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Nick Marshall Chooses a Number!


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Taken from E's post in another thread, I thought that it deserved its own!

And based on his twitter avi label he has picked his number, WarEagle#14 Link

then it begins......


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Found this on twitter, not sure how old the pic on the right is (several months I'm sure...as I could have sworn I saw it a while ago). Sorry, don't know where the original (without the guy on the left) is.


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Well, if he's Pat x Cam, we're in really good shape. If he's Carlos Rogers playing QB, we're in trouble.

:big:/> :thumbsup:/>

Watch his highlites in the mississippi bowl and judge for yourself! Hes not Carlos Rodgers playing qb, i promise u that!!
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Campbell, my first choice.

Might want to clarify which Campbell. Jason wore #17.

Come on man. Randy. Check the previous thread discussing this. Search is your friend. Im joking. But, yes, Randy.

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Well, if he's Pat x Cam, we're in really good shape. If he's Carlos Rogers playing QB, we're in trouble.


No, he's not Carlos Rogers playing QB...but I would take Randy Campbell running the triple option any day of the week.

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Well, if he's Pat x Cam, we're in really good shape. If he's Carlos Rogers playing QB, we're in trouble.

:big:/> :thumbsup:/>

Watch his highlites in the mississippi bowl and judge for yourself! Hes not Carlos Rodgers playing qb, i promise u that!!

Miss. Bowl highlights where nice!

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Kinda hard to pick an AU number if he doesn't qualify, which seems very likely.

Seems very likely he does qualify at this point. I do not understand the joy some people get off of trolling there own team.
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Kinda hard to pick an AU number if he doesn't qualify, which seems very likely.

Seems very likely based on what? A tweet from an anonymous tweeter with "Fake" as part of his handle? Good source maxie..LOL

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Kinda hard to pick an AU number if he doesn't qualify, which seems very likely.

Seems very likely based on what? A tweet from an anonymous tweeter with "Fake" as part of his handle? Good source maxie..LOL

In fairness that "fake" account has been right a lot more than wrong in the past. However he backslid on this one pretty fast.
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YaBoyMaxWeezy, on Today, 10:02 AM, said:

Kinda hard to pick an AU number if he doesn't qualify, which seems very likely.

lol, It never amazes me .

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And I haven't heard a word from JHoke since his original article he posted on Monday. He hasn't addressed this situation at all, which worries me, cuz he's usually very quick to disprove inaccurate claims.

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He enrolls friday.

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