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DC Ellis Johnson on "Targeting" and 2013


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The last comments CEJ made really concern me. If a penalty and ejection are called and they go to the replay to check the validity of the ejection, they may change the ejection part but not the 15 yard penalty?!?!?! If there is evidence in the replay that there was no reason to eject the player for targeting, which in its self creates the penalty being called, they will still charge the team the 15 yard penalty!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! That's like a guy being arrested for a crime, having video evidence that supported him being innocent, and the judicial system saying that he doesn't have to go to jail, but he will still have to pay fines and damages. Don't think that this won't cost some schools games next year. This also opens up a new discussion about the possibilities of referee tampering or interference because of bias, or worse, payment.

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Mincey got a lot of bad press for a tackle during A-Day that was marginal (some views it looked OK, other views, possibly a head shot) and now some ACC officials have declared that the historic tackle by Clowney against Michigan in the bowl game would have gotten him ejected under the new interpretation. So instead of instant fame for the "hit", Clowney would be at the top of some folk's thug list. This new rule interpretation is going to be a huge problem but rest assured that NS will never have to worry about it after one of the Bama guys got a total free pass on that cheap shot he laid on Murray.

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Don't forget the WWE suplex in the bammer v missouri game. That should have been a suspension for three games, but went largely unnoticed. It will be a HUGE mistake giving referees the responsibility to determine intent to injure. Prepare for corruption.

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Don't forget the WWE suplex in the bammer v missouri game. That should have been a suspension for three games, but went largely unnoticed. It will be a HUGE mistake giving referees the responsibility to determine intent to injure. Prepare for corruption.

Corruption is already there. Steve Shaw's in charge.
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The last comments CEJ made really concern me. If a penalty and ejection are called and they go to the replay to check the validity of the ejection, they may change the ejection part but not the 15 yard penalty?!?!?! If there is evidence in the replay that there was no reason to eject the player for targeting, which in its self creates the penalty being called, they will still charge the team the 15 yard penalty!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! That's like a guy being arrested for a crime, having video evidence that supported him being innocent, and the judicial system saying that he doesn't have to go to jail, but he will still have to pay fines and damages. Don't think that this won't cost some schools games next year. This also opens up a new discussion about the possibilities of referee tampering or interference because of bias, or worse, payment.

I agree with you, the fact that they in essence admit they were wrong but still keep the penalty makes no sense. "Hey, we know now you didn't kill the guy, so we'll take you off death row, but you still have to spend life in prison." Extreme example, but seems similar.

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Gonna be a lot of pissed off fans and coaches this season, just watch and see. The ref's will be scrutinized now more than ever, because it's their call and it can severely hurt a team if a player of Clowney's caliber gets ejected from the game and has to sit out the next game as well. Fans are going to blow up if their stud player gets ejected - and if he doesn't the fans of the opposition are going to go ape-shyte and say the refs were paid off, etc.........

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Even paralyzed former player Eric LeGrand defends Jadeveon Clowney's hit. NCAA keeps this up with silly rules...we'll be watching flag football.

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Even paralyzed former player Eric LeGrand defends Jadeveon Clowney's hit. NCAA keeps this up with silly rules...we'll be watching flag football.

This is what happens when u have nerds (ncaa) in charge of a sport they have never played before!!
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in 50 years when this game turns into flag football, they will wind up saying that pulling flags is dangerous, players could break a nail.

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Even paralyzed former player Eric LeGrand defends Jadeveon Clowney's hit. NCAA keeps this up with silly rules...we'll be watching flag football.

This is what happens when u have nerds (ncaa) in charge of a sport they have never played before!!

On the other hand we could always have a bunch of the under-educated former NFL thugs interpreting the rules. JMO but the idiots out there thinking they are invincible because of their helmet and body armor are still going to be wondering who they are by the time they are 50 if the rules continue to allow what's going on these days.

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Even paralyzed former player Eric LeGrand defends Jadeveon Clowney's hit. NCAA keeps this up with silly rules...we'll be watching flag football.

This is what happens when u have nerds (ncaa) in charge of a sport they have never played before!!

On the other hand we could always have a bunch of the under-educated former NFL thugs interpreting the rules. JMO but the idiots out there thinking they are invincible because of their helmet and body armor are still going to be wondering who they are by the time they are 50 if the rules continue to allow what's going on these days.

Yes, but the players know the risks of playing the game now. I know drinking is not good for my liver, and I know the effects it has on my body (long and short term) but I continue to do it because I enjoy it.

It's a rough game, everybody knows that as soon as they step onto the field. Injuries happen its literally as part of the game as the kickoff. When you have supreme athletes crashing into each other, what do you (not you personally) think is going to happen?

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Even paralyzed former player Eric LeGrand defends Jadeveon Clowney's hit. NCAA keeps this up with silly rules...we'll be watching flag football.

This is what happens when u have nerds (ncaa) in charge of a sport they have never played before!!

On the other hand we could always have a bunch of the under-educated former NFL thugs interpreting the rules. JMO but the idiots out there thinking they are invincible because of their helmet and body armor are still going to be wondering who they are by the time they are 50 if the rules continue to allow what's going on these days.

This speaks to a better way to police this. Reduce the size of the equipment and force the players to protect themselves more. Right now, they can lay into someone and not feel a thing. Smaller pads would be a good start. Not sure about the helmet because I'd hate to reduce the protection there, but the more armor these guys have on, the more likely they are to launch themselves into another player.

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Even paralyzed former player Eric LeGrand defends Jadeveon Clowney's hit. NCAA keeps this up with silly rules...we'll be watching flag football.

This is what happens when u have nerds (ncaa) in charge of a sport they have never played before!!

On the other hand we could always have a bunch of the under-educated former NFL thugs interpreting the rules. JMO but the idiots out there thinking they are invincible because of their helmet and body armor are still going to be wondering who they are by the time they are 50 if the rules continue to allow what's going on these days.

This speaks to a better way to police this. Reduce the size of the equipment and force the players to protect themselves more. Right now, they can lay into someone and not feel a thing. Smaller pads would be a good start. Not sure about the helmet because I'd hate to reduce the protection there, but the more armor these guys have on, the more likely they are to launch themselves into another player.

Put 'em back in leather helmets and they will no longer lead with their heads!
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Even paralyzed former player Eric LeGrand defends Jadeveon Clowney's hit. NCAA keeps this up with silly rules...we'll be watching flag football.

This is what happens when u have nerds (ncaa) in charge of a sport they have never played before!!

On the other hand we could always have a bunch of the under-educated former NFL thugs interpreting the rules. JMO but the idiots out there thinking they are invincible because of their helmet and body armor are still going to be wondering who they are by the time they are 50 if the rules continue to allow what's going on these days.

This speaks to a better way to police this. Reduce the size of the equipment and force the players to protect themselves more. Right now, they can lay into someone and not feel a thing. Smaller pads would be a good start. Not sure about the helmet because I'd hate to reduce the protection there, but the more armor these guys have on, the more likely they are to launch themselves into another player.

Put 'em back in leather helmets and they will no longer lead with their heads!

absolutely.....the more body armor the players have, the more invincible they feel. Watch a little rugby on YouTube and you see some tenacious hits but almost no head to head.

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