner the better.

No way will Jay Jacobs fire Chizik this season. Jay Jacobs hitched his big wagon to his hiring of Gene Chizik and Jay Jacobs has Pat Dye's support. Chizik will coach through 2013.


a couple more performances like the one today + another iron bowl beatdown would almost certainly mean a change for 2013. JJ may need to go too, aren't our other athletics programs lacking sans swimming?

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If Jay Jacobs doesn't fire Gene Chizik, then Dr. Gouge needs to fire Jacobs and take care of Chizik himself. AU is now in the SEC West cellar. AU is on the same level as Kentucky in the SEC East. There is way too much talent on that field to lose to this Arkansas team, or even to be taken into OT by LaMonroe. There has got to be a change, and the sooner the better.

No way will Jay Jacobs fire Chizik this season. Jay Jacobs hitched his big wagon to his hiring of Gene Chizik and Jay Jacobs has Pat Dye's support. Chizik will coach through 2013.


a couple more performances like the one today + another iron bowl beatdown would almost certainly mean a change for 2013. JJ may need to go too, aren't our other athletics programs lacking sans swimming?

Yes and even swimming has deteriorated since JJ ran Marsh off. JJ should have never been hired and getting rid of him will take a lot of work. Which means Chizik will coach in 2013.


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Dye, thanks for your loyalty and years of service, but it's time to walk away.

We will never get a great coach as long as it appears that Dye has any influence in the football program.

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If Jay Jacobs doesn't fire Gene Chizik, then Dr. Gouge needs to fire Jacobs and take care of Chizik himself. AU is now in the SEC West cellar. AU is on the same level as Kentucky in the SEC East. There is way too much talent on that field to lose to this Arkansas team, or even to be taken into OT by LaMonroe. There has got to be a change, and the sooner the better.

No way will Jay Jacobs fire Chizik this season. Jay Jacobs hitched his big wagon to his hiring of Gene Chizik and Jay Jacobs has Pat Dye's support. Chizik will coach through 2013.


I don't know about 2013, but I would be stunned if we made a change during the season, nor do I think we should. Who could we get mid-season?

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JJ got rid of one of the swimming coaches and they were not as good as usual this year.

I'm not sure about Equestrian. I just know that we have been in the top 10 for the last few years.

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If Jay Jacobs doesn't fire Gene Chizik, then Dr. Gouge needs to fire Jacobs and take care of Chizik himself. AU is now in the SEC West cellar. AU is on the same level as Kentucky in the SEC East. There is way too much talent on that field to lose to this Arkansas team, or even to be taken into OT by LaMonroe. There has got to be a change, and the sooner the better.

No way will Jay Jacobs fire Chizik this season. Jay Jacobs hitched his big wagon to his hiring of Gene Chizik and Jay Jacobs has Pat Dye's support. Chizik will coach through 2013.


It took a lot less than this for Lowder to start firing up the jet and skirting off to meet Petrino.

Pat Dye will always have power in AU, but there are LOTS of others who will not stand for seeing a complete deterioration in all sports, especially when they are paying those coach's salaries. They pull the purse strings.

I really don't think CPD liking Jay Jacobs would matter in the end.

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The odds of this team going 1-11 is nearly impossible with 2 cupcakes left on the schedule. However if it did happen, it would be a huge mistake not to consider a change.

Exactly what I was trying to say. If we lose to AA&M and NM then Chizik has lost all control of the program and needs to be cut. We have way too much talent for that. BTW, I think there is very little chance this happens.

While there is a very remote chance that we lose to AA&M and NM, there is an even more remote chance that we win more than two of the remaining games. We are staring 3-8 or 4-7 squarely in the face. There is no excuse for that type of result at Auburn, ever.
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Dye's words regarding Saban ring true to everyone who isn't a Bama fan. There are only a few coaches alive today who, if they were by some bizarre event were to become Auburn's coaches in the near or distant future, would cause me to put my love for my wonderful University's football program on hiatus until the day of their departure. That list includes the likes of Saban, Kiffin, Orgeron, Meyer and now Petrino.

Cheering for a team that is struggling isn't what most would call an AUsome experience, but trading a good man who is trying to do things the right way and doing his best to take young high school kids and turn them into Auburn Men in the process, and who, by the way, has given us the first NC in the last half century, for a self-centered, ego-maniacal tyrant who cares nothing about the players and only about prestige, power and the perks that go along with being the HC of a winning program just for the sake of more W's???? That's not why I became an Auburn fan in the first place and it sure isn't why I am an Auburn fan now.

Would I take 1 Gene Chizik over 10 Nick Sabans (or any of the others on that list)? You're dang right I would!!!

Let's go take care of those Hawgs!


excuse me... friend.......

Do you think for a second that you woudnt be the worlds biggest Saban fan if he coached AU?

Yes he is a Jackass! A Jackass that wins! If ya DONT want Saban as your coach your crazy.

He makes the media mad cause he CAN...They hang on his every word...OUR coach cant get a 10 sec sound bite!

Not a !%#$%ing chance! I hated Saban long before he got to Bama. He isn't the leader I want teaching the kids in my program. If that's what you want, then I suggest you find a different team to cheer for than my alma mater.

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Right now, I don't think AU will win a single SEC game this year. That means we'll be losing to Ole Miss, Vandy, TAMU, as well as GA and Bama. Wasn't Barfield the last AU coach to not win a single conference game---and then was fired immediately after that season ended?

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