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Perhaps now all the gnashing of teeth...


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...about Gus assembling a 'Sun Belt staff' will go away. Ellis Johnson, Rodney Garner, Rich Bisaccia, Charlie Harbison, That's four of the nine coaching slots and he's still got a WR coach to hire. He's put together quite a group IMO.

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I agree, and actually contrary to popular opinion, I think Lashlee was best choice for OC, regardless of his age or background.

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Had we snatched Chad Morris from Clemson, he'd have been here a year, two at the most before a HC slot came calling. And we'd have paid out the nose for the privilege. Lashlee will likely stay a good bit longer if we're successful which gives us more continuity and he knows as much about Gus' offense as anyone out there having worked with him for so long.

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Had we snatched Chad Morris from Clemson, he'd have been here a year, two at the most before a HC slot came calling. And we'd have paid out the nose for the privilege. Lashlee will likely stay a good bit longer if we're successful which gives us more continuity and he knows as much about Gus' offense as anyone out there having worked with him for so long.

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Don't forget smith carries a solid, experienced reputation

Sorry, forgot about Melvin Smith. Another very good hire...and not Sun Belt either. So 5 of the 9 slots are filled with non-Arky State/Sun Belt guys and we still have a WR coach to hire.

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It is a great staff and I think everyone has a right to be excited about the future. I think I think Coach Lashlee is a great hire just like Kliff Kingsbury was a great fit for Texas A&M. Except I think we will be able to keep Coach Lashlee for several seasons which makes it even that much better for us.

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Very solid staff! I like every one of them!

I admit I was surprised that Garner came home and that we got CRB (not attempting to spell his name yet). In spite of the rumors, I wasn't expecting either of them

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Do we have good info that Chad Morris was offered the OC job? I heard the Arizona St OC was asked and then Lashlee was given the job. I expected Lashlee from day 1 and I think we have a very good up and comer at OC!

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