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The silence on this thread is deafening. It appears that most of the members have given up on basketball this season. Who can blame them? The only question left is does AU make 10 wins this year?

Great question. Not sure we win another game.

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Seems to me the seniors are tired of being used as scapegoats at press conferences and have lost faith/given up, and the rest of the team just isn't anywhere near SEC ready. Never been a Barbee fan but not going to go off on the guy because basketball is not my first sport and I get irritated when I see people on the baseball end going off on CJP after a 4-0 start so I'll relent on going so far as to bash him, but dang I want some of the people to tell me why they see a better coached team under him than Lebo, because honestly I do not see it, sorry.

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Seems to me the seniors are tired of being used as scapegoats at press conferences and have lost faith/given up, and the rest of the team just isn't anywhere near SEC ready. Never been a Barbee fan but not going to go off on the guy because basketball is not my first sport and I get irritated when I see people on the baseball end going off on CJP after a 4-0 start so I'll relent on going so far as to bash him, but dang I want some of the people to tell me why they see a better coached team under him than Lebo, because honestly I do not see it, sorry.

I too am tired of players being thrown under the bus. It's little wonder why these players don't seem to want to play for him.

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Can't agree agree...unless TB is on the floor, then the guys playing the game have to accept responsibility. It's basic basketball and not a matter of coaching when the guys can't handle the ball at critical moments.

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Seems to me the seniors are tired of being used as scapegoats at press conferences and have lost faith/given up, and the rest of the team just isn't anywhere near SEC ready. Never been a Barbee fan but not going to go off on the guy because basketball is not my first sport and I get irritated when I see people on the baseball end going off on CJP after a 4-0 start so I'll relent on going so far as to bash him, but dang I want some of the people to tell me why they see a better coached team under him than Lebo, because honestly I do not see it, sorry.

I too am tired of players being thrown under the bus. It's little wonder why these players don't seem to want to play for him.

To me, there is challenging players and there is publically humiliating. I, for one, do not think that is a thin line, there is plenty of leeway there, but I think Coach crosses it way too often.

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I hate to break it to you guys, but the players love playing for Barbee... He's a heck of a coach! He just needs more talent.

You wanna see some players who hated their coach, look towards Jeff Lebo! Guy was a jerk, and NOBODY could stand him!

But, I don't think Barbee is publicly humiliating anybody... These are D1 athletes out there. They're not babies. Call a spade a spade. If Chubb and Sullivan are sucking it up right now, it's ok to let him (and anyone else for that matter) know about it. You'd think it would light a fire unders their a$$es! But, no... that's why we suck! Absolutely no senior leadership!

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I hate to break it to you guys, but the players love playing for Barbee... He's a heck of a coach! He just needs more talent.

You wanna see some players who hated their coach, look towards Jeff Lebo! Guy was a jerk, and NOBODY could stand him!

But, I don't think Barbee is publicly humiliating anybody... These are D1 athletes out there. They're not babies. Call a spade a spade. If Chubb and Sullivan are sucking it up right now, it's ok to let him (and anyone else for that matter) know about it. You'd think it would light a fire unders their a$$es! But, no... that's why we suck! Absolutely no senior leadership!

By what means are we getting this talent? Not being a smart*** either, I'm just curious. We keep hearing about this great talent for the past three years. What makes Barbee a great coach?

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I hate to break it to you guys, but the players love playing for Barbee... He's a heck of a coach! He just needs more talent.

You wanna see some players who hated their coach, look towards Jeff Lebo! Guy was a jerk, and NOBODY could stand him!

But, I don't think Barbee is publicly humiliating anybody... These are D1 athletes out there. They're not babies. Call a spade a spade. If Chubb and Sullivan are sucking it up right now, it's ok to let him (and anyone else for that matter) know about it. You'd think it would light a fire unders their a$$es! But, no... that's why we suck! Absolutely no senior leadership!

By what means are we getting this talent? Not being a smart*** either, I'm just curious. We keep hearing about this great talent for the past three years. What makes Barbee a great coach?

We have some you talent... Shaq is as good as any freshman in the league, J Price is half speed right now, and Granger will be solid in the coming years. But either way, these guys need time to develop.

Barbee has signed some big-time talent since he's been here. We had Luke Cothron and Shawn Kemp Jr. signed but AU wouldn't let them in. We have those guys, everybody is singing a completely different tune!

Tony Barbee is a good coach, he's just got to have more time to get more talent. Trust me, it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

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I hate to break it to you guys, but the players love playing for Barbee... He's a heck of a coach! He just needs more talent.

You wanna see some players who hated their coach, look towards Jeff Lebo! Guy was a jerk, and NOBODY could stand him!

But, I don't think Barbee is publicly humiliating anybody... These are D1 athletes out there. They're not babies. Call a spade a spade. If Chubb and Sullivan are sucking it up right now, it's ok to let him (and anyone else for that matter) know about it. You'd think it would light a fire unders their a$$es! But, no... that's why we suck! Absolutely no senior leadership!

