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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Chair Struggles To Explain Dem Opposition To Bush Tax Cuts in 2001, 2003 but are ok with the tax cuts now


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The only key differences are 1) it is difficult to remove a tax cut people have adjusted their budgets to; 2) the economy is too fragile now to absorb the impact. The tax cuts were dumb. They doomed us to a perpetual debt.

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Dems weren't the only ones against the Bush tax cuts of 2001. I remember Senator McCain calling it a dangerous piece of legislation. In a 2007 interview, he even said he was against it because it was too tilted toward the wealthy rather than the middle class.

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Tax cuts in this current form of spend-happy government only works with offsetting cuts in spending. Our population hasn't changed much in numbers in the last 30 years.....until you add in illegals. The age has changed, but the demographics contribute as much or more to the spending/vote buying as much as the illegals. We are screwed.

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Dems weren't the only ones against the Bush tax cuts of 2001. I remember Senator McCain calling it a dangerous piece of legislation. In a 2007 interview, he even said he was against it because it was too tilted toward the wealthy rather than the middle class.

Which is why McCain was an idiotic choice for President in '08. The taxes were tiled towards the ones who were paying more than their fair share. The Bush tax cuts actually REMOVED the lowest income earners from having to pay ANY income taxes, but you never hear that factoid ever mentioned by the Dems or the MSM ( same thing, I know ) , or even Beltway Republicans, like McCain.

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