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Top-Down Targeting, Not IRS Rogues, Responsible For Scandal


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"None of the administrators in the preceding paragraph is based in Cincinnati; they are all based in Washington, D.C."

Just incredible that some still think it is just a lovable bunch of rogue agents out in the Midwest...when nothing could be further from the truth.

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The defense being used by the administration and the various departments and agencies of the federal government is know as the idiot Defense, dummy defense, dumb CEO defense, and my favorite the Sergeant Shultz defense.

When used in court it usually does not work, except for Richard Scrushy who blamed his staff for not telling him. Scrushy's defense lawyer, Jim Parkman, asked during the trial, "That's what y'all did and how you planned it, so (Scrushy) wouldn't know what the whole picture was?"


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"None of the administrators in the preceding paragraph is based in Cincinnati; they are all based in Washington, D.C."

Just incredible that some still think it is just a lovable bunch of rogue agents out in the Midwest...when nothing could be further from the truth.

Well a lot of people will believe that because that is what the places they go to for news will say. The news media is going to do everything they can to cover for Obama on this and the low information crowd will buy it.
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I'm still not really clear on what they did wrong... they were doing their due diligence to assure that the massive influx of these groups were operating within the law. Was it overzealous and outside the norms according to the rules that the IRS governs itself by? Probably. But what harm was done and what laws were broken? What proof would like any potential issues to the administration?

This is just another GOP effort to play the victim, their favorite position. The best part? No one outside of the tea party gives a crap.

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This is just another GOP effort to play the victim, their favorite position. The best part? No one outside of the tea party gives a crap.

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I'm still not really clear on what they did wrong... they were doing their due diligence to assure that the massive influx of these groups were operating within the law.

There was no massive influx of 'these groups.' In 2010 when all this started there was actually a DECREASE in the numbers of 501-C4 applications. The "massive influx" is a complete BS story. The IRS Agents were only doing their so-called due diligence on to Conservatives. It was not fairly applied. If it had been fairly, evenly applied, there would not be one complaint anywhere.

Was it overzealous and outside the norms according to the rules that the IRS governs itself by? Probably.

There was no probably here. It happened.

But what harm was done and what laws were broken?

There is a little thing called The First Amendment. It is about Free Speech and the federal govt has no business even thinking about opposing it or regulating it.

What proof would like any potential issues to the administration?

There is likely a trail of witnesses and memos leading right into downtown DC.

This is just another GOP effort to play the victim, their favorite position. The best part? No one outside of the tea party gives a crap.

Really? Tom Brokaw and Bob Scheiffer would disagree with you.

Brother, YOU are the prototype for the low info voter.

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AUMed goes from not being clear as to what is wrong here, repeating false information about the case, and then summing it all up with it just being GOP folks crying about being victims.

Low info voter, to the hilt.

But the flip side to all this, is how willing anyone who's even heard about this stuff going on can so casually dismiss it, purely on partisan talking points.

If some Muslim groups had been similarly targeted, would the left care then? What about the 99% groups, all things being equal, but with a conservative President ?

Regardless, the fact that anyone would politically target Americans by using the force of the IRS as a means to silence their free speech, is Mt Everest to the mole hill that was Watergate.

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Maybe you're behind the curve


Out of the 91 (out of 296, or 31%) were incorrectly reviewed. Of those 91 only 17 were tea party group (or 19% of the inappropriately investigate, 6% of the total reviewed).

It's ridiculous to make the claims that the GOP is making on this issue and the majority of the American people can see that. You choose not to because of your own biases.

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No Harm No Foul? So there was no need for dear old Lois to take the 5th, then? Right?

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Anyone that for one second believed that a bunch of low-level IRS yokels in Cincinnati would stick their necks out to drag out investigations like this with no directives from significantly higher up...I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

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No Harm No Foul? So there was no need for dear old Lois to take the 5th, then? Right?

"We did everything by the book and there was no bias. Wait...I plead the 5th."

Uh-huh. <_<

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Anyone that for one second believed that a bunch of low-level IRS yokels in Cincinnati would stick their necks out to drag out investigations like this with no directives from significantly higher up...I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Hope you have a lot of bridges to sell. The consumer market is larger than you think.

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Maybe you're behind the curve


Out of the 91 (out of 296, or 31%) were incorrectly reviewed. Of those 91 only 17 were tea party group (or 19% of the inappropriately investigate, 6% of the total reviewed).

It's ridiculous to make the claims that the GOP is making on this issue and the majority of the American people can see that. You choose not to because of your own biases.

The 'ridiculous' claim has already been admitted to and apologized for, by the IRS. Those stats are clearly dated, as more and more groups are coming forward, and NONE of them are Left wing groups.

The biases are yours, as well as that rag of a web site you got your propaganda from.

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Sen McDermott does a great job of putting this into perspective. What the IRS did was wrong. However, there is no evidence that this was some sort of conspiracy to silence any groups.

You will never agree with me because you have an agenda to search for the worst case scenario and pin it on the President that you despise so much.

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Sen McDermott does a great job of putting this into perspective. What the IRS did was wrong. However, there is no evidence that this was some sort of conspiracy to silence any groups.

You will never agree with me because you have an agenda to search for the worst case scenario and pin it on the President that you despise so much.

Yeah, and your glasses are clear as roses on the issue as well? LOL Praise and worship services begin on the White House lawn at noon. Don't miss it. ;)
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  • 1 month later...

So much for this "scandal."


Funny thing, even as facts supported this conclusion that it was never driven by the white house, people on the right dug in deeper. Now a prominent Republican confirms no executive involvement, will the right continue to "dig in"

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So much for this "scandal."


Funny thing, even as facts supported this conclusion that it was never driven by the white house, people on the right dug in deeper. Now a prominent Republican confirms no executive involvement, will the right continue to "dig in"

Most will.

Facts and logic are irrelevant to them.

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So much for this "scandal."


It's a huge scandal, no matter how much you try to claim it isn't.

These guys really, really want that to be true, but alas, it simply isn't:

“We haven’t proved political motivation,” said Representative Charles Boustany Jr., a Louisiana Republican who, as the chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight, is leading one inquiry.

Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, said that in retrospect, suggestions that Mr. Obama had orchestrated an I.R.S. attack on his political enemies were unwarranted.

“Presidents have always been very careful about maintaining the appearance of keeping hands off the I.R.S.,” he said. “I don’t have any reason to believe there wasn’t targeting of conservatives, but it might well have been a lot more than that as well.”

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