By what means are we getting this talent? Not being a smart*** either, I'm just curious. We keep hearing about this great talent for the past three years. What makes Barbee a great coach?

We have some you talent... Shaq is as good as any freshman in the league, J Price is half speed right now, and Granger will be solid in the coming years. But either way, these guys need time to develop.

Barbee has signed some big-time talent since he's been here. We had Luke Cothron and Shawn Kemp Jr. signed but AU wouldn't let them in. We have those guys, everybody is singing a completely different tune!

Tony Barbee is a good coach, he's just got to have more time to get more talent. Trust me, it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

I agree with you and i have faith in Coach Barbee

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He won't get it turned around. Sorry to break it to you, but it never gets this bad unless there are some fundamental things not being taught. I just can't believe some of you are ok with pandering around at the bottom of the league for ten years, and you don't demand improvement of the team. If you did, the 35-53 record that Coach Barbee now has would be unacceptable. I just don't understand it. Basketball is the easiest sport to turn around, and it's just not getting done. I think the comments directed towards his players, specifically in regards to Chubb ("he's not very good") and how Coach Barbee is embarrassed to coach the team, show signs of an immature coach who cannot handle the pressures of being a big time coach. And the players dont enjoy playing for him. Just the other day, Allen Payne was very clear, saying that "there's no foundation in place".

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He won't get it turned around. Sorry to break it to you, but it never gets this bad unless there are some fundamental things not being taught. I just can't believe some of you are ok with pandering around at the bottom of the league for ten years, and you don't demand improvement of the team. If you did, the 35-53 record that Coach Barbee now has would be unacceptable. I just don't understand it. Basketball is the easiest sport to turn around, and it's just not getting done. I think the comments directed towards his players, specifically in regards to Chubb ("he's not very good") and how Coach Barbee is embarrassed to coach the team, show signs of an immature coach who cannot handle the pressures of being a big time coach. And the players dont enjoy playing for him. Just the other day, Allen Payne was very clear, saying that "there's no foundation in place".

You can have your opinion, that's fine... but, you're wrong about Allen. Allen loves Barbee. He was Tony's first recruit, and looks at him like a second father. So yes, he does love Coach Barbee, and loves playing for him.

Whatever he said, he is just echoing his coach. He's right... there is no foundation. The upper classmen (himself included) are not stepping up, and taking a leadership role in this tough stretch.

So it's not the player-coach relationship that is lacking on this team... we have a player-execution problem. The total blame can't be directed towards Barbee.

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PS - if Chubb can't handle a coach saying "he's not very good" (and that's putting it nicely), he shouldn't be on ANY athletic team, period! Because I'll agree with that point of view every time! Chubb sucks!

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Barbee was grasping at straws tonight. Switching out players so fast their head was spinning. He said he did it when he saw "lack of effort". Ok, I get that, but you don't motivate players by giving them a short leash. His offensive philospohy is dull and easily defended, he doesn't appear to spend much time working on basic team defensive skills like help side and rotation, and seems unable to help his team get out of scoring droughts.

I don't want the guy to get fired, as I think stability will help AU's program, I just hope to see him gunfire out a way to recruit players and actually grow them as basketball players.

And I think you guys give Chubb way too much grief. I don't see anyone work as hard on the floor as he does. No, he's not the most gifted player, but he's as good a good leader and a team player. He will body up to guys who are bigger and stronger and make things tough for them. He seems to have a great attitude as well.

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The point is just that it's completely unprofessional to throw players under the bus like that. It's actually childish. I used to do the same thing whenever I'd get sent to timeout as a 5 year old - I'd blame others and say its not my fault. I think his responses and reactions are exactly what we have in a coach - someone that is still too young and immature to be a basketball coach at this level. He should have stayed at UTEP and ridden that one good season he had in the four years he was there.

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Guest jojo1515

You guys can say all you want that these guys should not be babies and deal with what tge coach says. The fact is that no classy coach deals that way. Some of our problem is our players are learning from a guy with no class, and it shows on the court. Alsi, Barbee May have had good recruits that did not qualify, but in basketball you can't afford to recruit guys that aren't going to qualify. IMO, he hurt our program badly in this aspect. If 50 percent of our football recruits did not qualify, we would be calling for the coaches head. The guys just not getting it done. I don't care how much longer he has on his contract, we need him out now

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Anybody still on board with Barbee? Yet another team to embarrass the University. I would rather shut down basketball for a few years than continue this exercise in futility.

One last word to ponder: jacobs.

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I am astounded that Jay Jacobs still has a job. Both the basketball team and the football team have been historically bad.

President Gouge has said that every athletic dept. employee is evaluated at the end of his season. Jacobs' "season" ends about mid-June when Track ends. If there's going to be a change look for it to happen over the summer.

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The point is just that it's completely unprofessional to throw players under the bus like that. It's actually childish. I used to do the same thing whenever I'd get sent to timeout as a 5 year old - I'd blame others and say its not my fault. I think his responses and reactions are exactly what we have in a coach - someone that is still too young and immature to be a basketball coach at this level. He should have stayed at UTEP and ridden that one good season he had in the four years he was there.

