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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

How much time should we allow? 4 more years?

We are getting there. Two steps forward most of the time, with an occasional one step back. We should be at the top of the heap in four years, easily.

Wow. I have no words.

You don't agree?

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

How much time should we allow? 4 more years?

We are getting there. Two steps forward most of the time, with an occasional one step back. We should be at the top of the heap in four years, easily.

Wow. I have no words.

You don't agree?

Defensively i agree, offense i see no positive growth

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My bad let me lie my butt off here this Sunday morning and say Holland played well. And you wroted that dumb stuff last night and you didn't even understand the post. Nothing about the post you quoted was negative. And LMAO at you hope the players and coaches aren't on this site. You have to be female and if you're not just lie and say you are.

Wroted? For your information, my "dumb stuff" was not posted last night, so who is the dumb one. I have read your mess without even having an account. My account was just created this morning.

Are females not allowed to be Auburn alums or fans and post about football? If so, no one sent me the memo.

The vast majority of your posts are negative and it's not doing me, other posters, players, or coaches any good.

Should we just pat them on the back and say "good job, better luck next time, we don't really keep score anyways, go have some kool-aid and cookies and we will see yall next week" ??? Does that sound better ???

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

How much time should we allow? 4 more years?

We are getting there. Two steps forward most of the time, with an occasional one step back. We should be at the top of the heap in four years, easily.

Wow. I have no words.

This was funny. Thanks for this

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My bad let me lie my butt off here this Sunday morning and say Holland played well. And you wroted that dumb stuff last night and you didn't even understand the post. Nothing about the post you quoted was negative. And LMAO at you hope the players and coaches aren't on this site. You have to be female and if you're not just lie and say you are.

Wroted? For your information, my "dumb stuff" was not posted last night, so who is the dumb one. I have read your mess without even having an account. My account was just created this morning.

Are females not allowed to be Auburn alums or fans and post about football? If so, no one sent me the memo.

The vast majority of your posts are negative and it's not doing me, other posters, players, or coaches any good.

Should we just pat them on the back and say "good job, better luck next time, we don't really keep score anyways, go have some kool-aid and cookies and we will see yall next week" ??? Does that sound better ???

That does sound good right about now...
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CBVG has a great track record for having good defenses. We are still bad but we are improved. CBVG has already said he doesnt have the players he needs. Our defense will be greatly improved once we get the players he wants. RIght now we can not get any pressure up the middle. That is killing us. We have a great recruiting class coming in for defense. If we keep CBVG, I think we keep the majority of our top recruits. You also have to think of all of the turnovers our offense has given up this year. We are doing well, not to have given up 30 points yet this year.

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

How much time should we allow? 4 more years?

We are getting there. Two steps forward most of the time, with an occasional one step back. We should be at the top of the heap in four years, easily.

Wow. I have no words.

You don't agree?

I still have no words.

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