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How did CGC impact CGM's offense?


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I think it is well documented that Coach Chiz hamstringed Coach Gus' offense by slowing the pace.

Was that the only involvement or did Gus' practice methods or gameday playcalling change towards the end of his time here?

Just curious.

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From some of the things I heard, he also dictate which players were given playing time. After the Clemson game in 2011 , he pretty much dictated the entire offense. Most of that is second hand info , but anyone that has watched Gu's offenses before or after his CGC years will see the difference, but "It's a new day". War Eagle

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I hope the slow-down against Kentucky in 2010 was Gus's idea. That 19 play drive to end the game was a thing of beauty. Also, we killed a bunch of time in the '10 Iron Bowl after we took the lead. That was time that really needed to be killed. I hope Gus had a hand in that too, instead of Coach Chizik demanding it. I'd hate to have a slim lead at the end of some game and lose it because we failed to run the clock.

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Tubberville was the king of slow playing the clock. My guess is CGM wont be. I think games will differ, but he is now HC and we will be on FF everytime we touch the ball. That is CEJ to worry about. Ill take that everytime over sweating the other team O, doing something.

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Coach Chizik slowed down the offense because the defense was constantly on the field, causing problems with injuries and fatigue. Everyone should have noticed that the defense was instantly better, holding SC to 13 and UF to 6. This is the SEC, not the Big 12. I'm afraid if we go super fast, we will be making a huge mistake.

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Coach Chizik slowed down the offense because the defense was constantly on the field, causing problems with injuries and fatigue. Everyone should have noticed that the defense was instantly better, holding SC to 13 and UF to 6. This is the SEC, not the Big 12. I'm afraid if we go super fast, we will be making a huge mistake.

The defense was not much better with his offense last year

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Coach Chizik slowed down the offense because the defense was constantly on the field, causing problems with injuries and fatigue. Everyone should have noticed that the defense was instantly better, holding SC to 13 and UF to 6. This is the SEC, not the Big 12. I'm afraid if we go super fast, we will be making a huge mistake.

Defense might have gotten a little better, but the offense lost it's identity and couldn't score. We haven't really seen Gus's offense yet so we really have no idea what we will look like.
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SC was a great game plan, and UF's offense that year was...Well. It's Sunday. I shouldn't say things like that.

After those two games, we gave up: 45 to LSU, 41 to Ole Miss, 45 to UGA, 16 to Samford, and then 42 to UAT. The bowl game, I think CGC gave Malzahn the freedom to run whatever he liked since he was leaving, and that resulted in giving up 24 points, and we won.

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SC was a great game plan, and UF's offense that year was...Well. It's Sunday. I shouldn't say things like that.

After those two games, we gave up: 45 to LSU, 41 to Ole Miss, 45 to UGA, 16 to Samford, and then 42 to UAT. The bowl game, I think CGC gave Malzahn the freedom to run whatever he liked since he was leaving, and that resulted in giving up 24 points, and we won.

Most of those points were given up due to poor offensive execution, resulting in turnovers giving the opposition good field position and points. As long as we are well conditioned and extremely opportunistic as a defense this year, I don't think it will be a huge liability. But I do believe you need solid defense to win consistently in this league.

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Poor execution? or was it because the offense was not run the way it is designed to? When its cut away to the bones, the basis of success in CGM's offense, or really any play-action offense, is disguising what you are about to do so you can catch the other team out of position. CGM couldn't go the pace necessary to do that, and the other teams had plenty of time to react to what they were seeing pre-snap, rather than having to figure it out in the middle of the play.

I completely agree, you have to have a top-notch defense to win in the SEC. I do not, however, think that having an offense like Malzahn's is mutually exclusive with doing so. Just my opinion.

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The main reason I asked this question is that I am trying to figure out how much I need to dampen my hopes for a good season.

2009 with Chris Todd is what keeps popping up in my head. We were a feisty squad that played at a solid level. I just CANT remember if we were fast paced that year and it looked like Gus had a bunch of control of the offense.

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The main reason I asked this question is that I am trying to figure out how much I need to dampen my hopes for a good season.

2009 with Chris Todd is what keeps popping up in my head. We were a feisty squad that played at a solid level. I just CANT remember if we were fast paced that year and it looked like Gus had a bunch of control of the offense.

We were fast for a lot of games, sure. Everyone remembers Tennessee players falling to the ground gassed because we were going at such a fast pace. But there were a ton of games where I was screaming for the offense to hurry up. I was completely confused as to why a man claiming to run an offense called the "HUNH" was taking the full play clock to run a play. I figured maybe it was because the players weren't used to the hurry up, and needed a year to adjust. I know the real reason for the inconsistencies now. Btw, in my opinion it got worse every year. Gus was forced to go slower and slower, probably because of Chizik's ego about the defense.

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Gus's offense also varies its pace. After some plays we may see the O rush to get lined up, but the play won't be run right away. Make the defense get ready with the threat of snapping the ball quick, but also leaving the offense with a chance to audible.

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Coach Chizik slowed down the offense because the defense was constantly on the field, causing problems with injuries and fatigue. Everyone should have noticed that the defense was instantly better, holding SC to 13 and UF to 6. This is the SEC, not the Big 12. I'm afraid if we go super fast, we will be making a huge mistake.

Huh? Really? Tampa2 defense is not ur friend!
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The main reason I asked this question is that I am trying to figure out how much I need to dampen my hopes for a good season.

2009 with Chris Todd is what keeps popping up in my head. We were a feisty squad that played at a solid level. I just CANT remember if we were fast paced that year and it looked like Gus had a bunch of control of the offense.

We were fast for a lot of games, sure. Everyone remembers Tennessee players falling to the ground gassed because we were going at such a fast pace. But there were a ton of games where I was screaming for the offense to hurry up. I was completely confused as to why a man claiming to run an offense called the "HUNH" was taking the full play clock to run a play. I figured maybe it was because the players weren't used to the hurry up, and needed a year to adjust. I know the real reason for the inconsistencies now. Btw, in my opinion it got worse every year. Gus was forced to go slower and slower, probably because of Chizik's ego about the defense.

A good example was to watch the IB in 2009. Gus ran his pace the first half and destroyed bama, then the second half CGC went to ball control and our offense started the three and out and let bama come back. After we got behind he let the offense go again and we came the length of the field in 1 minute and 20 seconds, I think without any timeouts, bama didn't win that game CGC gave it to them. JMHO.

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The main reason I asked this question is that I am trying to figure out how much I need to dampen my hopes for a good season.

2009 with Chris Todd is what keeps popping up in my head. We were a feisty squad that played at a solid level. I just CANT remember if we were fast paced that year and it looked like Gus had a bunch of control of the offense.

We were fast for a lot of games, sure. Everyone remembers Tennessee players falling to the ground gassed because we were going at such a fast pace. But there were a ton of games where I was screaming for the offense to hurry up. I was completely confused as to why a man claiming to run an offense called the "HUNH" was taking the full play clock to run a play. I figured maybe it was because the players weren't used to the hurry up, and needed a year to adjust. I know the real reason for the inconsistencies now. Btw, in my opinion it got worse every year. Gus was forced to go slower and slower, probably because of Chizik's ego about the defense.

A good example was to watch the IB in 2009. Gus ran his pace the first half and destroyed bama, then the second half CGC went to ball control and our offense started the three and out and let bama come back. After we got behind he let the offense go again and we came the length of the field in 1 minute and 20 seconds, I think without any timeouts, bama didn't win that game CGC gave it to them. JMHO.

I had forgotten that!

I recalled the speed of the ut game but not bammer.

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