So is this embarrasing to? This what Frank Martin said about his team. It might as well be AU.

I like the fact Barbee doesnt sugar coat crap. We got that from Chizik all the time. Coach speak and BS.

This is Frank Martin after the LSU loss

“If you take (point guard) Bruce Ellington off our team, you’d probably have the 12 leading candidates for the starring roles in ‘The Return of the Living Dead,’ the zombie movie,” he said. “If you took Bruce off our team, our guys would probably win an Academy (Award) for their performance in that movie. I’ve been doing this for 28 years, nine of which as a junior varsity high school coach. That means I’ve dealt with 14-year-olds. I’ve never been more embarrassed to call myself a basketball coach than I am today

If this was the NBA, we’d fine them, we’d take their money, we’d release them and say, ‘Good luck with ever finding another job.’ It’s not the NBA. So we’re in education. Somehow, some way, we have to reach them. It’s embarrassing. I’m just telling you, I’ve been telling our team here for three weeks that there’s a word that if it’s not in your vocabulary – whatever it is you choose to do in life – if the word ‘pride’ is not your vocabulary, you’ve got no chance at ever sniffing success.

“I’m a lot of things, but I’ve got pride. And I’m just telling you, I’m doing this (press conference) right now out of respect to you (reporters) and your jobs and because it’s part of my job. But I have never been so embarrassed. I shouldn’t coach basketball ever again if this is how my team plays.”

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Barbee made 44 substitutions last night, let that sink in for you pro-Barbee fans. That would be an equivalent to making 100-110 subs in a football game. That is just flat out ridiculous. That also tells me a coach who has no idea what he is doing, and has no confidence in his system or his players. I'm sorry, but this is beginning to sound like Chizik from this past year. People keep saying Barbee has improved the program, but I see no evidence. We are actually worse this year than last year, and the SEC is the worst power 6 conference in the nation. I have played baskeball for 12 years, and trust me, it is not hard to win, and it certainly does not take more than 3 years to show improvement. I would understand if we had been on probation when Barbee came in, but we were not, so there's no excuse to use for his poor job performance. I mean, we just fired a coach who won our first NC in football in 50 years, but he had a winning season 3 of his 4 years here , but people want to keep a coach who has had a losing season every year ,and has shown no improvement, since he has been here?

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The point is just that it's completely unprofessional to throw players under the bus like that. It's actually childish. I used to do the same thing whenever I'd get sent to timeout as a 5 year old - I'd blame others and say its not my fault. I think his responses and reactions are exactly what we have in a coach - someone that is still too young and immature to be a basketball coach at this level. He should have stayed at UTEP and ridden that one good season he had in the four years he was there.

So is this embarrasing to? This what Frank Martin said about his team. It might as well be AU.

I like the fact Barbee doesnt sugar coat crap. We got that from Chizik all the time. Coach speak and BS.

This is Frank Martin after the LSU loss

“If you take (point guard) Bruce Ellington off our team, you’d probably have the 12 leading candidates for the starring roles in ‘The Return of the Living Dead,’ the zombie movie,” he said. “If you took Bruce off our team, our guys would probably win an Academy (Award) for their performance in that movie. I’ve been doing this for 28 years, nine of which as a junior varsity high school coach. That means I’ve dealt with 14-year-olds. I’ve never been more embarrassed to call myself a basketball coach than I am today

If this was the NBA, we’d fine them, we’d take their money, we’d release them and say, ‘Good luck with ever finding another job.’ It’s not the NBA. So we’re in education. Somehow, some way, we have to reach them. It’s embarrassing. I’m just telling you, I’ve been telling our team here for three weeks that there’s a word that if it’s not in your vocabulary – whatever it is you choose to do in life – if the word ‘pride’ is not your vocabulary, you’ve got no chance at ever sniffing success.

“I’m a lot of things, but I’ve got pride. And I’m just telling you, I’m doing this (press conference) right now out of respect to you (reporters) and your jobs and because it’s part of my job. But I have never been so embarrassed. I shouldn’t coach basketball ever again if this is how my team plays.”

There is an important distinction. When Martin criticized, he pulled the good player out of the equation and slammed the the team as a whole. There is nothing wrong with challenging the entire team like that. But, what Barbee likes to do is single out a specific player and slam that player in public. That does nothing but create problems on many levels and should only be done behind closed doors. It is a very transparent attempt by the "Coach" to point the finger away from himself. Its the same thing Chizik did when he wrongly called Blake out in public.
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This is silly... These are MEN we're talking about! Not little boys. They can take it!

That's what wrong with all athletics these days, starting from little leagues... It's the Upward basketball crap! The "everybody gets to play" and the "everybody gets a trophy" garbage!!!

If these mental midget D1 athletes can't take a coach making an obvious statement such as "he's not playing well right now"... Then they're a bunch of sissies that we don't need around here anyways! Barbee is not calling them out, but he's not sugar-coating anything either! It doesn't matter if he says it to the players, to the media, or to their mommas... It's an obvious observation. These guys are not playing well (and that's sugar-coating it)!!!

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